Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
From the Minister
I know this might be a hard sell, but there once was a day when I would love to climb trees. Honest, it's true. I would love the feeling of accomplishment when I could stand on a strong branch and see how far I had climbed. I loved the feeling of my hands pressing against the bark. I loved the sound of the tree leaves rustling as I jostled from branch to branch. Yes, I loved to climb trees. Climbing down the tree, however, was always much more difficult. I would succumb to fear and trembling. I would feel nervous that I could skin my knee or sprain my ankle.

In this week's New Testament lesson, we meet Zacchaeus. The gospel writers describe Zacchaeus, a tax-collector, as short and unseen. As Jesus is passing through the city, Zacchaeus climbs a tree in order to rise above the crowds and catch just a glimpse of Jesus. When Jesus notices Zacchaeus in the tree, Jesus calls Zacchaeus by name and invites him down. The crowd noticeably grumbles and calls Zacchaeus a sinner. I wonder what it must have felt like for Zacchaeus to climb down that tree after hearing the crowd disparage him. 

Fear and trembling, indeed. 

+ Shawn
A Collect for Election Day

O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgement and light riseth up in darkness, grant us, amid our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what thou wouldst have us do, that the spirit of thy wisdom may save us from false choices, that in thy light we may see light and in thy straight path we may not stumble; and this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

+Book of Common Prayer, King's Chapel
Upcoming Events...

Sermon Series on Parables: Stories Jesus Told |
September 18 - October 30

This fall, Shawn and Joy will offer a sermon series on the parables, as told in Luke. Has "church" missed what Jesus wanted to convey? What's relevant now? Catch the series at all worship services, September 18-October 30.  Can't come some day? Sermons also are posted on our web site and on YouTube.
Lord's Prayer Book Group |
Sunday October 30th  at the Parish House | 
9:45 AM  led by Rev. Joy Fallon 
Have you found the Lord's Prayer lose its meaning over time?  Is the comfort mainly in the cadence and familiarity, but the actual content seems distant?  If so, you aren't alone.  When Jesus taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer, he spoke to them in Aramaic, their local language in which each word and even sound can have multiple, textured meanings. Going back to the original raises surprising new and universal possibilities for this old prayer.  It can come alive! There are so many possibilities. Imagine:  "Radiant One: You shine within us, outside us - even darkness shines - when we remember. Focus your light within us - help us let go, clear the space inside of busy forgetfulness..." 

On Sunday, in the time between our 9 AM and 11 AM service, we'll explore together the possibilities, using Prayers of the Cosmos: Reflections on the Original Meaning of Jesus' Words. 
Lecture Series: Islam Beyond the Stereotypes | October 27

Tomorrow evening, Thursday October 27, is our final lecture of  the  "Islam: Beyond the Stereotypes" series.   The goal of this well received series is to present an informed view of Islam tha t avoids stereotypes and acknowledges the wide variety of cultural, social and political contexts that chara cterize the world's second largest faith.
Thursday, October 27, 2016: "The Challenges of Young Mu slims in America" by Imam Taymullah Abdur-Rahman, Muslim Chaplain at Harvard University. He is a colleague of Shaykr Yasir Fahmy, Imam of the Society of the Boston Cultural Center and a regular speaker at the ISBCC. He will speak on issues facing young Muslims and a vision of Islam in America that reflects the tradition as wel l as the cultural realities of life in Boston and the US.

The final talk will take p lace from 7:00 and 8:30 pm at King's Chapel Parish House, 64 Beacon Street, Boston. Light refreshments will be provided at 6:30. Space is limited, so please RSVP to Gretc hen Horton, Parish Administrator at    indicating the dates of the lecture(s) selected.
Concert Series: Requiem Concert, October 30 | 5PM

The next concert in our Sunday series will take place on October 30 at 5 PM. Join us for a unique concert experience as the King's Chapel Choir performs two stunning a cappella Requiem Masses by Palestrina and Pizzetti, Italian masters separated by 400 years.  Interspersed between the mass movements will be reflections on mortality from scripture, Mary Oliver, Maya Angelou, and more. Following the concert, parishioners and friends are invited to greet the performers and each other a wine and cheese reception at the Parish House.
The Reverend Fiedler Guest Preaching

On  Wednesday, November 2nd, the Rev. Shawn Fiedler will guest preach and celebrate Holy Communion at Boston University Marsh Chapel. The service begins at  11 A.M. On  Thursday, November 10, Shawn will speak at Harvard University's Morning Prayers. The service will be held in Holden Chapel on Harvard Yard at  8:45 A.M. All are welcome to these services. 
Habitat for Humanity Fall  "Build Out"  | Saturday,  November 5
Join us at a local area HFH home, place to be determined in the Roxbury or Roslindale area. We would like to gather ten generous people who enjoy using their hands at a variety of tasks. There is room for every level of skills...fear not!! This will be a full day, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, with a one hour lunch break.
A donation to HFH of $40.00 per volunteer is welcome, and is optional. Please feel free to adjust amount up or down according to your situation.  Make contribution out to King's Chapel with a notation "HFH Build". The Community Action Committee will match and assure that HFH Greater Boston receives a minimum of $750.00, and, of course, the volunteer's handiwork. To register, and for more information, contact Emanuel Genovese at  or 
All Saints and All Souls Service | November 6 | 11 AM

As is our tradition at King's Chapel, during our All Saints and All Souls Holy Communion Service on November 6, at 11 AM, worshippers will be invited to come forward to light a candle in memory of those who have died. Special large candles will be lit for those who were members and died in the last year; please contact the church office to make us aware of any such members who have passed away. Additional candles will be available for all who wish to offer prayers for the saints and souls we hold dear in our hearts. The choir will offer selections from Requiems.

Please join us for this special annual service, and for the luncheon following, to be held at the Parish House.

+ Joy
Listening Over Lunch |  Sunday, November 6

The Adult Religious Education Committee hosts our third such gathering, a simple lunch at which we can learn from each other in small group discussions as we explore our own beliefs and uncertainties. 

This year we'll have the rare opportunity to learn also from our visitors from Transylvania, the Reverends Norbert and Maria Racz. We will reflect on the holiday we are celebrating, All Saints and All Souls. This celebration coincides with Halloween, a holiday that began in pagan times, marking the end of the harvest and beginning of winter, the thin border between the world of the living and the world of the dead. In ancient times, people believed ghosts entered our world during this time. We'd love to have you join us-bring your ghosts, your beliefs, your questions, and your capacity to listen.

At the Parish House, immediately after the Morning Prayer service.   RSVP important: space is limited. If you didn't get an E-vite, e-mail   or call ( 617) 227-2155 .
Fall 2016 Minns Lectures: Sources of a Global Faith | November 11, 12, and 13

Register now at  for this
 unique opportunity to hear and learn from three prominent Unitarian ministers from Kolozsvár, Transylvania who serve the Transylvanian partner churches of King's Chapel and First Church Boston.  Lectures, panel presentations, and concluding sermons will explain the ideals and core practices that Transylvanian Unitarians hold dear, and explore how they may help to shape a compelling Unitarian faith for the future that has true global appeal.

Specific speakers, topics and times are as follows: "Transcendentalism in Transylvania" by the Rev. Csaba Mezei, Friday, November 11, King's Chapel, 6 pm; "The Future of Transylvanian Unitarian Liturgy" by the Rev. Norbert Rácz, Saturday, November 12, First Church Boston, 12 Noon; and "What Will Be the Sources of a Global Unitarian Faith?", a panel discussion with Revs. Norbert Rácz, Mária Racz, Czaba Mezei, and Roger Bertschausen from the UU Partner Church Council, Saturday, November 12, First Church Boston, 3 pm.  In between the two events on Saturday, November 12, at First Church Boston, a free box lunch will be served, and area congregations active in UU partner church activities in Transylvania and elsewhere around the globe will host information tables highlighting their partnership programs.       

On Sunday, November 13, the Rev. Norbert Rácz will preach at the 11 am service at King's Chapel and the Rev. Czaba Mezei will preach at the 11 am service at First Church Boston. Additional opportunities to meet and greet our guests from Transylvania during their stay will be announced soon.
A Day to be Experienced and Remembered |
Sunday, November 13

On Sunday, November 13, at King's Chapel, the morning service will honor our Unitarian Partner Church in Kolozsvár, Transylvania.  Its minister, the Reverend Norbert Rácz, will preach the sermon.  We are expecting a delegation of UUA leaders to participate in the service, and the partner church ministers, Reverend Rácz and Reverend Fallon, will celebrate communion in the Transylvanian tradition.  

As sixteen parishioners who've been to Transylvania well know, the relationship between our congregations is deep and transformative.  Since the 1920s, there have been numerous visits between Boston and Kolozsvár.  Transylvania is considered the birthplace of Unitarianism as we know it.

Reverend Rácz and his wife Mária will be in Boston to deliver the Minns Lectures (see separate article).  During their week-long visit, we will have opportunity to visit with this young couple and share our cultures and our faith.  More information about opportunities to meet and greet our guests from Transylvania will be announced soon.
BAGLY's Harvest Homecoming | November 15

Harvest Homecoming is a   laid back event for squashing stigma and introducing people to BAGLY (Boston Area LGBTQ Youth). There will be d rag queens, karaoke, food, and drinks! Claim one of the 3 tickets still available via the Community Action Committee and join Amanda for this great event!

Tickets for the BAGLY Harvest Homecoming can be found at

BAGLY Holiday Potluck | November 23

The BAGLY Holiday Potluck is open to all at the Community Church at 565 Boylston Street (Copley Sq).  Folks are definitely encouraged to cook and bring food! For more information, contact Amanda at 
From the Freedom Trail...
As winter quickly approaches, our peak tourism season begins to wind down. 2016 has already been a record-breaking season for the Freedom Trail Program, welcoming a whopping 274,288 visitors to King's Chapel so far this year!
Please join me in thanking our seasonal education team for their hard work and dedication throughout the summer and fall. Cheyenne, Gabe, Jared, Lia, Liz, Rosalie, Taylor, and newcomer Will have done incredible work fostering a friendly and welcoming environment for our Freedom Trail visitors. 

I look forward to a successful winter season with a core team of educators ensuring we can welcome off-season visitors to the historic church, and look forward to another successful year in 2017!

"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep" (Romans 12:15)

Congratulations to choir member Jennifer Webb and her wife Alison Kotin who gave birth to their daughter Ada Kotin Webb on October 20

Condolences to choir member Michael Gonzalez, whose grandfather passed away this past Saturday.

Congratulations to Emily Bieber who wed the enchanting Isaac Harris on October 23 just to get out of afternoon choir rehearsal.

In This Issue
"A Greedy Tax Collector and a Devout Rabbi"
Wednesday Service
October 26
Holy Communion | 6 PM
The Rev. Joy Fallon will Preach 
  • Dan Perry, Soloist  
  • Mindy Hinkel, Hospitality 
  • Lia Atanat,Verger
Sunday Services
October 30
Morning Light | 9 AM
  • The Little Chapel
  • Carol Sentenne, Verger
Church School | 10 AM

Morning Prayer | 11 AM
The Rev. Shawn Fiedler will Preach
  • Chris LaRoche, Lector
  • Anne Sexton and             Paul Luca, Head Ushers
  • Anne Sexton, Amy Meyer and David Wheeler , Ushers
  • Lia Atanat, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 32:1-7
  • Old Testament:    
    Wisdom of Solomon 11:22-12:1
  • New Testament:              
    Luke 19:1-10
The flowers on the Communion table are given by the Chancel Committee.
At the communion rail following the service, 
Bill Kuttner  will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.

After the service, all are invited to Coffee Hour hosted by 
Cathy Price and friends of the Hospitality Committee.
From the Bench:
By Heinrich Christensen

The prelude and postlude this Sunday are by Frenchman Louis Vierne who served as organist of the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris. Both pieces are from his collection of 24 Pièces de Fantaisie. 

We will open with Aubade, a depiction of the dawn, and close with his Toccata, a pretty spooky piece to get you in the mood for Halloween, likely rendered even more spooky by the reeds of the organ going out of tune this time of year as we wait for the heat to kick in and heating season temperatures to settle in in the church.

The choir will sing Richard Farrant's Hide Not Thou Thy Face, as well as our own Daniel Pinkham's Create a Pure Heart in Me, from his cycle of Psalm-Motets, and Viadana's Exultate Justi. 

Don't forget to come back at 5 for our Requiem concert!
Tuesday Recital
Tuesday November 1 |
12:15 PM

Handel and Haydn Society
Chorus and Orchestra Members
Scott Allen Jarrett, director
Piano Search

We are looking for a baby grand piano in excellent condition for the 2nd floor parlor of the Parish House. Some people have found when they try to deaccession a piano, that it can be quite difficult. So here is an easy way to do it, and with a charitable deduction as a gift to you!

Contact: Heinrich Christensen 
News From the Parish House...
Leadership Opportunities with King's Chapel

The KC Nominating Committee (Carol Genovese, Lee Glenn and Allen Speight, Chair) is currently seeking suggestions for candidates for leadership positions for new terms starting in 2017.  These include Senior and Junior Wardens, Vestry and At-Large Parish Council representatives, as well as Committee Chairs not appointed at the last Annual Meeting.   Please forward any suggestions to one of the Nominating Committee members.
Committee Meetings


Thursday October 27: 

* Membership Committee, 10 am

* Buildings and Grounds Committee, 7:30 am


Is your committee planning to meet in the next month? Please contact our Parish Administrator, Gretchen Horton, to add to our calendar.


News From the Parish House...

Seeking donations to Coat Boston

City Mission, our neighbors at 14 Beacon St, is once again partnering with Boston Public Schools in the Coat Boston program. For 7 years Coat Boston has been devoted to keeping children safe and warm during the winter.  Brand new, warm coats are provided to low-income families in Boston. Their goal is to provide 3000 coats this winter. If you would like to participate please bring a new coat (no used coats) sizes 6-20, (no soft shell or fleece type please) to the church or Parish House. You can also donate money toward a new coat if you wish. Please make check payable to City Mission.  The deadline for donations is December 10th.
For more information or questions please contact Judy Luca at

From the Chancel Committee
Have you ever thought you would like to donate flowers for the Sunday Service but are unsure what one needs to do?

We would like to place flowers on the chancel table every Sunday of the year with the exception of the 6 week Lenten period.

Flowers can be donated for a variety of reasons. They can be in memory of a loved one who has died, in thanksgiving for a special occurrence, or in celebration of a new birth or anniversary. They may also be donated as living prayers and symbols for peace and hope.

Please confirm with Anne Sexton if you have a regular Sunday that you would like to continue. Anne can be reached at the following email:

Sign up for Hospitality
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays

Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at  with a written piece and/or pictures before Tuesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.