Houmas House Plantation

T hank  You  for  Choosing  Houmas  House!

The results are in!  After a month of voting from our fans and the readers of USA Today,  Houmas House was chosen as the BEST Louisiana Attraction for 2017.

We sincerely appreciate everyone who took time to vote each day and cheer us on as the contest progressed.  

Houmas House Plantation strives to give guests a memorable experience with each visit.  From our ever-changing menus, to the color renewal of the gardens, to the exciting tour, we hope our guests have fond memories of their visit.  And with the addition of our 21 room Inn at Houmas House, each visit can now be extended to two days!  

We hope your next vacation to South Louisiana includes a stop at Houmas House Plantation. See you soon!

  D o g   D a y s   of    S u m m e r
As   s e e n   b y   P r i n c e s s   M  a g g i e                  
Long days, warm nights, and the steady flow of the Mississippi River all make the perfect setting for long naps under these mossy oaks.  Summer days are perfect for a picnic on the front lawn or just sipping a cocktail and watching the tugboats go by. 
My Sugar Palace has become quite a retreat these days. With the addition of The Inn at Houmas House, guests can enjoy the ambiance of the mansion and gardens through the night.  And the early morning fog is quite a site as it covers the gardens. 
There is still plenty of time to visit before summer comes to an end. Come sit-a-spell with me and enjoy these dog days of summer.        

Much Love,


Princess Maggie has become a well-known fixture at Houmas House. She can usually be found riding on the golf cart accompanying guests driven around the property. If you see her, be sure to say hello and give her a sweet pat. 

Secrets  from  the  Kitchens  of  Houmas  House
Louisiana Seafood Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce
Serves 4
1 lb Louisiana Crawfish tail meat
1 lb fresh shrimp
2 lb penne pasta
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup chopped yellow onions
2 teaspoons minced garlic
2 1/2 cups chopped, seeded tomatoes
1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped
1/2 cup shellfish stock
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 cup heavy cream
grated Parmesans cheese
salt and pepper to taste
In a large pot, boil pasta in salted water until pasta is cooked.  Drain pasta and cool under cold running water, set aside.
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the crawfish, shrimp, onions, and cook, about 3 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes, basil, and cook until the tomatoes give up their liquid, about 5 minutes, stirring from time to time. Add the shellfish broth, tomato paste, and heavy cream. Bring to a boil and cook until reduced by 50 percent in volume.  Season sauce with salt and pepper.  Add cooked pasta and gently toss in the cream sauce.  When pasta is heated though, serve large pastas bowls and top with Parmesans cheese.

Stay Connected with Houmas House
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Now we are offering advance ticket sales for our Garden and Mansion tour and our Houmas House Experience Tour with Transportation from New Orleans. Click below for more information.
See what others have to say about their experience at Houmas House. Click below for our Trip Advisor page!
 Open  Daily      


Sunday-Saturday: 9 am-7 pm

Cafe Burnside: 11 am-2 pm daily

Latil's Landing: Wed-Sat 6 pm-9 pm

Sunday Brunch: 11 am-3 pm

The Carriage House Restaurant:

    Breakfast- 8 am-10 am

    Dinner- 5 pm- 9 pm



   Directions to Houmas House Here




Houmas House Plantation | 40136 Hwy 942 (River Road) | Darrow, LA | 70725

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