Welcome to What's on the "MOVES". Every week we share information received about upcoming events, agency news and announcements with the DC MOVES mailing list. If your agency has information to share through this bulletin, please contact the DC MOVES Coordinator
Carol Good.
DC MOVES June 21 Forum
The next DC MOVES Forum is now open for registration. The two members making presentations are Diana Morris from the Dufferin Board of Trade and Earl Philips from SHIP/SHEY. Ishan Angra, from WDG Public Health, will be presenting a program and asking for feedback.
Each of the DC MOVES Pillar Leads will also provide updates on the activities underway and planned in Community Wellbeing, Poverty Reduction and Resource-sharing.
Opioid Drug Information Sessions
The opioid crisis in Ontario is a growing and evolving problem. Communities like Orangeville are not immune to this problem.
Several local organizations have collaborated to bring a series of information sessions to Dufferin high schools on June 5, 6 and 7.
We invite parents and concerned community members to join us to learn about the perils of opioid drug use. Speakers include:
- Orangeville Police Services
- Dufferin County Ambulance Services
- An Addiction Outreach Counsellor from Family Transition Place
- Dufferin Child and Family Services
- Caledon Dufferin Victim Services
When: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Where: Westside Secondary School in the theatre
300 Alder Street, Orangeville
A second session will be held in Shelburne at CDDHS. Details coming soon.
Please help us get the word out about this presentation by circulating the attached poster, adding it to your website, and through social media.
Community Services
Service Delivery Modernization Project
Asks for Input
Dufferin County Community Services (DCCS) is modernizing with a Service Delivery Modernization (SDM) project. This project will address services to enhance customer service experiences specific to the delivery of Ontario Works, Housing and Children's Services programs.
DCCS staff have started the process of engaging clients and community stakeholders through a survey designed to obtain input into the first stage of the project "First Point of Contact". As community agencies, you have an important voice in this process and your participation is valued and much appreciated. If the services that DCCS offers impacts you or your clients, please complete our survey by June 9:
Please also share the survey link widely and include it on your organization's Facebook page, if applicable. Thank you!
Headwaters Dental Centre Offers Free Treatments
On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Headwaters Dental Centre is offering one free treatment per patient on a first-come-first-served basis:
- extractions
- fillings
- hygienic cleanings
Registration runs from 8:30-10:00 am and treatments are provided from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Habitat for Humanity in Dufferin
As we continue to plan for a
large-scale build in Dufferin
, we look to our community for support.
At Habitat for Humanity, support comes in many forms.
- Shop at the Orangeville ReStore, or donate your gently-used furniture, appliances and more. Learn more here.
- Volunteer with us! Our volunteers are the core of our organization. Our goal is to deliver the Ultimate Volunteer Experience by offering a worthwhile, meaningful, and rewarding opportunity. Learn more about our opportunities here.
- #PartyHardforHabitat: This September, we're hosting our first ever Ultimate Habitat House Party in Dufferin! Find out more about tickets, sponsorships and more by emailing brenda@habitatwdg.ca
Building a whole village is not an easy task, but with your support and engagement, we will continue to build more. With every brick we lay, we know we are building homes and building the future of community - our community.
Province Announces Plans to Increase Minimum Wage
The Province announced its plans to move forward with its Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs plan, which would progressively raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2019 and amend labour laws and regulations related to equal pay, personal leave, vacation time and employee scheduling.
The announcement comes in response to last week's release of the independent Changing Workplaces Review, completed by C. Michael Mitchell and John C. Murray to review the Labour Relations Act and the Employment Standards Act. We start with our community.
Rural Development Workshop
Headwaters Community in Action (HCIA) and the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI)are thrilled to be hosting Peter Kenyon for a day-long workshop. For those of you who have heard Peter before, come and be re-inspired by his many engaging stories, for those of you who have never heard Peter speak before, come prepared to enjoy your day! You are in for a treat.
Peter, a well-known social capitalist and community enthusiast, is passionate about community and economic renewal. In this workshop, Peter will help you to be able to identify strengths and assets within your own communities. Peter's approach is to 'work from within' rather than top down, a process that aids communities and local economies in learning to invest in themselves, ideas, assets, capabilities and resources.
: Monday June 26, 2017, 9:30am -3:00pm
Registration: 9:30am with light breakfast and coffee provided
Session 1: 10am to 12pm ~ Asset Based Community Development (ABCDE) with Rural Communities
Session 2: 1pm to 3pm ~ Leadership for Reinventing Rural Communities
Location: Monora Park Pavilion, 500 Monora Park Drive, Mono, ON
Cost: 75.00
Registration is now open. We hope to see you there!
Telecheck-Dufferin Volunteer Training
Volunteer Dufferin member, TeleCheck-Dufferin, is looking for volunteers to provide daily calls, check-in service to Seniors (55+) and caregivers. TeleCheck provides over 64,000 calls per year, all done by trained volunteers.
Would you, or someone you know, like to make a difference in the life of a Senior who wishes to live safely and independently in their own home?
Can you volunteer? Do you know someone who'd like to volunteer?
The next training session starts
June 13th from 1 to 5 p.m.
at Alzheimers Training Room, 25 Centennial Road, Unit #1, Orangeville.
Contact Katherine Johnson at 519-415-3764 for more details.