From the Minister
The scene we find in this week's New Testament lesson opens with an urgent plea. The disciples cry out, "Increase our faith!" Who can blame them? The disciples have been traveling with Jesus for months. They have witnessed his miracles. They have seen his acts of compassion. They have heard his sermons. The disciples now realize the stark reality of being a follower of Jesus. To be a disciple of Jesus, to follow the path he set forth, is a difficult task. So the disciples cry out to Jesus. They beg him to increase their spiritual muscle, their confidence, their belief.
And Jesus responds with a parable, a puzzle. Jesus responds to the disciples with some business about a mustard seed and a mulberry tree.
I don't know about you, but I tend to join that chorus of disciples on most days. When I face what seems to be an impossible situation:
increase my faith. When I am frightened and nervous about the unknown: increase my faith. When I lack the courage to do what I know is right: increase my faith. And if I am being completely honest, there are some days when I have little faith or no faith to increase upon: Lord, give me faith.
Jesus (being Jesus) responds to the disciple's pleas and anxieties by asking more of them. That can't be. Can it? Join us
on Sunday.
+ Shawn
Sermon Series on Parables: Stories Jesus Told | September 18 - October 30
This fall, Shawn and Joy will offer a sermon series on the parables, as told in Luke. Has "church" missed what Jesus wanted to convey? What's relevant now? Catch the series at all worship services, September 18-October 30. Can't come some day? Sermons also are posted on our web site and on YouTube. |
Lecture Series: Islam Beyond the Stereotypes | October 4, 13 and 27
The Adult Religious Education Committee is sponsoring three evening lectures in October called "Islam: Beyond the Stereotypes." This program is offered to interested neighbors as well as the King's Chapel community to present an informed view of Islam that avoids stereotypes and acknowledges the wide variety of cultural, social and political contexts that characterize the world's second largest faith.
At this critical time, with the war against terrorism and an increased attention to the Muslim world, the media is replete with stories that often characterize Islam in simplistic and misleading ways that fail to portray its meaning as a religion or to reflect the diversity of Muslims and their beliefs around the globe. The problem in the United States has been made worse during this election season as American Muslims have been an easy target for politicians who use fear to justify discrimination and exclusionary immigration policies.
Against this backdrop, ARE thinks it is important to provide an opportunity to better understand and promote interfaith dialogue with Boston's Muslim community.
The evening lectures are as follows:
Tuesday, October 4, 2016: "Discerning Islam: Living Faith, Localized Customs, Political Ideologies" by James W. Morris, Professor of Theology, Boston College. Professor Morris will speak on the wide range of views that Muslims around the world have about aspects of their faith. He is an expert in Islamic theology, humanities and comparative studies, and lectures widely throughout Europe and the Muslim world.
*Thursday, October 13, 2016: "Contemporary Muslim Women: Challenges and Opportunities" by Natana J. Delong-Bas, Professor of Theology, Boston College. Professor Delong-Bas is a recognized expert on contemporary Islamic thought and practice and the editor-in-chief of the
Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women
. She will speak on issues facing Muslim women and the differing roles women assume in Muslim societies worldwide.
Thursday, October 27, 2016: "The Challenges of Young Muslims in America" by Imam Taymullah Abdur-Rahman, Muslim Chaplain at Harvard University. He is a colleague of Shaykr Yasir Fahmy, Imam of the Society of the Boston Cultural Center and a regular speaker at the ISBCC. He will speak on issues facing young Muslims and a vision of Islam in America that reflects the tradition as well as the cultural realities of life in Boston and the US.
Each talk will take place from 7:00 and 8:30 pm at King's Chapel Parish House, 64 Beacon Street, Boston. Light refreshments will be provided at 6:30. Space is limited, and it would be appreciated if those interested could RSVP to Gretchen at
indicating the dates of the lecture(s) selected.
From the Freedom Trail Visitors Program
Last Wednesday, the Celebrity Series of Boston installed a
outside of King's Chapel as part of a city-wide art installation, Play Me, I'm Yours, better known as Street Pianos
Boston. King's Chapel is one of 60 locations in the Boston-area hosting a public
October 10
. Over the past week, many talented musicians have sat at the bench to play a song, filling the vestibule with music. We encourage you to share your musical talent with us as well! Be sure to tag your photos and videos with #streetpianosboston and #kingschapel!
More from our Music Program
Save the date! Requiem Concert October 30
Join us for a unique concert experience as the King's Chapel Choir performs two stunning a cappella Requiem Masses by Palestrina and Pizzetti, Italian masters separated by 400 years. Interspersed between the mass movements will be reflections on mortality from scripture, Mary Oliver, Maya Angelou, and more. October 30, 5 pm. Tickets now on sale at a $5 discount at
Mozart Concert Recap Our concert series season got off to an auspicious start this past Sunday with "More and More Mozart". Soprano Emily Bieber raised the roof with a rousing rendition of "Exsultate, Jubilate", and the exemplary Bedford Chamber Orchestra delighted under the expert direction of Bradford Conner. In case you missed it, the program will be repeated at First Parish Bedford this Sunday, October 2 at 3 pm.
Alto Extravaganza!!
Blondes had more fun this past Friday and Saturday as the raucous Alto Extravaganza 6 brought down the Parish House and raised funds for the King's Chapel Concert Series. Huge thanks, as always, to our divas extraordinarias Heather Holland and Mindy Hinkel, as well as their accompanying spouses: Brett Hinkel on piano, and Pat Wroge on saxophone and bass. Kitchen captains Mary Sears and Gregg Sorensen made sure everyone was amply fed and watered.
News From the Parish House...
We are delighted that the Rev. John Bunyan, long-time member of King's Chapel, is visiting us this week from Australia. He is the author of many publications, which often include references to the King's Chapel Prayerbook. This Sunday he will be with us, and will available for purchase copies of his most recent book of hymns, many of which he has written himself. In addition, in John's words, "
This book lists also almost forty Scriptural and theological and other studies
, old and new, upon which his culturally and liturgically conservative, Scripturally unitarian, metaphorically trinitarian understanding
has developed so far. There are also short lists of important works on
the Reformation
, and of hymn books and hymnody
, pertinent
and a brief section on the
revising of hymns
." Copies of John's book have also been purchased for the King's Chapel library, if members wish to borrow a copy.
(Copies can also be sent from Australia for $15. Contact him at after October 18 for details of how payment can be made without bank fees.)
We are busy!
You may wonder why it may be difficult to reach some of the staff lately at the Parish House. We have been busy with a full calendar of events here, and many more activities coming this fall.
Last weekend, we were happy to hold a wedding in our garden. The weather cooperated and we were thrilled to offer Alex Watson and Breck Bailey the beauty of a Beacon Hill garden to hold their small service. In addition to this, we have another wedding in the Little Chapel in two weeks, and a wedding rehearsal dinner in the parlor and on the patio (weather permitting) this coming weekend.
Besides the parties, we are happy to continue our collaboration with Beacon Hill Seminars, Beacon Hill Garden Club and Beacon Hill Village. These fine organizations use our space for some of their meetings and events, and we are happy to work with our Beacon Hill neighbors.
"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep" (Romans 12:15)
We rejoice with all those who have had recent sojourns in the hospital, but have now been released. Todd Lee reports that his wife Karen Dalton is making excellent progress at the Sherrill House Rehabilitation facility after a fall last week.
Julie Sprague also is recovering well from her surgery on her foot. She hopes to be able to travel to Maine soon: it's a state she loves, and being there will help her heal.
We rejoice that Joei Perry has completed her chemotherapy, and is heading to the Midwest this weekend, with her two year old sons and husband Dan, so that she gain regain her strength at her parents' home. She and the twins will be there for some time. Dan will return for his job, and to sing in the choir each Sunday, blessing us. We pray that Joei will recover well, and return strengthened.
Leo Johnson had been scheduled for heart surgery today, but it has been postponed until next month: he's "not sick enough," and another who is more ill was given his surgical slot. He's seeing that assessment of relative health as good news, although it's hard to wait longer, of course.
There are others who need our prayers; please hold them in your heart. If you'd like support, please let us know. We offer specific prayers out loud each Sunday at the 11 AM service; we also have a prayer group that will offer ongoing, private, and confidential prayers. Please let the ministers know if we can be of help, or if you want prayers.
To see last Sunday's sermon by the Rev. Fallon, "All of Us are Deaf or Hard of Hearing," click
Wednesday Service
September 28
Holy Communion | 6 PM
The Rev. Joy Fallon will Preach
- Amy Meyer, Hospitality
- Gretchen Horton,Verger
Sunday Services
October 2
Morning Light | 9 AM
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
The Rev. Joy Fallon will Preach
- John Bunyan, Lector
- Anne Sexton and Paul Luca, Head Ushers
- Paul Luca, Usher in Charge
- Judy Luca and Sylvia Soderberg, Ushers
- Anne Sexton, Verger
The Readings:
- Psalm 37:1-11
- Old Testament:
Amos 5:6-7, 10-15
- New Testament:
Luke 17:5-10
The flowers on the communion table are given in loving memory of Dr.Hunter Sweaney and Frances Foushee Sweaney by their daughter Betty Sweaney Lykins.
At the communion rail following the service,
Bill Kuttner
will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, all are invited to Coffee Hour hosted by
friends of the Hospitality Committee.
From the Bench:
By Heinrich Christensen
This Sunday, the organ prelude and postlude are by French mystical and deeply devout composer Olivier Messiaen. For the prelude, you will hear his Apparition of the Church Eternal, a piece that depicts a vision of the church coming into view as a huge crescendo, only to disappear into the hushed shadows again, utilizing the entire dynamic scope of the organ. For the postlude, you will hear one of Messiaen's visions of the afterlife, the "Joy and Clarity of the Glorified Bodies".
The choir will sing Messiaen's luscious setting of the ancient communion antiphon O sacrum convivium, with a similar theme of future glory:
O sacred banquet in which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion is renewed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory to us is given. Alleluia.
You will hear a second setting for double chorus of that same text by American composer Steven Stucky who passed away earlier this year. And for communion we will sing the Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei of William Byrd's Mass for Five Voices.
Tuesday October 4 |
12:15 PM
Lee Ridgway plays
the C.B. Fisk Organ
Bach, Buxtehude, Lübeck
Meet Our Choir
DANIEL LYNG , tenor, is a student at the New England Conservatory. He is pursuing
a Masters of Music Degree in Voice Pedagogy under the tutelage of Dr. Ian Howell.
Daniel recently completed his Bachelors of Music Degree at the Eastman School of
Music, where he studied with Jan Opalach and Dr. Jonathan Retzlaff.
An active performer, Daniel is a winner of the Burnt Hills Oratorio Society Vocal
Competition and the Saratoga Warren County Music Educators Association
Competition. Recent roles include Ko-Ko in Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, and
Tenor in Phillip Glass's Hydrogen Jukebox with Eastman Opera Theatre. In addition,
Daniel has served as a Director and Music Director for productions at Cohoes Music
Hall, Saratoga Children's Theater, and Shenendehowa High School, among others.
Daniel maintains a vibrant private voice studio and seeks to help all students
achieve their vocal potential. He firmly believes that music educators have a
responsibility to provide students with the highest quality of vocal instruction and
to be knowledgeable teachers of singing that employ evidence-based pedagogy.
Other News from the Parish House...
Refreshed Website Coming Soon
Church websites are now considered to be the "front door" of the church for visitors. Many looking for a new spiritual community will first explore a church website before ever sitting foot in the sanctuary. Our website is currently being cleaned up and refreshed. Look for updates and more information soon.
Leadership Opportunities with King's Chapel
The KC Nominating Committee (Carol Genovese, Lee Glenn and Allen Speight, Chair) is currently seeking suggestions for candidates for leadership positions for new terms starting in 2017. These include Senior and Junior Wardens, Vestry and At-Large Parish Council representatives, as well as Committee Chairs not appointed at the last Annual Meeting. Please forward any suggestions to one of the Nominating Committee members.
October Meetings
Wednesday October 5: *Membership Mtg., 8:30 am
Tuesday October 11:
*Vestry Mtg., 6:00 pm
Tuesday October 18:
*Buildings and Grounds Mtg., 7:30 am
*ARE Mtg., 7:15 pm
Thursday October 20:
*CAC Mtg., 6:30 pm
Is your committee planning to meet in the next month? Please contact our Parish Administrator, Gretchen Horton, to add to our calendar.
From the Chancel Committee
Have you ever thought you would like to donate flowers for the Sunday Service but are unsure what one needs to do?
Flowers are placed on the chancel table every Sunday of the year with the exception of the 6 week Lenten period.
Flowers can be donated for a variety of reasons. They can be in memory of a loved one who has died, in thanksgiving for a special occurrence, or in celebration of a new birth or anniversary. They may also be donated as living prayers and symbols for peace and hope.
Please confirm with Anne Sexton if you have a regular Sunday that you would like to continue. Anne can be reached at the following email:
Anyone can help!
Enter your email and select a spot to fill. New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy. Questions? Email
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays
Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at with a written piece and/or pictures before Tuesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists
Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.
A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.