Spring 2017, Week 10
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm & Friday 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | | 
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"I change myself, I change the world." 
Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Upcoming Events!

Pantano Camp
Friday, June 9th, 2017 
6:30-8:30pm, LGBT Resource Center

Come de-stress before finals at the LGBT Resource Center's very first annual Pantano* Camp. Come join us at the screening of Shrek in Spanish! 

The screening will start at 7pm. Subtitles will be in either in English or Spanish depending on the audience.
*Pantano translates to swamp

Rainbow Graduation
Saturday, June 10th, 2017 
2-4pm, UC San Diego Faculty Club 

Please join the UC San Diego LGBT community as we come together to honor the students who are graduating, our volunteers, our scholarship recipients and all who have impacted our community over the last year.

The event serves as the formal induction of the graduates into the family of the UC San Diego LGBT Alumni. Although many people do get dressed up for the event, it tends to be a queer little get together, with all the trappings of our community, so be yourself.
If you are graduating, please complete the form here
Contact Shaun Travers at for more information or if you have questions!!

LGBTRC 24 Hour Study Jam
Sun. June 11 at 6pm -  
Mon. June 12 at 7pm
LGBT Resource Center

Stop by the LGBTRC for our Quarterly 24 Hour Study Jam. We'll have plenty of coffee and snacks available.

Peer Educator Workshop Requests

In need of workshops that provide incite on LGBTQIA+ issues and information about the community? The LGBT center is taking requests for workshop presentations to be given around campus upon request. 

For more information and to request a workshop, please visit the website. We are under the "Services" tab as the Social Justice Peer Educator Program. 

LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program

Is your organization or group interested in partnering with the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center? Are you looking to start your own LGBTQIA+ org? Need a meeting space? Looking for leadership opportunities? Check out our Affiliate Program! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program has a variety of perks and opportunities for your organization. Check out our website for the application and more details. For questions contact
For more Program info click here
Click here to access an Application

Queer Student Orgs and Affiliates 

Queer Student Orgs and Affiliates LGBT Resource Center

Queer Sixers United (QSUN)
Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00pm

Fluid Attraction
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm

Men's Group
Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00pm

Black Queer Collective
Even Week Thursdays, 12:30-1:30pm

Queer Trans People of Color (QTPOC)
Odd Thursdays, 6:00-8:00pm

Fridays, 6:00-7:00pm

Do you have library recommendations?

Is there anything you'd like to see added to our library at the LGBT Resource Center? Well you're in luck, our library intern is currently looking for recommendations!

If there is a book, magazine, comic, CD, etc. that you think would be a great addition, feel free to let us know by filling out this survey!

LGBTQIA+ Leaders for 2016-2017

We're creating a community roster of LGBTQIA+ student leaders on campus to keep the community better updated of resources and opportunities. You have the option for your information to remain internal - for the LGBT Resource Center Professional Staff to be able to contact you regarding opportunities OR for it to be public- to be listed on our website for peers and community to know who our student leaders are.

Submit your info  here.  F or questions, contact Maribel Gomez at
Campus Community Centers


Black Graduation Volunteers Needed!
Friday, June 16, 2017
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm, Mandeville Auditorium 

Sign up HERE to volunteer for this joyous event and support our graduating seniors! 


Breather Series: Arts and Crafts
Thursday, June 8th, 2017
12pm-3pm,  Cross-Cultural Center

Come to de-stress or take a break from work or school. Take home what you create, whether it is a picture frame, wooden box, canvas, etc. All supplies provided! All are welcome!

RRC Writing Collective
Friday, June 9th, 2017 
12pm-2pm,  RRC Conference Room

Whether it is academic writing for class, preparing that resume for the job hunt, or cleaning up your scholarship application, come thru every Friday from 12pm-2pm.
RRC Director, Gerardo Arellano will be in attendance helping undergraduate and graduate scholars a like.
Don't postpone your writing! Come and write with others in a fun, supportive environment!
Light refreshments are always provided.


Black Women's Collective
Thursday, June 8th, 2017, 5pm - 6:30pm
Women's Center Small Meeting Room

The last meeting of the year is happening this Thursday. Come hungry, we'll have dinner from Hi Thai! Join us for a biweekly discussion group to come together and share our experiences as Black women at UC San Diego. This program is a Women's Center and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) collaboration.
This Week at the RC

Rainbow Newsletter submissions: 

If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please fill out the contribution form here on our website or email
Community Classifieds

Finals Week Extended Study Hours
Want to study somewhere other than Geisel Library during finals week?
Check out the extended study hours for all the resource centers on campus!

Therapy Fluffies Extravaganza
Tuesday, June 13th, 2017
10am-2pm, Library Walk

The popular pups are back! The Zone will be bringing nearly two dozen certified therapy dogs throughout the course of the day to campus to help you de-stress during finals! Studies show that animal therapy has many health benefits, including stress reduction. Come play, relax and de-stress with nearly two dozen fun-loving pups during finals week!
Check out the  Facebook Event for more info, or contact The Zone at or 858.534.5553

UC San Diego Health Supporting San Diego's LGBT Community
Wednesday, June 21st, 2017
3:30-5pmUC San Diego Medical Center

We're lighting UC San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest in rainbow colors for the month of July.
Join us in celebrating the LGBT community and our commitment to health care equality.
Please join us and special guest
Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom
for the Celebration of Pride.
The event will include live music from
the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus and
complimentary refreshments.

RSVP here

QTPOC Art Show 
Friday July 14th, 2017
Centro Cultural de la Raza

****Calling all QTPOC Artists!****

We welcome all art forms! Submissions are closed to QTPOC-identified people

We accept spoken word, dance, performances, visual art, all paint mediums, print-making, zines, photography, and poetry.

Theme is to be determined, but general theme is related to decolonization, anti-racism, autonomy, and the transformation and liberation of QTPOC people. We are looking for artists now!

We will have vendors, food, community organizations who will table and a beautiful night of music, performance, dance and art

Questions? e-mail questions and submissions to