Pictures courtesy of Stephen Rummel Photography
May 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21
Friday & Saturday 8 pm, Sunday 2 pm
Directed by Ivy Elizabeth
Produced by Ricardo Padilla
While most of us are familiar with The Secret Garden either from reading the book or watching the movie, the latest musical production by The Fauquier Community Theatre brings it to life and raises the bar with a terrific cast that delivers commanding yet moving performances.
The production, based on the book and lyrics by Pulitzer Prize-winner Marsha Norman, is a tender rendition of the original book. There is certainly a range of emotions that are covered, from sadness and anger from loss to hopefulness and the willingness to go on. This musical is an optimistic take on finding strength even in dire circumstances.
At the center of the story is young Mary Lennox. We first meet Mary (Alyssa Kiffer) in her home in India. She lives with her parents and servants. A child of privilege, she is very spoiled. Soon after we meet her she is left orphaned, as her parents and all the people she knows fall prey to a cholera outbreak. She is then sent to England to live with her uncle (played by Ken Wayne), a recluse who is also mourning the loss of his beautiful wife Lily (Emily Hibl).
A suggestion to go play outside leads her on a path of discovery - and ultimately to happiness and a place to belong - with the help of her new friend Dickon (Danny Waldman) and the gardener Ben (Walt Loope). She uncovers secrets inside and outside of the house, which ultimately helps the Manor's residents heal from a tragedy and discover ways to move forward together. A garden that once belonged to Archibald Craven's wife Lily, blooms again thanks to Mary's dedication, but this rebirth isn't limited to the flowers. Archibald, Mary, and her "sickly" cousin Colin (Patrick Cardine) experience a rebirth too.
Performances will be held at the Theatre at Vint Hill, 4225 Aiken Drive, Warrenton, VA on Fridays and Saturdays, May 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 at 8 PM; and Sundays, May 7, 14, 21 at 2 PM. Order tickets today at or call 540-349-8760.

FCT could sure use the community's help. Please see below how YOU can help us! If you can help in anyway,
1. We are in desperate need of a storage place
for our props. (
garage, barn, back room of an office building, etc) The only requirement is that it has light and is weatherproof. We do not need outlets. It does not have to be climate controlled. We are a 501c3 organization and the space can be donated and used as a deduction off of your taxes as well as a few other perks that we can offer you.
2. We have some
handy-man projects that need to be taken care of:
**Need a toilet removed from our trailer bathroom
**Need a weather strip put on a door **Need some shelves built along the wall of the trailer. All materials will be provided...just need a volunteer.
3. We need some help promoting FCT at the FCT booths at the following festivals:
Saturday, May 13 from 11-2 Brumfield School Warrenton Friday, May 19 from 5-6, 6-8 pm Vint Hill
Saturday, May, 20 9-11, 11-1, 1-3 Downtown Warrenton - Spring Festival
4. We need help sorting some hats and costumes on Saturday, May 13 from 9:30 am - 1 pm. Please let us know if you can attend and we will give you the location in Vint Hill.
June 2, 3, 9, 10 at 7 pm
June 4, 11 at 2 pm
$12 Seniors (60 & above) & Students (3-18)
$14 Adults
Directed by Evelyn Rice
Music Directed by Heath West
Produced by Amanda Gibson
Dorothy Gale lives on a Kansas farm with her aunt and uncle. She keeps getting in the way while the adults work, so she finds a quiet place where she won't get into any trouble -Over The Rainbow. The girl is upset when the mean Miss Gulch comes to take her dog Toto away. However, Toto escapes and joins Dorothy as she runs away from the farm. They meet the kind Professor Marvel, who convinces Dorothy to go back home. When a cyclone hits, Dorothy and Toto seek shelter in her room, where Dorothy is accidentally hit on the head.
When she wakes up, her house has been carried to The Land of Oz, where it lands on and fatally strikes the Wicked Witch of the East, freeing the Munchkins from the Witch's power - Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead. The Wicked Witch of the West comes to avenge her sister's death and to claim her sister's magic ruby slippers, only to find them on Dorothy's feet, where the Witch can't get to them. Dorothy wants to go back home to Kansas, but the Munchkins tell her she must seek help from the Wizard of Oz. So Dorothy is off to see the Wizard - Yellow Brick Road.
Along the way she meets three new friends and travel companions. The Scarecrow explains why he needs to see the Wizard in If I Only Had A Brain. The Tinman joins them because his life would be better If I Only Had A Heart and the Lion comes along - If I Only Had The Nerve.
The group reaches a haunted forest filled with jitterbugs that spook them and make them dance until they all collapse from exhaustion - Jitterbug. Then they arrive at the Merry Old Land Of Oz, but the Wizard refuses at first to meet them. The Wicked Witch threatens them again, and they are finally brought to see the Wizard, who will help them only if they prove themselves worthy by bringing him the Witch's broomstick. So off the foursome goes, through a haunted forest to the land of the Winkies, who guard the Wicked Witch's castle.
In the forest some winged monkeys capture Dorothy and Toto and take them to the castle, where the Wicked Witch again fails to get the ruby slippers off Dorothy's feet and threatens to drown Toto. But Toto escapes, just as the Lion, Scarecrow and Tinman come to rescue Dorothy. The Wicked Witch becomes even meaner and threatens the Scarecrow with fire on her broomstick. Dorothy throws a bucket of water at the fire and ends up dousing the Wicked Witch, who screams and melts into nothing. - Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead. The foursome take the broomstick back to the Wizard, who is revealed as just an ordinary man hiding behind a curtain.
At a graduation ceremony, the Wizard makes the Scarecrow a Doctor of Thinkology, the Lion a member of the Legion of Courage and gives the Tinman a heart-shaped watch. He offers to take Dorothy back to Kansas in his hot-air balloon, but the balloon accidentally takes off without Dorothy and Toto. The good witch Glinda explains to Dorothy how to get home: All she has to do is close her eyes, tap her heels together three times and repeat "there's no place like home."
Back in Kansas the storm is over. Dorothy wakes up confused, but soon realizes that there really is "no place like home."
Come See FCT's
The Wizard of Oz the first two weekends in June, June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11. Fri & Saturdays 7 pm, Sundays at 2 pm.
ion Dates
June 9 from 7:00-10:00 pm
June 10 from 1:00-4:00 pm
Callbacks June 11 at 3:00 pm
Audition Location Hope Christian Fellowship
4173 Bludau Drive, Warrenton
(in Vint Hill-just down from the theatre)
Be Prepared
Please fill out and bring this
Audition Form - 1776 with you. You may choose one of the two dates above to audition. Be available for the callback date and time. Please check the
website under this "Be Prepared" section for more important information you will need, coming soon.
Performance Dates
Oct. 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22
John Adams -Male, Age 35-45, Delegate from Massachusetts. John is a dutiful husband. Opinionated, passionate, and a bit boisterous, he wears his age with pride. Starving for independence from England. Vocal range top: F#4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Stephen Hopkins- Male, age 65-75, Delegate from Rhode Island. Hopkins' drinking has led to an appearance befitting of the 2nd oldest in the Continental Congress. He has a dirty old man playfulness about him. Vocal range top: Eb4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Roger Sherman- Male, 50-60, Delegate from Connecticut. A coffee drinker with a penchant for hyperactivity, Sherman is a simple and balding cobbler. Vocal range top: Bb4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Robert Livingston- Male, 25-35, Delegate from New York. Recently a father, Livingston's disposition has become one of humility and graciousness. He has changed considerably over the years. Vocal range top: F4, Vocal range bottom: Bb2
Benjamin Franklin - Male 60-70, Delegate from Pennsylvania. Franklin is intelligent, well-traveled, and pleasantly cunning. A jolly and admirable fellow with whom one would desire to have a friendship. Vocal range top: Eb4, Vocal range bottom: Ab2
John Dickinson - Male, 40-50, Delegate from Pennsylvania. A thin, hawkish gentleman. He is sharp-tongued and a touch detestable. Vocal range top: E4, Vocal range bottom: A2
Col. Thomas Mckean- Male 38-46, Delegate from Delaware. McKean is florid and likable with a charming, yet commanding, Scottish Brogue. Vocal range top: Eb4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Richard Henry Lee - Male 40-50, Delegate from Virginia, Lee is a willowy aristocrat. His flamboyancy is intoxicating and borderline infuriating. Vocal range top: G4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Thomas Jefferson-
Male 30-38, Delegate from Virginia. Though noticeably tall, Jefferson is mild-mannered and sweet. Along with being a well read man, he is very much in love with his wife. Vocal range top: G4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Edward Rutledge- Male, 23-30, Delegate from South Carolina. Despite his good looks, Rutledge is haunting and somewhat ominous as the youngest member of the Continental Congress. There is a serpent-like quality to him.
Vocal range top: A4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Abigail Adams- Female, 29-36, Loving wife to John Adams. Intelligent, quick-witted, and talented with a pen, Abigail is a radiant and shapely beauty. Every bit as bright as her husband. Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: Db4
Martha Jefferson- Female, 24-31, Thomas Jefferson's very-much-in-love wife. Her looks are striking, her dancing delightful, and her humor appealing. She doesn't shy away from a good time. Joy radiates from her. Vocal range top: D5, Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Courier- Male, 15-20, The message runner between General Washington's army and the Continental Congress. He has witnessed the hardships of war firsthand, although his innocent disposition and appearance may imply otherwise. Vocal range top: Db4, Vocal range bottom: C3
Ensemble - Male and Female
Audition Dates
Friday, September 8 at 7:00 pm
Saturday, September 9 from 11:00 - 2:00 pm
Callbacks Sun., Sept 10 from 2:00-5:00 pm
Performance Dates
December 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17
Annual Awards Banquet & Lunch
Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 1 pm
Each summer FCT members gather for an end-of-the-year celebration! This celebration includes lunch, a member meeting (looking at the past year and the upcoming year), and an awards banquet complete with entertainment from our 2016-17 shows.
We invite you to join us! Please email FCT at to RSVP. Please do so by May 20.
If you joined us at a member level of $50 or above, the lunch is complimentary for you and your spouse, as a thank you! If you are not yet a member, or a member at the Participant Level, then please join us and call (571-722-6788) to RSVP and to pay the lunch fee.
Location: The Inn at Vint HIll, 4200 Aiken Dr., Warrenton (across the street from the theatre) ~ Cash bar available
2017-2018 FCT Season Revealed
1776 The Musical
America's Prize Winning Musical
Music and Lyrics by SHERMAN EDWARDS
Based on a concept by SHERMAN EDWARDS
Original Production Directed by PETER HUNT
Originally Produced on the Broadway Stage by STUART OSTROW
Directed by Walter Loope
Music Directed by
Produced by Dawn Fansler
Performances: October 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22
Tickets (Not currently on sale): $18 Seniors (60 & above) & Students (4-18), $20 Adult
Written by Julian Wiles
Directed by TBD
Produced by TBD
December 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17
Tickets (Not currently on sale) $15 Seniors (60& above)/ Students (4-18), $17 adults
Written by Ira Levin
Directed by Scott J. Strausbaugh
Produced by April Bridgeman
Performances: January 26, 27, 28, Feb. 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11
Tickets (Not currently on sale) $15 Seniors (60& above)/ Students (4-18), $17 adults
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Rodrigo Pool
Produced by TBD
Performances: March 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25
Tickets (Not currently on sale) $15 Seniors (60& above)/ Students (4-18), $17 adults
Title To Be Announced in September
In Memory of Susan Kirk Noe
Directed by Scott Heine
Produced by Dawn Fansler
Performances: May 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20
Tickets (Not currently on sale) $18 Seniors (60 & above)/ Students(4-18), $20 Adults
2017-2018 Membership!!
FCT is inviting you to join us in membershipnfor our 2017-18 Season! We have several different levels available for you to join. This is a member run 501c3 organization. Your donation more than $25 is tax deductible. You will receive a receipt to use for tax purposes. Members get their name in the 2017-18 playbill and on our website. Donate here. or print form here.
The Fauquier Community Theatre has reached over 2001 likes!
Thank you for sharing FCT! If you don't already have FCT notices frequenting your newsfeed with notices of auditions, shows and discounts........Then
like us here!
FCT Apparel now for sale
Short Sleeved T-Shirts $16
Long Sleeved T-Shirts $20
Crew Neck Sweatshirt $25
Hoodie Sweatshirt $30
Your choice of colors:
Ash Grey or Black
Youth Sizes ~ Youth Small, Youth Medium, Youth Large, Youth XLarge
Adult Sizes ~ Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, 2XLarge
Order Yours today and Represent......
These make great gifts!
Email your order with contact phone number to :
BELOW to watch a 3 minute segment featuring The Fauquier Community Theatre!