Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
From the Minister: "The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone..."

As a child, did you ever sing this syncopated gospel song:

"....the ankle bone's connected to the ....leg bone; 
the leg bone's connected to the .....thigh bone; 
the thigh bone's connected to the...hip bone.
Now hear the word of the Lord!

Up and down our human skeletons, our choir this Sunday will sing this jazzy tune, based on our Old Testament lesson. The ancient prophet Ezekiel sees discarded and dry human bones scattered all across the desert floor, evidence of a spectacular defeat in battle. Then in a vision, God re-connects the bones, breathes new life into them, gives hope back to his dejected people exiled in Babylon, far from home.

What has been broken apart and separated, comes back together. What looked completely dead, comes alive again. The dried up old parts of us, abandoned in some wilderness we faced, become in God's eyes essential pieces - the skeleton and foundation - for new beginnings.

May this song sing out for you, give you renewed hope.


Spotlight on

Holy Week | Transformation is Possible, But Only If....

Four years ago was my first Holy Week spent with you. I arrived the week before Palm Sunday, excited to spend the days ahead with you. In my life, Holy Week has been transformational.

But here's my bet: Holy Week will never be transformative unless you go through the whole thing, the dark as well as the light. Because we are human, we need to take in Good Friday completely, before Easter means much. Skipping to the light, without passing through the dark is like pretending we live in Disney World. A life that only has highs and no lows - Christmas and Easter only - is unbelievable. Not truthful. Never transformational.

We all do the best we can. If this year you can come to a service each day we offer one in Holy Week, then please do: Thursday, Friday, and either Saturday evening or Sunday morning.  Stretch to do it. Cancel other things to do it. Open yourself for 3 days. Transformation is worth it.


Note: We celebrate Easter at both the Vigil and Morning Prayer.
Holy Week at King's Chapel

Palm Sunday | April 9th | 11 AM

Families are invited to process down the aisle at the beginning of the service while waving palm leaves to celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday | April 13th | 6 PM

A Holy Communion service to commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. The service ends with a stripping of the altar to mark the transition to Good Friday. 

Good Friday | April 14th | 12:15 PM & 8 PM

The most somber day in the Christian calendar is marked first at 12:15 PM with a service of prayer, silence, and the reading of the Passion of Jesus Christ.

At 8 P.M. We hold a Tenebrae service led by the King's Chapel Choir. The word 
tenebraemeaning "darkness." 

The Great Easter Vigil | April 15th | 8 PM

This service of light begins with the kindling of a small flame and guides us to the full light of the resurrection. The music is based on the Orthodox Liturgy and is sung by King's Chapel Choir. 

Easter Sunday | April 16th | 11 AM

With triumphal music and gladness, we greet the empty tomb and give God great thanksgiving for the hope brought to us through the resurrection. We open our historic painted glass window on this day! Be sure to arrive early.

Creating Contemporary Stained Glass Windows for Sacred Spaces | Sunday April 9  12:30 PM  |
At the Parish House

As part of our series, Discovering the Sacred through Art, Emanuel Genovese, stained glass artist, will share images of may of his stained glass windows that he has created for area sacred spaces.

From the Parish House

Easter Flowers

The deadline is approaching! If you would like to contribute flowers for the Easter Services as a  memorial to a loved one, please send name of person being remembered, along with your name and contact and a check for $50, to the Parish House, with memo "Easter Flowers".  The deadline for ordering is  April 3.

Concert Recap: Bach Family Reunion

The last concert of the 2016-2017 King's Chapel Concert Season was presented to a large, and very enthusiastic audience on Sunday, March 26.  

The program, titled Bach Family Reunion, was elegantly conceived by our Music Director, Heinrich Christensen, and performed by our choir, soloists, and a chamber orchestra under his direction.  It featured two familiar and favorite works of Johann Sebastian Bach: Jesu, der du meine Seele, Cantata 78, and his motet, Lobet den Herrn.  Between these two were sandwiched works by Johann Sebastian's cousins, Johann Michael and Johann Ludwig. It was glorious.

The concert, and a delightful reception in the Press Room at the Parker House, were the gift of Suzette Schochet, who, with her late husband, Jay, is a long-time generous supporter of music at King's Chapel.  We are very grateful to the Schochet family for their years of dedication to music at King's Chapel.

Next Season we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Concert Series. Stay tuned for the announcement during the summer!  

Faith Scovel, Joy Fallon, Darragh O'Connor, and Sarah Schochet Henken

Amy Meyer and Suzette Schochet
Architecture Recap: King's Chapel in History

Last Sunday, long-time church leader and architect Todd Lee gave a talk after Morning Prayer about the architecture of King's Chapel. Todd described the architectural history, its famous architect Benjamin Harris, and the question of how some space comes to feel sacred. For a link to this excellent talk, CLICK HERE.

Fund for Scovel Portrait and his Companion to the Prayerbook
We are pleased to report that a portrait of Carl Scovel, our beloved senior minister from 1967 to 1999, has been commissioned with the Vestry's concurrence and Carl's approval.  The artist is a noted New England portraitist, Mary Minifie, who recently painted the portrait of Chief Justice Margaret Marshall of the Supreme Judicial Court.  Artist Minifie's work can be viewed on her website,  She and Carl have been engaged in a number of sittings for his portrait over the last few months, and we anticipate that the portrait will be finished and ready to be presented to the Parish in the early fall.  
If you would like to participate by making a contribution towards the cost of the portrait and also towards the publication of Carl's book, A Prayerbook Companion, A Guide to Christian Worship, please send a check to the Parish House, payable to "King's Chapel" with the note "Scovel Project" on the memo line.  Carl has expressly asked that donations to this project not be in lieu of Stewardship giving to the Annual Appeal, to ensure that this project does not diminish funds for the Annual Appeal.  He has also asked that any surplus funds contributed to this project be donated to the King's Chapel Minister's Discretionary Fund

Upcoming Events...

Black Lives Matter | Minns Lectures  
Friday and Saturday | March 30-April 1

The Minns Lectures is an endowed annual lecture series sponsored by King's Chapel and First Church Boston. This year's topic could not be more relevant or vital to our country's social and religious situation.

The upcoming lecture series is called, "Historical and future trajectories of Black Lives Matter and Unitarian Universalism." The Rev. Mark Morrison-Reed will speak on 
Friday, March 31, at 6 PM at First Church Boston, at 66 Marlborough St. in the Back Bay. The Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt will speak at 3 PM at First Parish in Cambridge, 3 Church St. in Harvard Square. The lectures will be a unique chance to learn about important historical African American leaders in Unitarian Universalist congregations. These two leading African American Unitarian Universalist scholars will offer valuable insight into the challenges and opportunities the contemporary Black Lives Matter poses for religious liberals today.

More information and on-line registration, please go to And please join the speakers for a wine-and-cheese reception after each lecture!

Save the Dates!

Visit Lewis D. Brown Peace Institute Wednesday, April 26 | 5-7 PM

Meet at the Parish House and travel to the Lewis D. Brown Peace Institute in Dorchester. Learn of their work and how our support of them helps to address violence in our community.  For more information contact Carol Genovese,

Adult Religious Education  | Mosque Visit 
May 4

In our continuing effort to show solidarity and support for our Muslim friends and neighbors, the ARE is working with the Islamic Boston Cultural Center (
ISBCC) to arrange a visit to their mosque in Roxbury on Thursday afternoon, May 4.  The King's Chapel group will plan to leave the Parish House at 3:45 pm on Thursday, May 4 and arrive at the ISBCC at 4:30 pm for a two hour tour - which will include the opportunity to witness the Muslim form of worship.  

Please contact John 
Natoli, chair of Adult Religious Education, at  if you would like to attend or have any questions.  John will assist in arranging transportation to the ISBCC for those who need it.
Racial Justice: Addressing Whiteness | Wednesdays in May

The committees for Community Action and for Adult Religious Education at King's Chapel are hosting a free and open racial justice program for all members of King's Chapel and anyone in the Beacon Hill neighborhood. Th is program is an opportunity to meet people where they are, by providing a judgment-free but challenging educational space. All are welcome.

Wednesday May 3 : Open and Honest Communal Reading of an essay by James Baldwin + discussion
  64 Beacon Street , Boston (King's Chapel Parish House), 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Wednesday  May 10 : New England Bound: Slavery and Colonization in Early America (2016), book talk with Wendy Warren at The Isaac Royall House, 15 George Street, Medford  7:30 PM  $5 admission. Royall was a slave trader and member of King's Chapel prior to the Revolution.

Wednesdays May 17, 24, 31 and June 7 Waking Up White by Debby Irving, book group
64 Beacon Street , Boston (King's Chapel Parish House), 7:00 - 9:00 PM

For each session taking place at the Parish House, light refreshments will be provided at 7:00. Space is limited. Those interested should RSVP to Gretchen Horton, Parish Administrator at (or 617-227- 2155 ext. 108).

Join the conversation online: Racial Justice at King's Chapel Facebook group

From the Church School

Children's Plans | Palm Sunday to Easter
April 9 - 16
During the past few Sundays, the Church School has been preparing for Holy Week. We've learned about living water, how to be a light to the world, and we've even composed joyful music on orffs. 

Join us on  Sunday April 9th  as we kick off Holy Week with Palm Sunday. Families are invited to process down the aisle with Rev. Joy at the beginning of the service while waving palm leaves to celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  

On  Saturday, April 15th , join us at the Parish House between  10AM and 12PM  for Easter Crafts! Children are welcome to create mosaic eggs, decorate hot cross buns, and even dye eggs. Each child will be given a bag of candy-filled eggs to take home. 

On Easter  Sunday , join us at the Big Chapel for our Easter Service. The shutters will be open so all can see the stained glass portrait of Jesus, and each child will receive a bag of candy-filled eggs at the end of the service. If you have any questions about our Church School program, please don't hesitate to contact Ryan at

In This Issue

Sunday Services
April 2
Morning Light | 9 AM

Church School | 10 AM

Holy Communion | 11 AM
The Rev. Joy Fallon will Preach
  • Amy Meyer, Lay Reader
  • David Wheeler, Lector
  • Anne Sexton & Paul Luca, Head Ushers
  • Cliff Allen, Usher in Charge
  • Cathy Price,                 Judy & Paul Luca, Ushers
  • Lia Atanat, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 130
  • Old Testament:        
    Ezekiel 37:1-14
  • New Testament:  
    John 11

At the communion rail following the service, Bill Kuttner  will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, all are invited to Coffee Hour,   hosted by 
Cathy Price and friends of the Hospitality Committee.

Wednesday Service 
April 5
Evening Service | 6 PM
  • Emily Bieber, soloist
  • Lia Atanat, Verger
From the Bench:
By Heinrich Christensen

The prelude this week is Mendelssohn's Third Organ Sonata. It opens with a festive procession which is rather unexpectedly interrupted by an extensive fugal treatment of the Lutheran chorale version of Psalm 130, Out of the Depths, eventually leading back to a restatement of the opening theme.

The choir will sing works by William Byrd; two communion motets and excerpts from the Mass for Five Voices. You will also be treated to Dry Bones, Livingstone Gearhart's somewhat doo-woppy arrangement of the spiritual based on our Old Testament text from Ezekiel.

We close with Bach's massive setting of Out of the Depths,  scored for 6 voices, two of them in the pedal!

Tuesday Recitals
Tuesday, April 4
12:15 PM

Kate Kayaian, cello
Works by Bach & Cassadó
Upcoming Meetings

Thursday April 6:
Parish Council 6 PM
Sign up for Hospitality
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our  enewsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at  with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.