Committee Corner
Summer is upon us and with it comes many opportunities for our amateur and junior riders to shine! Whether you're participating in an EAP Regional Training Session; representing Zone 10 at the North American Championships for Children's, Junior, and Young Riders, qualifying for USEF Pony Finals, heading to the USHJA Children's and Adult Amateur Hunter Regional Championships, or competing in the Zone 10 HOTY or Stirrup Cup championships, we wish you the best of luck and hope you learn many valuable lessons along the way!

Kathy Hobstetter
Co-Chair, Zone 10 Committee
Ned Glynn
Co-Chair, Zone 10 Committee

Apply for USHJA Zones 9 & 10  Jumper Team Championships

Barbara and JF Justinian at the 2016 USHJA Championships. Photo credit: Sarah Morrison
It's not too late to apply to have your points count toward qualifying for the USHJA Zones 9 & 10 Jumper Team Championships

Barbara Blasko (Peter Petschenig, trainer), part of the gold medal winning Adult Amateur team last year, was enthusiastic about the Jumper Team Championships. 

"I love competing as part of a team. You want to do well not just for yourself, but for the team," Barbara shared. "The camaraderie is amazing! There is always great support from the USHJA and it makes us amateurs feel important and appreciated."

Barbara has participated in the Jumper Team Championships for the past three years and strongly recommends them to other riders.  

"It is an experience that builds long lasting friendships," Barbara commented. "As amateur riders, this is something that we would never get a chance to experience otherwise. It's the same format as a Nation's Cup, but you get all of the fun and none of the intense pressure." 

This year, the program has expanded up to the 1.35m level, allowing more riders the opportunity to participate.  

"I think it's great that they have expanded the program. It will give amateur riders at all levels the ability to experience such a fun and exciting event," Barbara said. "I look forward to this event every year and I think that anyone who can compete should absolutely do it!"

National Sunshine Series II  
November 10-12, 2017 
Thermal, California
Application Deadline and Points Lock: September 26

Note our new deadline and APPLY!! This is your chance to get identified by sport leadership as part of the NEW USHJA Emerging Jumper Rider ProgramAll riders who applied and met the criteria at the time of the original application closing deadline of May 1 will be invited to the Championships.
Jenny Karazissis and Undeniable Clinch
2017 WCHR West Coast Hunter Spectacular 
Jenny Karazissis and Hope Town Farms' Undeniable took home top honors at the 2017 WCHR West Coast Hunter Spectacular. Photo credit: Kim Miller for EqSol/USHJA Archives.
Coastal Southern California's traditional "June Gloom" weather was no match for the brilliant performances in the $25,000 World Championship Hunter Rider West Coast Hunter Spectacular. Incorporating rounds at three fence heights, 3'6", 3'9" and 4'0", this fifth West Coast staging of the class drew a wide range of experience in horses and riders, highlighted by an eighth-place finish from 12-year-old Augusta Iwasaki on Vlock Show Stables' Boris.
But it was familiar professional faces and horses that took top honors. Jenny Karazissis and longtime ride, Undeniable, owned by Hope Town Farms, checked another impressive win off their wish list, finishing five points ahead, with an overall average of 180.75. 

Finishing second this season was last year's winning rider and fellow member of West Coast Hunter royalty, John French, who hopped on his mount, amateur rider Lindsay Maxwell's Largesse, for the first time shortly before the class began. Read more.
What's Your Horsemanship IQ?

1. True or false? When putting on a blanket, one should always buckle the chest straps first.

2. How many feet are in a six-stride line?
a. 48
b. 59
c. 84
d. 95

3. A horse has __ lumbar vertebrae?

To find out the answers, scroll to the bottom of this eNews! If horsemanship knowledge is important to you, check out the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge, presented by  The Plaid Horse HQC is a fun online quiz members 21 and younger can take for a chance to attend HQC Nationals and win prizes and scholarships to Lake Erie College.  Register here

USHJA Stable Challenge Is HERE!

Right now, USHJA invites members of ALL AGES to team up and put their horsemanship knowledge to the test in the 30-day USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Stable Challenge . One winning barn in each Zone will be awarded a great prize pack!

Take the Challenge today!

1. Gather your entire barn (at least three people must participate)

2. Study the guide

4. Enter your trainer's name (trainer must be a USHJA member)

5. Repeat!

Participants under the age of 21 can give their barn an edge by earning bonus points when they take the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge. The winner from each zone will receive a fantastic prize pack for their trainer/barn thanks to USHJA sponsors  Charles OwenCWDEquestrian CoachProfessional's ChoicePerfect ProductsRood and Riddle Equine HospitalShapley'sStandlee and The Plaid Horse
Zone 10 Junior and Young Rider Teams Named for FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships
Congratulations to our Zone 10 Junior and Young Rider teams! These riders will be representing Zone 10 July 19-23 in Saugerties, New York, at the 2017 FEI North American Championships for Children's, Junior, and Young Riders. 

2017 Zone 10 Young Rider Team
  • Sarah Baz
  • Natalie Dean
  • Sydney Hutchins
  • Hayden Zadel
  • Emma Reichow
2017 Zone 10 Junior Rider Team
  • Alyce Bittar
  • Katherine Brewer
  • Hannah Loly
  • Danielle Lean
  • Sophia Siegel
The FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships, fondly known as NAJYRC, is a renowned program that provides young riders the opportunity to compete in a Nation's Cup-style team competition. This year, the championships have added an exciting new division: the North American Children's Championship.  All championships will feature an individual competition as well as the team competition, with teams filled by Zone. The Zone 10 Children's Team will be named next month. Click here for more information about the championships.
U.S. Pony Finals Coming Up in August!
Photo credit: Shawn McMillen Photography
Don't forget that the USEF Pony Finals presented by Collecting Gaits Farm  is just a few months away August 8-13! We hope many of our riders will be heading to The Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Ky., to represent Zone 10 in the pony divisions. Entries close July 17!

A reminder that the 2017 U.S. Pony Jumper Championships will be held in conjunction with the USEF Pony Finals.  The qualifying period for the Pony Jumper Championships ended on June 1 and June 21 is the final deadline to submit any results corrections.  Standings will be finalized on June 26. Hope to see several of our Zone 10 pony riders there!
Journey to the Championships
Caitlyn Shiels and Cassius, left, and Jenny Karazissis and Big Shot are two combinations preparing for the championships.  Photo credits: Alison Hartwell and Katie Aviv

Zone 10's Jenny Karazissis is planning to compete in both the Platinum Performance/USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Championship and the USHJA International Hunter Derby Championship again this year. Read more about her journey to the championships here

Are you headed to the Green Hunter Incentive or International Hunter Derby championships? We invite all competitors to share their story with us by posting their photos and stories in social media using the hashtags #GoForGreen and #DestinationDerby , respectively, or email stories here.  
Nominate Someone Deserving Today!
USHJA Awards Trophies. Photo credit Tricia Booker/USHJA Archives

Do you know someone who is deserving of recognition? Check out our member-nominated awards, and fill out a nomination form to recognize someone for their contributions to our sport!

Award Description Deadline
Recognizes Amateur Owners and Adult Amateurs who exhibit excellence and integrity by supporting fellow competitors and volunteering their time. July 31 
Lifetime Achievement Award Honors members whose lifelong involvement in the sport and with USHJA has benefited the industry. July 31
Jane Marshall Dillon Award Recognizes an individual who has devoted his/her life to teaching and mentoring riders beginning their education in the sport.  July 31
Mrs. A.C. Randolph Owners Legacy Award Honors an owner who has created a legacy of giving back to the sport through continued dedication and support.  July 31
USHJA Youth Leadership Award Identifies potential future leaders in the equine industry, while recognizing youth for their achievements. Sept. 1
USEF Youth Sportsman's Award USHJA nominates one member for this award, which is presented annually to a USEF member under 18 who exemplifies sportsmanship. Sept. 1
Vital Horse Show Staff Award Recognizes two committed horse show staff members (one from each coast) who often work behind the scenes but are essential to the success of horse shows.  Oct. 5
Upcoming Events
Don't miss out on exciting upcoming USHJA programs, events and opportunities: 

Date Event Additional Information
July 12-16 EAP Regional Training Session at Los Angeles Equestrian Center Click for auditing info
July 17 Entry deadline for USEF Pony Finals presented by Collecting Gaits Farm Click for more info
July 19-23 EAP Regional Training Session, Sonoma Horse Park, Petaluma, Calif. Click for auditing info
July 18-23 USHJA Children's and Adult Amateur Hunter West Regional Championships, Oregon High Desert Classic I, Bend, Ore.  Click for more info
July 31 Deadline to nominate someone for the following awards
  • Amateur Sportsmanship Award
  • Jane Marshall Dillon Award
  • Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Mrs. A.C. Randolph Owners Legacy Award
Click for more info
Aug. 8-13 Zone 10 HOTY Hunter Championship, Menlo Charity Horse Show, Atherton, Calif.  Click for more info
Aug. 8-13 USEF Pony Finals presented by Collecting Gaits Farm Click for more info
Aug. 31-Sept. 3 Zone 10 Stirrup Cup Championship, Gold Coast Labor Day, Burbank, Calif. Click for more info
Sept. 26  Application deadline and points lock for USHJA Zones 9 & 10 Jumper Team Championships Click for more info

Click here  for the Zone 10 calendar of events.
Sponsors and Partners
The USHJA would like to thank the following sponsors and partners for their support of our many programs and endeavors. For more information, click the sponsor logo(s) below.

Official USHJA Sponsors

Additional USHJA Sponsors & Partners

HQC Answers:
1. True
2. c. 84 feet
3. Six

How did you do? Click here to register to take the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge, presented by The Plaid Horse!
United States Hunter Jumper Association 
3870 Cigar Lane
Lexington, KY 40511
P: 859.225.6700 
F: 859.258.9033