Tell Your Senators: NO Cuts to Medicaid
Proposed Medicaid cuts would have a devastating impact on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If your loved one:
  • lives in a group home
  • has the help of a job coach
  • attends a day program 
  • receives respite services or
  • behavioral supports

Did you know that special education is hugely reliant on Medicaid and that it helps pay for therapies (such as OT and PT), equipment and specialized transportation? If your child depends on those types of supports, then MEDICAID MATTERS to YOU. 

These are just a few examples of the many, many things Medicaid makes possible for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. That is why we need your help. Tell your representatives that MEDICAID MATTERS to YOU.  
Take Action:
The Senate is now debating the American Health Care Act, which was passed by the House on May 4th.  Your Senators must understand the importance of Medicaid in the lives of people with disabilities and their families, so we can stop bad health care legislation for good.  Senators are currently looking at placing caps on how much states can spend on Medicaid services. Experience shows that over time these caps would mean devastating cuts to services. 

Here's what to say:
  • I am a member of The Arc.
  • I am a person with I/DD (or a family member of someone with I/DD, or a professional in the disability field).
  • I (or my family member) depend(s) on Medicaid long term supports (or home and community supports) to live in my/our community.
  • Please OPPOSE any legislation that will cut or cap Medicaid.
  • These types of cuts would be devastating to me/us and other people with disabilities and their families.
For additional information, see The Arc's fact sheet about Medicaid .
How else can you help?

Share on Facebook and Twitter this video below about  Soojung & Alice. Soojung's daughter Alice was born with Rett syndrome and relies on Medicaid to get the care she needs to survive and thrive.

Meet Soojung & Alice
Meet Soojung & Alice

We appreciate all your calls and advocacy over these past few months and we know we can count on you to keep fighting. 
Your Advocacy Tool Belt
We know that calling your representatives may feel overwhelming. We want to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your advocacy role. Below are some resources to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us