St. Matthias Men's Life Ministry

Saturday, June 10th, 2017, 7:00 AM
" In Deo Speramus "
(In God We Hope)
(Contact First Name)
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
the love of God
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with all of you.
Oremus pro invicem
(Let us pray for one another)
We can only stand 
in awe-struck silence before such love 
that is beyond boldest expectation, beyond all telling. 
(Karl Rahner)

 In the name of the Father ...

With us from our beginnings,
you so loved the world.
that you sacrificed 
your Son.

  And of the Son ...

 who came to live among us,
your everlasting gift
of your
And of the Holy Spirit ...

with us now, in our hearts,
our soul mate.

Open us to you,
O Lord

First Reading
Early in the morning Moses went up Mount Sinai
as the LORD had commanded him,
taking along the two stone tablets.

Having come down in a cloud, the LORD stood with Moses there
and proclaimed his name, "LORD."
Thus the LORD passed before him and cried out,
"The LORD, the LORD, a merciful and gracious God,
slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity."
Moses at once bowed down to the ground in worship.
Then he said, "If I find favor with you, O Lord,
do come along in our company.
This is indeed a stiff-necked people; yet pardon our wickedness and sins,
and receive us as your own."

The Word of the Lord
Discussion Questions
1. God has shown himself to us through the ages, especially through Jesus. Besides his name, what did God reveal about himself to Moses on Mount Sinai? What was Moses' response to this revelation? How do you respond when God's love is with you?
Moses said to God,
If I find favor with you, O Lord, do come along in our company. This is indeed a stiff-necked people; yet pardon our wickedness and sins, and receive us as your own.
The reading says that God forgives us when we are stiff-necked [ = haughty and stubborn]. Do you forgive others when they are that way? What could happen to family squabbles, disputes at work, wars between countries, if forgiveness were introduced into the discussion/argument?

Second Reading
Brothers and sisters, rejoice. 
Mend your ways, encourage one another,
agree with one another, live in peace,
and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Greet one another with a holy kiss.
All the holy ones greet you.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.ness of the one who fills all things in every way.

The Word of the Lord
Discussion Questions
What do you know about the Trinity from the last lines of this reading: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you." God's nature is love, and he has invited us to come along in his company. What are the implications for our communities?
2. We can all agree with and/or encourage each other in order to live in peace. How important is this to you? Do you encourage others? Is Paul talking about agreeing on everything or only on matters of faith?
Alleluia, alleluia.
 CF. RV 1:8
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;
to God who is, who was, and who is to come.

Alleluia, alleluia.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world might be saved through him.
Whoever believes in him will not be condemned,
but whoever does not believe has already been condemned,
because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

The Gospel of the Lord
Discussion Questions
What did the Father do that tells us that he "so loved the world"? What did the Son do? What is your response to God's immense love for the world and for you personally?
 According to Pope Francis, how did God reveal himself as the Trinity?
Let us recognize that God is not something vague, our God is not a God "spray," he is tangible; he is not abstract but has a name: "God is love." His is not a sentimental, emotional kind of love but the love of the Father who is the origin of all life, the love of the Son who dies on the Cross and is raised, the love of the Spirit who renews human beings and the world. ... The Most Holy Trinity is not the product of human reasoning but the face with which God actually revealed himself, ... walking with humanity ... with his people in the history of the people of Israel and Jesus has always walked with us and promised us the Holy Spirit who is fire, who teaches us everything we do not know and from within us guides us, gives us good ideas and good inspirations.

 For what are we born if not to aid one another?

Ernest Hemingway



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then we'll have peace."

By: Jimi Hendrix


"My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."

Abraham Lincoln



If we love one another, God remains in us and his love is brought to perfection in us.

1 John 4:12


Deus fit homo ut homo fieret Deus

God became human so that humans might become God

(Catholicism, Page 2 by Fr. Robert Barron)


"The Glory of God is a human being fully alive."

Meyers, Robin R. (2009-02-19).  Saving Jesus from the Church: How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus (Kindle Location 639).  Harper Collins, Inc..  Kindle Edition.


God "dwells in us." 
God's love is not meant for us alone;  
we must give it away.



Do small things today and for many tomorrows,
with a generous heart.


Give God Away Today!
Help us then, Lord,  
to be so united with the paschal mystery of Jesus,  
that through Him the world can become a better place to dwell.  
You promise us much for this life  
and for our eternal presence with You;  
may we live into that promise  
each day.



An interesting thought:

The birth of St. John is celebrated on June 24th, in the moment of the summer solstice. From that point onward, daylight begins to reduce. On the other hand, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated on December 25th, during the winter solstice. From that point onward, daylight begins to grow, to get longer.