Keeping King's Chapel's members, friends, and subscribed visitors connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
From the Minister

We  are delighted to welcome our Guest Preacher, the Rev. Mario Melendez, who will preside at this Sunday's Morning Prayer service.

Mario Melendez was born and raised in Puerto Rico and currently lives in Boston. He is a graduate student at Boston University School of Theology. He will be serving this summer as a Catechist for the Parish of Seal Cove in the Diocese of Western Newfoundland. During the summer of 2014 and 2015 he served as Catechist for the parishes of Bonne Bay South and Pasadena/Cormack also in Newfoundland. He was the 2015-16 Seminarian for Episcopal BU, the chaplaincy of the Episcopal Church at Boston University. He served Episcopal BU in the same capacity during the 2014-15 term. Before that he served Marsh Chapel at Boston University as a Ministry Associate during the 2013-14 term. He is a postulant for ordination to the priesthood in the Anglican Church of Canada.
Upcoming Events ...

Please note that the Parish House offices will be closed in observance of Independence Day | July 4
Labyrinth Walk and Potluck Lunch at the Perkinses | July 9 | 10 AM - 1 PM

Come for practice in mindfulness, a meditative walk in the Labyrinth that Cynthia and Dick Perkins have built on their beautiful property in Stow, about 45 minutes from King's Chapel.  Labyrinths are ancient contemplative settings, and unlike a maze, you cannot get lost.  Rather, the object is to consciously follow the one path, which always leads to the center, where you may find an answer or leave a worry behind.

RSVP with Cynthia Perkins at . Let her know what you'd like to bring for lunch, and whether  you can offer a ride or need one. We ' ll arrange carpools.

Thank you, Cynthia and Dick!
Special Presentation on James Freeman| July 10 | 12:15 PM

Join us on  Sunday, July 10th  following Morning Prayer for a special presentation on the life and ministry of the Reverend James Freeman. After the American Revolution, Freeman was hired as a young seminarian to read the service of Morning Prayer. Freeman grew increasingly uncomfortable with certain aspects of our Anglican liturgy; mainly the Athanasian Creed and references to the Trinity. After some time had passed, Freeman requested they be removed from the liturgy. The congregation heard Freeman's arguments, discussed, and voted to amend the Book of Common Prayer. This set off a fire storm between King's Chapel, the Episcopal Church, and other churches in the region. These actions made King's Chapel the first Unitarian Church in the nation. The presentation on  July 10th  will be given by Samuel Learner. Learner received his undergraduate education from Bates College. His senior honor thesis was entitled, 
The Origins of American Unitarianism Reconsidered: Theophilus Lindsey, James Freeman, and the English Episcopal Reform Origins of American Unitarianism 
Tuesday Barbecues at the Parsonage This Summer! One each Month. 6 PM

Following our tradition, please plan to join us for informal barbecues in the  beautiful garden behind the Parsonage and Parish House, on these summer  evenings, one each month: 

Tuesday, July 12th
Tuesday, August 16th

The main course and drinks will be provided, but we'd love you to bring a side dish or dessert. If it rains, we'll eat indoors.

To RSVP, contact Gretchen Horton,
Parish Administrator,, 617-227- 2155 x 108.

It's fun for all ages!
News from the Parish House

Convention Report
I am slowly recovering from a very intense week of 24/7 musical impressions from the proud city of Houston, TX, where I attended the national convention of the American Guild of Organists. Countless hours of organ recitals, choral concerts, as well as many worship service, including no less than four (4) evensongs, have provided great inspiration and exciting repertoire for the year to come.
In addition, I attended several workshops on all manner of esoterics, from William Walker and Southern Harmony to Transcendence in French Organ Music of the 20th Century, Anton Heiller's Posthumous Variations, Max Reger's Centennial, Musican-Clergy Relationships, and a reading session of newly published choral anthems. 
- Heinrich Christensen

Clergy Away

Joy continues to be away, returning  July 6th .  She remains available for pastoral emergencies; contact Gretchen during the week or her phone line at the parish house anytime and she'll receive the message.

Shawn will be on vacation starting on Wednesday June 22 until July 7. For any pastoral emergencies, contact the Senior Minister or call the Parish House  617. 227.2155
Historic Sermons Series |
Delivered each Sunday in August, 2016

August 7
Holy Communion 
(1662 Liturgy) 11 AM
"A Sermon upon the Occassion of the Death of Our 
Late Most Gracious Sovereign King George II"
The Reverend Henry Caner
January 1, 1761
August 14
Morning Prayer 11 AM
"A Sermon on American Independence, Political Discourse and Unity"
The Reverend James Freeman
July 4, 1796
August 21
Morning Prayer 11 AM
"A Sermon on the Death of President Abraham Lincoln"
The Reverend Henry Foote
April 19, 1865
August 28
Morning Prayer 11 AM
"A Sermon in Memory of Charles Sumner"
The Reverend Henry Foote
March 22, 1874
Preliminary Announcement
Habitat for Humanity Build and Partner Church Visit | 
July 2017

Peter Sexton has arranged a build at Habitat for Humanity, Cluj (Kolozsvar), Romania for July  2017. Kolozsvar is the home of the partner churches of King's Chapel, First Church,
Boston, and the UU Society of San Francisco. The build team will be comprised of 12- 18 members and friends of these 3 UU churches. King's Chapel and UUSF are  committed. Discussions will begin soon with First Church, Boston.

The endeavor will include 8 days of building with HFH Kolozsvar which we know from  past experience is an exceptionally well run organization. Non-build time will include
socialization and worship with the 3 respective partner churches. Kolozsvar was the  capital of the Principality of Transylvania and a long established university city with  BabeÈ™-Bolyai University having roots back to 1581. This is a very pleasant environment  with many cultural and dining opportunities that can be coupled with excellent local wines.

Activities in addition to the build and socialization with the partner churches will include  most of the following:
  • Site of Edict of Torda.
  • Torda Unitarian Church.
  • Torda Gorge.
  • Rimetea Monastery (Romanian Orthodox).
  • Torda salt mines.
  • Tour of the Transylvanian countryside.
  • Comprehensive tour of Budapest including visits to one or both Unitarian
The exact amount per participant will be computed before October and is expected to
be in the range of $1,800 per participant including everything except air fare and
personal items, e.g. alcoholic beverages. This will include a contribution of $400 per
person to HFH Cluj.

Participants will leave the USA on June 30, 2017 and return on July 14. We expect
financial stipends will be available to adults of limited means and church youths.

For more information or to reserve a slot on the build, please contact Peter Sexton at
781 383-9028 or

In This Issue
Watch Joy's most recent Sermon here. 
Wednesday, June 29 , 6 PM
Amy Meyer, Preaching
The Rev. Laura Shatzer, Officiating
  • Micah Niemy, Hospitality
  • Mindy Hinkel, Soloist

  • Liz Adams, Verger

Sunday, July 3 

Morning Light | 
The Little Chapel | 9 AM
Church School Director 
Ryan Harrison, Preaching
  • Carol Genovese, Verger
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
The Rev. Mario Melendez, Guest Preacher
  • Jim Power Jr., Lay Assistant
  • Thomas Gregg, Soloist
  • Anne Sexton & Paul Luca, Head Ushers
  • Cliff Allen, Usher in Charge
  • Anne Sexton and Cathy Price , Ushers
  • Gregg Sorensen and  Amy Meyer, Vergers
The Readings:
  •  Psalm 30
  •  Old Testament:                 2 Kings 5: 1-15
  •  New Testament:          Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20
The flowers on the communion table are given by Cornelia Zinsser in loving memory of her brother, David Perkins, who struggled to be a faithful follower of Jesus.

At the communion rail following the service, Bill Kuttner   will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.

After the service, all are invited to Punch on the Bricks,  hosted by Amy Meyer and friends of the Hospitality Committee.
From the Bench
By Heinrich Christensen

This holiday Sunday, we will embrace patriotism with great fervor as we sing "My Country, 'Tis of Thee", "America, the Beautiful" and listen to Charles Ives' inventive (and at times hilarious)  "Variations on "America"" as the pre- and postlude.

Soloist Thomas Gregg will sing two 19th century hymns written in celebration of the anniversary of independence, as well as Handel's "'Tis Liberty" from the oratorio Judas Maccabeus. 
Tuesday Recital
Tuesday, July 5, 12:15 PM

Handel and Hayden Society Orchestra Members
Works for Trumpet, Violin, and Harpsichord
Sign up for Hospitality
Stewardship Campaign

Would you like to contribute to the 2016 Stewardship Campaign? You may still do so. We are at 74% of our goal, and welcome new pledges. 

Interested in Membership?
More News from  The Parish
Welcoming New Members

We were thrilled to welcome nine new members to King's Chapel during our birthday celebrationon June 12th.  Bios of new members will be featured in the upcoming weeks.  Please join us in welcoming all!

Meaghan Michel:
Meaghan is currently a ranger with the National Park service, as well as a history major at Quincy College.

She first came to King's Chapel because she was inspired by the writings of the Reverend Theodore Parker, which she came across in her historical research, as well as her work along the Freedom Trail.  After attending one of  the Wednesday services, she knew that King's Chapel could be a home to her, and is grateful to be a part of such a warm and loving community.

Prayerbook Commentary Assistance Needed

Carl Scovel and Karen Taylor are looking for two people who can work together, doing
routine but important work on the forthcoming prayerbook commentary.

The near-final draft of this commentary has a number of extended quotes (prayers,
chants, Bible verses) from the King's Chapel prayerbook. These excerpts need to be
checked for accuracy. This would require two people one with a prayerbook and one with
a draft. The person with the prayerbook would read the text aloud while the person with
the draft would scan the corresponding excerpt for accuracy, making corrections when  needed.

Anyone interested should email Carl at We will be very grateful  for your help.
Hymn Sing! | July 20 | 7PM 

Join us on Wednesday, July 20 at 7PM for a special Theology on Tap Hymn Sing! We will be joined by Music Director Heinrich Christensen. Bring copies of your favorite hymn. We will have copies of the Pilgrim Hymnal. We will gather at our Parish House 64 Beacon Street. We will provide light appetizers. All are invited to bring refreshments to share. R.S.V.P. to 
Contributing to Between Sundays

Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at with a written piece and/or pictures before Tuesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.