The Wharton Health Care Management 
Alumni Association 
is pleased to share the following information
JUNE 2017
The latest brief from Penn LDI and CHERISH reviews the status and characteristics of prescription drug monitoring programs, their use, and evidence of their effectiveness. Brief
A JAMA Internal Medicine study finds that clinicians did not change their ordering of lab tests when Medicare allowable fees were displayed in the electronic health record. Brief
LDI's four-part ACA Impact Series summarizes the effects of the Affordable Care Act on key areas of our health and economic systems. Clifford Marks, Janet Weiner and Dan Polsky presented the findings on the Health Affairs blog. Blog
In a Perspective in the New England Journal of Medicine, Joshua Rolnick, David Asch, and Scott Halpern suggest that an advance directive should be understood primarily as a clinical document, rather than a legal one. Blog
The winning paper in Epidemiology mapped the activities of urban youth over a 24-hour period to quantify the risk factors for violent assault. News
Three Senior Fellows, Zachary Meisel, Jeanmarie Perrone, and Michael Ashburn, participated in Mayor James Kenney's task force, which issued its final report and recommendations in May.
Guest speaker Lisa Simpson, CEO of AcademyHealth, presented longitudinal data on sources of funding and funding levels for health services research, and what the future may hold. Blog
Penn LDI's Summer Minority Undergraduate Research Program (SUMR), now in its 18th year, introduces underrepresented minorities to the field of health services research. Twenty undergraduate scholars from 13 schools comprise this year's cohort. Look for them at AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting in New Orleans. eMagazine
A 1989 NEJM study by the late Alan Hillman and colleagues Mark Pauly and Joseph Kerstein was one of the first to demonstrate that physicians respond to financial incentives. 50@50
Discriminative Accuracy of Physician and Nurse Predictions for Survival and Functional Outcomes 6 Months after an ICU Admission - JAMA; Michael E. Detsky, Michael O. Harhay, Dominique F. Bayard, Aaron M. Delman, Anna E. Buehler, Saida A. Kent, Isabella V. Ciuffetelli, Elizabeth Cooney, Nicole B. Gabler, Sarah J. Ratcliffe, Mark E. Mikkelsen, Scott D. Halpern
When Primary Care Providers (PCPs) Help Patients Choose Prostate Cancer Treatment - Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine; Archana Radhakrishnan, David Grande, Michelle Ross, Nandita Mitra, Justin Bekelman, Christian Stillson, and Craig Evan Pollack
Comparative Effectiveness of Prostate Cancer Treatments for Patient-Centered Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis- Medicine; Ravishankar Jayadevappa, Sumedha Chhatre, Yu-Ning Wong, Marsha N. Wittink, Ratna Cook, Knashawn H. Morales, Neha Vapiwala, Diane K. Newman, Thomas Guzzo, Alan J. Wein, Stanley B. Malkowicz, David I. Lee, Jerome S. Schwartz, and Joseph J. Gallo
Surgical Site Infection and Colorectal Surgical Procedures: A Prospective Analysis of Risk Factors - Surgical Infections; E. Carter Paulson, Earl Thompson, Najjia Mahmoud
A Safe Haven for the Injured? Urban Trauma Care at the Intersection of Healthcare, Law Enforcement, and Race - Social Science & Medicine; Sara F. Jacoby, Therese S. Richmond, Daniel N. Holena, Elinore J. Kaufman
Join Penn LDI at AcademyHealth
Attending the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in New Orleans next week? Stop by the LDI booth #106 in the exhibit hall and check out all our presentations and posters!

Penn's center for research, policy analysis, and education on the medical, economics and social issues that influence how health care is organized, financed, managed and delivered across the U.S.