Our Parishioners Out in the World

From Maria S.:

Hi Fr. Kevin,

I hope you and all of the people of St. Augustine's are doing well. I miss you!! I wanted to let you know that I got a 10 month athletic communications internship at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio! I'm very excited! Please extend my thanks to the St. Augustine family for all of their support :) 


From Bethany C.:

Dear Fr Kevin and Dondra, 

I hope this note finds you both doing well. I'm sitting in my temporary apartment in Ghent enjoying a quiet, pleasant, and sunny morning. It's a beautiful city with lots to do and things to see, most of which include sitting by the river and drinking wine on warm evenings. I'll send some pictures in a separate email.

My work is going well so far. All I'm doing at this point is getting ready for a lecture I have to give as part of a colloquium being held "in my honor", whatever that means. I'll be giving the main lecture, which is titled, "Semantics and Anglo-Saxon Studies: Macro and Micro Viewpoints." The colloquium is on Tuesday; after that, I don't really know what kind of work I'll be doing. 

I posted on Facebook about the colloquium, and our Fenny contacted me. She's in the Netherlands, so she's only a few hours away by train. She and I are making plans to see one another while I'm here. She's doing well, but missing her St Auggie's family -- a feeling I understand all too well! :) 

Final thought -- I've brought my St Augustine daily devotional with me (the one you, Fr Kevin, gave me at my reception) and a bible, so I'm not going hungry for the Word, so to speak. Still, the general sense of "religious decay" (Belgium being one of the least religious countries in the EU) is all around. It's a bit odd. Still, there's a church next to my apartment that holds Mass, so I'll try to go Sunday morning. 

In Him, 


From Fenny K.:

Dear All,

It has been an incredible time in Brazil. Challenging in many ways, from the weather to having not much room for oneself or privacy, but it has brought what I was looking for: opportunities for the future!

Two ways to serve with Iris Global
School has given me an opportunity to get some experience with Iris Global as well as receive additional information about possibilities to work with them in the future. Iris is in the process of creating more structure for those who desire to pioneer new bases. There are basically two ways right now.
One is to apply at a base and serve under a base leader. You develop a relationship together and when the leader considers you are ready, he will send you out. He will assume spiritual responsibility and support you in practical advice and help where needed. This process takes a couple years.
Second possibility is to apply for M24 school. This school has started this year and is designed to train pioneers who will go out the same year as they follow school. It is for those who are ready but do not have a connection with an Iris base leader. After school the staff decides if you are ready or if they for instance like you to intern somewhere first.

Everything they do is based on relationship. Therefore there is
no set formula to follow. There are guidelines, but those are not set in stone. They want to provide some structure within which to move freely, depending on the situation/person/calling. 
Shores of Grace in Recife, Brazil
There were also many people who were from other ministries among our teachers. One couple in particular spoke to my heart. They are Nic and Rachael Billman, who moved from USA to Recife, Brazil and started Shores of Grace.  As they were sharing it felt as if they had read my mission plan!
Their focus is setting those in prostitution and abuse free and walking them through restoration; taking the love of the Father to the poor and the broken and helping them see their true value, and equipping and serving the church in Brazil. They do street outreach amongst prostitutes, have a home for girls under 18 called Bethany, have street church with the homeless, and work in the outback. I spoke a few times with Rachael which was inspiring. There was a click with her.
I would love to go there for three months as a volunteer, because there is much that I can learn from them. Also, who knows how we could work together in  the future. They know that they are called to plant similar work in other countries. This makes me excited!
It is also more likely to meet people there with a similar vision, who are looking and praying into starting in another country. Who knows who I will meet there and what cooperation that might start. Their base is full over Summer, but they have room from mid-September onwards.

Iris and Shores
I have spoken with the base leader of Iris Fortaleza, Andrew Fanstone, about future cooperation with Iris. The door is open for me to apply and serve at the base. Since Shores of Grace shares the same values as Iris, the door to Iris will still be open if I would serve with them for a season. Herbert Barbutti, who came and taught, is the leader of the M24 school. Provided I am ready to go out the same year I attend school, I can apply.

The challenge: a team
And that is where the challenge is: they send pioneers out only when there are two or more people. This is a Biblical and sound principle. I am praying to find more people with a desire to work in Russia. There is one couple living in Fortaleza and working with Iris who are interested in Russia. They are Pedro and Luciana, he speaks a little English, she doesn't . We met and spent some time together. They have different interests than mine. They are going to visit Russia, a couple of YWAM bases for two weeks later in Summer during their holiday. We keep in touch.
My way or His way?
The Lord challenged me during school to put the whole timing of my future into his hands. I found that truly challenging as I so much like to get moving. But moving ahead of Him is not wise. There is a natural way of doing things and a supernatural way. The first is done in one's own power, the second in His. I have surrendered my whole life to God to do as He pleases. I desire the supernatural way, His way, over my own.
So for me this means that in light of all this, a trip to Ukraine is not the right timing. Making and rekindling connections only makes sense if you know when you will follow up. At this stage I don't. It also means that I don't know many steps ahead. I have also become a little careful, since I announced my Ukraine plans and now am changing them.

Right now
Right now I am back in the Netherlands, staying with friends in The Hague. Since I will be here at least over Summer, I am looking for a job and will move as I intend to join a church which is a partner with Iris Global. It is called House of Heroes (yes, an English name) and is situated in Nijkerk, the middle of my country. Here I will be able to serve and continue to grow in the gifts of the Spirit. I hope to build new relationships with people who at least will be supportive of me and my plans. A greater support network would be great. A Dutch church who might be willing to be part of my mission would be awesome.

Possible next step
The next step would be to visit Shores of Grace and spend three months working with them in Recife. I am excited to know we as a church have many connections there! So before going, it would be great to connect with them. I will have time to spend with 'our' churches and connections there, aside from the work I would do with Shores. This will be no earlier than Fall.
Before I would travel to Recife I would like to come home to Columbus for 4-5 weeks.
BUT, one step at a time....
Needless to say, I love to hear from you what you think. I am grateful to be part of St Augustine's. You are and always will be home to me. I love you all and can't wait to come back and spend more time with you.
THANK YOU for making school possible!!! THANK YOU for walking this road with me! THANK YOU for your support in so many ways. I could not, and would not want to, do this without you!

All my love,  Fenny 

June Bir thdays an d Anniversaries

02 Nadine Fosten
11 Kathy Darling
18 Allen Patrick
28 Chris Simei
29 Jeannie Patrick
29 Judy Dowling

14 Bob and Beth Buehler
22 Aerrin and Matt Hardin
25 Terry and Deanna Gatwood
St. Augustine's Anglican Church | Ellsworth Chapel at Central College | StAugustinesAnglican.org |