Where are you on your journey?
On Sunday, Jesus finally gets to Jerusalem after all his travelling. He's walked through teeming towns and quiet backwaters, out into fields and up onto hillsides. He's met many people, walked many miles, slept in many locations --- sometimes getting a good night's sleep, sometimes fitfully tossing and turning.
We know this journey. We've travelled in our lifetimes, too - figuratively and literally. We've gone into places familiar or strange, been greeted warmly or sometimes shunned. Just like Jesus, we've felt uncertain, at peace, on top of our game, and afraid. Like Jesus, we've come this far on our journeys - and now what?
What happens in Jerusalem? On the next two Sundays, and during the "Holy Week" in between, you can choose to enter into that city or forego it, skipping everything until Easter. But I urge you to enter the city gates this Sunday, waving your palms with the crowd. Be in the mob that enacts the "Passion": the betrayal, arrest, trial and death of Jesus. Visit on Good Friday when he hangs on the cross, begging God, "Forgive them, they know not what they do."
The King's Chapel traditions provide a powerful way to experience the journey that Jesus knew, and that we all can know: from celebration to utter despair to a wholly unexpected ending - hope in a love everlasting. If you can't be at our services, then read the story in the
Gospel of Luke.
We need to know death before we can know resurrection. I wish that weren't true, but it seems to be. And resurrection will change your life. Join us in Jerusalem this Sunday.
Easter Flower Dedications
Every year for Easter, our sanctuary is beautifully decorated with tulips, daffodils, hydrangeas and other exuberant signs of spring.
If you would like to contribute flowers for the Easter Service as a memorial to a loved one, please send to the Parish House:
1) the name of individuals you wish to honor or remember
2) your name, address, phone number and email
3) a check ($50/ per Easter Memorial Plant) with "Easter Flowers" in the memo line
4) Whether you would like to pick these up immediately after the service or take to a shut-in.
ATTN: Parish Administrator
King's Chapel Parish House
64 Beacon Street
Boston MA 02108
Palm Sunday
March 20 11AM at King's Chapel
We mark Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem with palm branches and procession, but our shouts of acclamation take a sharp turn as we read aloud the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Holy Wednesday
March 23
6PM at King's Chapel
A service of candlelight and communion.
Maundy Thursday
March 24
6PM at King's Chapel
A service of Foot Washing and Holy Communion to commemorate the Last Supper.
Good Friday | Noon Prayer
March 25
12:15 PM at King's Chapel
The most somber day in the Christian calendar is marked with prayer, silence, and the reading of the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Good Friday | Tenebrae
March 25
8PM at King's Chapel
We greet the setting sun with this service of shadows, readings, and music by members of the King's Chapel Choir. The word tenebrae, meaning "darkness," refers to the darkening of the sky at the time of the crucifixion, and to the darkening of the church during the course of this service.
The Great Easter Vigil
March 26 8PM at King's Chapel
This service of light features readings, renewal of baptismal vows, and Holy Communion as we keep vigil and await the empty tomb of Easter. The music is based on the Orthodox Liturgy and is sung by King's Chapel Choir.
Easter Sunday
March 27 11AM at King's Chapel
With triumphal music and gladness, we greet the empty tomb and give God great thanksgiving for the hope brought to us through the mystery of the resurrection.
Help Decorate our Beautiful Sanctuary
The chancel committee is asking for help decorating the church for Easter
Sunday. Decorating will take place on the
March 26th. As Lent draws to a close, I can promise you hot chocolate, donuts, plus lots of fun and laughter! We will meet at the church at
10 AM. Please notify Gretchen Horton, Parish Administrator, if you can help.
Anne Sexton
On March 12, the Invitations to be a Steward of King's Chapel for 2016 were mailed. Please keep a lookout in your mailbox for your packet! If you do not get one, call Gretchen, Parish Administrator, at
617-227-2155 x 108 to request a copy, or email at
gretchen@kings-chapel.org. Don't be shy!
Our Senior Warden Cliff Allen was a First Responder with his pledge to the Stewardship Campaign. Thank you, Cliff! More news next week!
- John Appleton, co-chair Annual Stewardship Campaign
Lenten Study: Voices from the Gospel of Luke |
Have you ever wanted an overview of the whole life of Jesus - a summary, so you could get the gist? Here's your opportunity. Tonight, our final in our Lenten study, we will read the Gospel of Luke, the lectionary text that King's Chapel will be following throughout the year.
We'll read from a simple play script written by a colleague of mine, using voices of men and women from Luke. Participants can "read" a voice from the Gospel script, or just listen. Each reading will be followed by a discussion led by the Rev. Joy Fallon. No preparation is required; scripts are provided. You may choose to worship at the 6 PM service beforehand, or not; all are welcome. We'll serve a light dinner of soup.
Listening Over Lunch, Palm Sunday | March 20, 2016 | Immediately after the Palm Sunday Service
What are your beliefs? And doesn't it help to listen to someone else articulating their beliefs, or their big questions?
Some of our parishioners have been brave enough to share their experience with us at
church or on our
We also had an informal opportunity last fall, when the Adult Religious Education Committee first hosted a "Listening Over Lunch". People liked it so much that we will meet again over a light lunch at the Parish House. We will sit at small round tables, each with a discussion host and focus questions to help us begin. RSVP much appreciated. Contact Gretchen Horton at
SAVE THE DATE: King's Chapel Concert Series: Mozart Mini Marathon | Sunday, April 17
The King's Chapel Choir, soloists, and chamber orchestra, conducted by Heinrich Christensen, present Mozart's Missa Brevis in B Flat Major, KV 275, and Vesperae Solennes de Confessore, KV 339.
Doors open at 4:30pm, open seating. Validated discount parking is available at One Beacon Garage, across the street from the chapel. Tickets are on sale now, click here to purchase!
New Members Class & Brunch
| Save the Date
Those interested in learning more about membership at King's Chapel are invited to a New Members Class on April 21st at 6:30PM at the Parish House. This class provides a brief history of the church, explores our diversity of beliefs, and explains how we govern ourselves. Dinner will be provided. This class is open to those considering membership and to those who are curious about King's Chapel.
A light brunch will follow Morning Prayer on April 24th at the Parish House for those interested in joining King's Chapel. We will be joined by committee chairs and vestry members. To RSVP for the class and/or brunch, contact Gretchen Horton at
Lecture Series on Unitarianism - History and Where We Go, April and May
Rev. Stephen Kendrick, of First Church Boston, will give this Spring's three Minns lectures on the Wednesday evenings of April 27, May 4 and May 11, at his church. The topic is Unitarian Universalist life - past, present, and future. For more information, and to sign up, go to the Minns Lectures website:
. Dinners will be provided at 6 pm, and the lectures will begin at about 7:15 PM, at First Church.
20th Annual Walk for Peace
King's Chapel will again participate in the Annual Walk for Peace this year on Sunday, May 8th, beginning at 7:00 AM. Last year we had 17 walkers; we hope we can increase that number this year. This event sees thousands come together to support the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, an organization which works to help comfort families and communities impacted by murder, trauma, grief, and loss. They also teach a peace curriculum to children and teenagers. More information forthcoming. Contact Carol Genovese with any questions,
Hearing Your Thoughts | Community Action Committee
The Community Action Committee is currently gathering information regarding increasing our involvement in creating a better city, and a better world. We would like input from the congregation as to where your interests lie. Please let me know what issues you would like to see addressed. What do you think are the most important problems facing our city/world? Do you currently do volunteer work? If yes, where? What type of issues would you like to be involved in? Please send your thoughts, suggestions and comments to judyg143@gmail.com.
Thank You,
Judy Luca, CAC Chair
Wednesday, March 16, 6PM
The Rev. Shawn Fiedler,
- Emily Bieber, Soloist
- Micah Niemy, Hospitality
Sunday, March 20, 9AM at The Little Chapel
The Rev. Joy Fallon,
Sunday, March 20, 11AM | Palm Sunday
The Reading of the Passion
- Anne Sexton, Lector
- Mary Sears, Soloist
- Anne Sexton, Head Usher
- Sylvia Soderberg, Usher in Charge
- KC Dalton, Betsy Peterson, and Todd Lee, Ushers
- Carolyn Conley-Das, Verger
The Readings:
- Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29
- Old Testament: Isaiah 50: 4-9a
- New Testament: Luke 19: 28-40
The flowers on the communion table are given in loving memory of Marshall Herbert Lykins,
by his wife Betty Sweaney Lykins and his daughter Elizabeth Lykins.
At the communion rail following the service, Todd Lee
will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
From the Bench
By Heinrich Christensen
The music
this Sunday closely reflects the journey from triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm
through the travails of the Passion story read in place of the sermon, and ends in abject desolation as we ponder Jesus' sacrifice.
We will begin with Welshman William Mathias' festive Processional, followed by Christopher Mueller's Hosanna to the Son of David for the Choral Introit. Already at the motet, we get a sense of what is to come, in former choir member Adam Jacob Simon's haunting piece entitled Inman, set to a dramatic text by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), sometimes dubbed "The Father of English Hymnody". Raised a non-conformist, Watts was not able to attend Cambridge nor Oxford, as they were reserved for Anglicans. He went on to serve as the pastor of a large independent chapel in London.
Alas! and did my Savior bleed
And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I?
Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!
Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker died,
For man the creature's sin.
Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.
But drops of grief can ne'er repay
The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give my self away
'Tis all that I can do.
Our Offertory by Charles Wood again recalls the entry into Jerusalem with Glory and Honor and Laud.
After the Passion, the choir will sing Otto Mortensen's setting of James Weldon Johnson's beautiful Since You Went Away for the Benediction Response, and the postlude will be Buxtehude's pensive setting of the famous Passion Chorale, pointing ahead to the Holy Week services still to come.
Tuesday, March 22, 12:15 PM
Jake & Sarah, saxophone duo Bach, Telemann, Melits, Cote
Interested in Membership?
More News from
The Parish
We Rejoice with those who Rejoice
We once again rejoice with Paul and Judy Luca, who are
celebrating yet another granchild's
birth! On Monday, March 14, at 6:28am, Norah Belle (Beautiful Light) Straz came into the world, weighing 6lbs 8oz, with a height of 19 3/4". Baby, Mama Wendi, and Daddy Justin are doing great!
We are pleased to learn that 2015 Oscar nominee for best foreign language film,
Embrace of the Serpent, has a connection to a King's Chapel member! Ciro Guerra's recent film was based partially on the diaries of Richard Evans Schultes, famed ethnologist
and long-time member of Kings Chapel. The Schultes character is called Evan in the movie. For more information on the film,
click here.
Tuesday, March 29 at 6:00 PM
Community Action Committee Meeting-
Tuesday, April 5 at 6:30 PM
Vestry Meeting-
Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 PM
Accessibility Assists
Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.
A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.
Contributing to Between Sundays
Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Simon at
simon@kings-chapel.org with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at Noon!