Nothing says summer like peaches!
 Fresh Georgia peaches and blackberries are ready for you to pick at Southern Belle Farm!  Are you ready for peach ice cream, blackberry jam, and all the other wonderful treats made with these fruits? 

Bring your friends and enjoy the pickin' -- or stop at the Country Market here on the farm to pick up some fresh pre-picked berries, peaches  and vegetables.  We have plenty for picking now...and we'd love to have you visit! 

Indulge: We have homemade peach and blackberry cobbler -- warm and luscious, topped with ice cream...made fresh here daily at Mimi's Bakery! 
Market & U-Pick Hours: 
*Call ahead to check availability of fruits
Monday - Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 1pm - 6pm
The Carter Family | | 770.288.2582
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