On Friday, January 6, the Season of Epiphany will be ushered in with the Festival of the Epiphany observing the arrival of the Magi to adore the Christ Child. The basic meaning of epiphany in Greek is appearance or manifestation, and this word is related to a verb meaning to reveal or shine forth. Throughout the Season of Epiphany, we will hear scripture lessons that tell of the miracles and teachings of Jesus. Through these stories, we learn how people have come to understand Jesus. On Sunday, we will observe the Festival of the Epiphany. We will join the
Magi in observing "the star at its rising" and ponder its meaning and purpose.
Morning Light and Church School Resume
Please note that Morning Light service will resume, along with Church School and Nursery Care, beginning on January 8
Join us Sunday for De-Greening!
Sadly, the Christmas holidays are over and the greens must come down. Please join us this
Sunday, January 8th, immediately following the Morning Prayer service. Many hands make light work, and if many pitch in we will finish in time to get to the Parish House for a delicious luncheon prior to the Pre-Annual Meeting Hearing. No need to register, just show up! Thank you!
Pre-Annual Meeting Hearing at King's Chapel January 8 | 12:30 PM
The Pre-Annual Meeting Hearing will be held today, January 8, 2017, at the Parish House for the purpose of asking questions, discussing agenda items, airing and resolving confusions or problems with matters which will come before the Annual Meeting. A light lunch will precede the Hearing. The Hearing itself will start around 1:00 PM and end about 2:30 PM. The Annual Meeting will be held on January 29, 2017, at 12:30 PM, following a short break after Morning Prayer. We will meet back in the sanctuary after a light snack in the vestibule. The meeting will end no later than 2:30.
Pre-Annual Meeting Luncheon
A light lunch will precede the hearing at the Parish House on
Sunday January 8th at 12:30. Chili (two kinds), salad and bread will be served. If you would like to bring cookies or a dessert, please do!
Martin Luther King Weekend and the Inauguration | Special Services | Sunday January 15 | 11 AM, Wednesday, January 18 6 PM
In light of the upcoming conclusion of Barack Obama's presidency, and the Inauguration of Donald Trump, our worship during the week of January 15-21 will give thanks for the legacy of Dr. King and President Obama, two of our country's most significant African American leaders. Theirs is a remarkable achievement, in a country founded with slavery, whose economic engine has often run on the unpaid or underpaid work of those with least power. As our nation swears in our President and his choice of leaders, we will pray for their wisdom, their commitment to the economic welfare of all, the end of civil and military strife, and the flourishing of all peoples across the world.
Theology on Tap at the Kinsale Pub Wednesday, January 18 | 7 PM
Believer. Non-believer. Confident. Curious. Join us for a lively discussion of big questions at a local pub or bar. Past topics have included: Sin, Who is Jesus?, The Trinity (or lack thereof!), Resurrection, What happens after death? Anyone 21 and over is welcome to join. On January 18th we will discuss "Church and State in President Trump's America". For more information, contact shawn@kings-chapel.org.
New Members Join the Church January 22 | 11 AM
On Sunday, January 22 at Morning Prayer, new members to King's Chapel will join our church. If you are interested in becoming a member of King's Chapel, or simply have questions about what it entails, please speak with one of the ministers, or with Membership Committee Chair Cathy Price, cmmp48@comcast.net. We welcome all!
Concert Series: Composer's Lab
Discover tomorrow's classics today!
A carefully curated program of exciting new choral music by living composers.
Includes new treatments of familiar tunes, and beloved poetry by Emily Dickinson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, as well as the world premiere of Very Short Songs, set by Heinrich Christensen to the acerbic texts of Dorothy Parker. Composers include Stacy Garrop, Leslee Wood, Scott Anthony Shell, Ben Zucker, Shawn Kirchner, and local heroes Megan Henderson and Adam Jacob Simon.
The concert will be followed by a festive reception at the King's Chapel Parish House in recognition of a significant gift by former music committee chair Elizabeth Thomson with a view to fully funding the position of music director at King's Chapel in perpetuity.
Annual Meeting: Thanks to our Outgoing Warden Cliff Allen | January 29
On Sunday January 29, we will elect new wardens, thank outgoing Senior Warden Cliff Allen, and hear the annual Minister's Report to the congregation. We need a quorum of 50 members. Please plan to join us immediately following Morning Prayer, in the sanctuary.
Save the Dates | Annual Retreats: Learning to Pray | February 17-19
Not sure how to pray or what its benefits might be? That's true for many of us, both newcomers and long-timers in church. In the beauty and peace of the Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, Rev. Fallon will offer examples of ways to pray that we will all get to try, including these: daily reflections on your moments of greatest joy and greatest sadness; prayer with scripture (thinking about which character you may be in the story); prayer while doing art or while singing; and wordless prayer while meditating or reflecting on an icon or object. Come to explore, for one session, or for Friday night through Sunday morning. To register or for questions, contact parishadministrator@kings-chapel.org. |
New Year's Eve Dinner at King's Chapel
The spirit of the new year was ushered in at the Parish House as members and friends gathered to say farewell to 2016 and celebrate the time shared. A lovely buffet was enjoyed by all and lively conversation filled the room.
We at King's Chapel look forward to the continuation of our service in Boston in 2017 and onward. Happy New Year!
"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep" ~ Romans 12:15
This week we mourn with the family of Susan Storey Lyman, who died on December 29th . We give thanks for her long life, and for her family, which was deeply involved in the life of King's Chapel for generations. Mrs. Lyman's memorial service will be held here at a later date. We pray now for all of those who will miss her, including especially her living children: Jane S. Shaw; Jennifer Lyman Littlefield; Mabel Lowell Lyman; and Ronald T. Lyman, III.
We also hold in prayer the Rev. Dr. Earl Holt, our former minister, who had major spinal surgery this week, and expects a recovery period of many weeks. Our blessings go to both him and Marilyn during this time. |
Sunday Services
January 8
Morning Light | 9 AM
Church School | 10:30 AM
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
The Rev. Shaw Fiedler will Preach
Lee Glenn, Lector
Joei Perry and Brian Church, Soloists
- Anne Sexton and Paul Luca, Head Ushers
- Paul Luca, Usher in Charge
Judy Luca, Julie Hyde, and Jim Carroll,
- Gretchen Horton and Amy Meyer, Vergers
The Readings:
- Psalm 72: 1-13
- Old Testament:
Isaiah 60:1-6
- New Testament:
Matthew 2:1-12
The flowers on the Communion table are given by Madolyn and Bill Wilson in loving memory of Madolyn's mother, Anna F. Rizzo.
At the communion rail following the service, Jim Power
will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, all are invited
to Coffee Hour, hosted by
Hyde and friends of the
Hospitality Committee.
Second Sunday Offering for January
This month's Second Sunday offering is for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). Our support for them helps the UUSC advance human rights through grassroots collaboration. In more than a dozen countries throughout the world, UUSC fosters social justice and works toward a world free from oppression. UUSC's innovative approaches and measurable impact - in promoting economic justice, bolstering environmental justice, and protecting rights at risk - are grounded in the belief that all people have inherent power, dignity, and rights.
All monies in the collection on Sunday January 8, not designated for Annual Appeal, will go to our Second Sunday offering.
Wednesday Service
January 11
Holy Communion | 6 PM
Shawn Fiedler will Preach
- Lia Atanat, Verger
- Dan Perry, Soloist
- Amy Meyer, Hospitality
From the Bench:
By Heinrich Christensen
The organ voluntaries this week are from an early work of Dan Pinkham's, the Epiphany suite entitled Revelations.
The choir will sing the Native American carol Stars Lead Us Ever On with Joei Perry as the soloist, and Peter Cornelius' famous The Three Kings, with baritone Brian Church singing the solo line, backed up by the choir intoning the Epiphany hymn How Brightly Shines the Morning Star. The offertory anthem will be Shawn Kirchner's lush arrangement of William Bradbury's 19th century song Angel Band.
Tuesday, January 10
12:15 PM
New England
Philharmonic Chamber Players
Works by Gandolfi, Kyr, Françaix
On Christmas Eve, we held our annual Family Service in
which children, dressed in shepherd hats and angel halos, helped us to retell the story of Jesus' birth. A festive time was had by all!
In January, we'll begin the month with the Epiphany. The children will be creating masks that we can use to reveal who we really are to each other as w
e talk about how we understand Jesus at King's Chapel.
As we approach Martin Luther King Day, the children in the Church School will be celebrating diversity. We'll be reading a short story by Langsto
n Hughes, looking at the diverse people that make up the Church, and starting our annual mosaic project in which every tiny unique piece joins with others to create something beautiful. For more information, please contact Ryan at
From the Stewardship Committee
We want to extend a huge thank you to all of our members and friends who helped us reach our Stewardship goal for 2016. We are so grateful for the generosity that abounds at King's Chapel. People give in so many ways with time, talent, and treasure and we are all the more rich because of it. Thank you, all.
Donations are still coming in and we will close our books at the end of this week. Giving statements will be mailed by the end of January.
Thank you again, for ALL of your generous gifts.
From the Chancel Committee
Have you ever thought you would like to donate flowers for the Sunday Service but are unsure what one needs to do?
We would like to place flowers on the chancel table every Sunday of the year with the exception of the 6 week Lenten period.
Flowers can be donated for a variety of reasons. They can be in memory of a loved one who has died, in thanksgiving for a special occurrence, or in celebration of a new birth or anniversary. They may also be donated as living prayers and symbols for peace and hope.
Please confirm with Anne Sexton if you have a regular Sunday that you would like to continue. Anne can be reached at the following email:
Upcoming Meetings at King's Chapel
* Tuesday January 10
| 6 PM Vestry
* Thursday, January 12 | 6PM Parish Council
*Tuesday January 17 | 7:30 AM Buildings and Grounds
* Thursday, January 19 | 6PM
Community Action Committee
Anyone can help!
Enter your email and select a spot to fill. New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy. Questions? Email
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays
Our enewsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon. Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at
brad@kings-chapel.org with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists
Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.
A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.