stay cool, breathe easier.
For sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), keeping cool during the sweltering summer months is about more than just staying comfortable. It also could be a key to easier breathing.

Having access to air conditioning is the best way to protect against heat-related flare-ups and other illnesses. But even for those without air conditioning at home, there are other ways to stay comfortable.

Here are a few ways the CDC recommends staying cooler in the face of extreme heat: click here.

A message from Breathe's Respiratory Therapist, Brianna Martinez:
Do you feel like your mask isn't the right one for you? That is very normal and many CPAP users try a variety of masks before finding the right one. Do not get discouraged! The right mask is out there for you and I am more than happy to assist you; That is what I'm here for.

Questions?  Tweet us: @BreatheCA_BA #AskBreathe
Contact Brianna Martinez at 
Sleep Apnea Factored In Carrie Fisher's Death, Coroner Reports
A number of factors contributed to  actress Carrie Fisher's death in December , the Los Angeles County coroner's office reported late Friday, including sleep apnea and heart disease.

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