Vol. 7, Iss. 20
May 25, 2017
Dear Parents,

Graduation Day!
Today, we say good-bye to our eighth graders and will celebrate their graduation this evening.   This is always a day of mixed emotions for me. I am so proud of all of their hard work and it has been a blessing to watch each of them grow into young adults. I will miss each and every one of them. I can't wait to hear about the positive impact they will make in their high schools!
It is very fitting that this is the last class I will have worked with as an Assistant Principal. I remember high-fiving many of them as they entered the building six years ago for their first day of third grade. Their first year in middle school was also my first year as the Middle School Assistant Principal. I have followed them all on their journey of learning and growing up. I am convinced that I have learned as much from them as they have from me. They are graduating, and so am I in a sense.
When people ask me about why I wanted to be the principal at BFA, my first response is always that I love this community. I love being in a place where I can watch kids grow from eager, sometimes scared, kindergartners to confident, spunky eighth graders. The families, staff and Board make BFA such a special place.
In my twenty years of education, I have not experienced a place where people feel more welcomed, accepted and cared for than they do as they walk in to our building. I am proud of that. Principal Barber created a culture that cannot be matched, and I am excited to continue that tradition as the new principal.
I know that I have big shoes to fill and I am excited and honored by that challenge. I know many families already, but I am excited to get to know ALL of the BFA families! As we get ready to say good-bye and head off into summer, I am already looking forward to high-fiving and welcoming everyone back in August!


Diana Simpson 
Girls in STEM
On Friday, May 19, a group of 15 seventh grade girls, along with Mrs. Denham and Ms. Dychus, attended the Girls Exploring STEM (GESTEM) event at the Auraria Campus. 

They joined approximately 1,000 other seventh grade girls from the metro area to engage in hands-on STEM workshops, including building rockets, solar cars, 3D printing, making necklaces with DNA inside, and more. The goal of the event is to empower girls by introducing them to the exciting possibilities of STEM careers. Participants are led in groups by local STEM professionals to see how diversity and teamwork are essential components to innovation and problem solving, which are integral parts of helping people through STEM careers.        

School is almost over--so that means it's time to stock up on books for summer reading at the Buy One, Get One Book Fair sale! Join us at BFA'S Scholastic Book Fair from now until May 26 and keep your kids reading all summer. All books, posters and miscellaneous items will be buy one, get one free. 

The schedule for the book fair is as follows:
  • Thursday, May 25:  8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Please keep in mind the office is closed from 3 - 4 p.m.)
  • Friday, May 26:  8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you consigned items at the Used Uniform Sale and don't plan on donating them to the PTO, please stop by the school this week to pick up any remaining uniform pieces.

If you do not pick up your unsold items by   Friday   evening, we will assume that you plan to donate them to the PTO. For questions, please email Carley Robertson, PTO uniform buy-back committee chair. 
It's almost the last day of school, and we have a few additional year-end reminders/information:

  • Please pick up any medication held in the Health Room for your student. You can stop by today until 3 p.m., tomorrow from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. or Tuesday, May 30, from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. Alternatively, parents may send an email to the Health Room by noon on Friday, May 26, to have medications sent home with students (grades 4-8 only). Medications not picked up by Tuesday at noon will be disposed of per DCSD medication policy.


  • For budgeting purposes, the fees for next school year are as follows:

o   $125, preschool

o   $120, half-day kindergarten

o   $170, grades 1-5 and full-day kindergarten students

o   $185, grades 6-8  

Thank you to all the members of Ben's Brigade for your time and dedication to the BFA community. Ben's Brigade is looking forward to an even more productive and successful group in the 2017-18 school year - and you can take part! Dads, Uncles, and Grandfathers of BFA students are welcome to join. If you have any questions about Ben's Brigade, email Tom Devlin, Ben's Brigade chair. Have a safe and fun summer!
Field day
Thanks to  Jordynn Duffy , eighth grade, for designing this year's Field Day T-shirt! And, thanks to all the students in the Field Day elective,
Mrs. BauerMr. Macias and the PTO who organized this year's field day events. You did an amazing job!
pirates cove
T he PTO is rewarding families who have met their volunteer requirement with FREE admission to BFA's Pirates Cove Night from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Friday, June 16. The event will be held at Pirates Cove Family Fun Aquatic Center (1225 W Belleview Ave, Littleton ). Free admittance is good for 2016-17 BFA students and their parents who have met the requirements and recorded their hours by June 5; all others who wish to attend will pay $5 per person, cash only. Additionally, the PTO will be collecting wine donations for the Benefit Bash Wine Wall. The Benefit Bash is our primary fundraiser for next school year. The suggested price for wine donations is $25 or more, per bottle. Thanks in advance for your support.
You still have time to fulfill your 30-hour requirement (15 hours for single parent households). Click here for a list of v olunteer opportunities and/or to log your hours in Help Counter. As always, please continue to log your hours above your 30-hour minimum, as they help BFA earn grants to support the school.
Room Parent
The PTO is looking for Room Parents for next school year! Being a Room Parent is a great way to get your hours in, develop a great relationship with your child's teacher and get involved in the school. If you are interested, please send an email to  Amanda Trenck and Emily Tenhunfeld, co-room parent coordinators, K-5.  

Be sure to mark your calendars for the summer picnic sponsored by the Community Events Committee (CEC). It is scheduled for August 14, at Civic Green Park. More details will be shared later this summer.  
Student Council
BFA's Student Council has done an amazing job this year. From Spirit Week, to the skate party, the food drive for Crawford Elementary and raising money for Brayden--they accomplished so many wonderful things. We appreciate your dedication and hard work!     
Registration is open now for the summer volleyball camp for all incoming 2017 fifth through eighth grade BOYS & GIRLS!  Join us in the BFA Gym to learn and develop your skills on the court. 

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS!  Want to be a volleyball camp counselor for a week? Do you enjoy the game and want to help the next generation learn how to play? BFA is looking for MALE and FEMALE high school players for this summer's volleyball camp held July 10 - July 14. This is a volunteer opportunity and will help fulfill any high school volunteer hour requirements. If you, or anyone you know, might be interested, please email Coach Kristen Haufschild.

Fifth through eighth grade boys can girls can choose from two sessions for the week-long camp as well as optional evening clinics. Week-long camp registration is not required for evening clinic registration. Pick and choose as you like! Incoming fifth graders are required to participate in the morning session. 

Please see the attached  flier for additional details. Register today! If you have any questions, please  email Coach  Kristen Haufschild.

if you are interested in trying out for the BFA team this fall, you are encouraged to attend the summer camp or skills clinics! Sharpen your skills and get to know Coach Haufschild  who will be coaching our girls this fall season. Also, BFA's sixth grade science teacher Mr. Emmons  has signed on to be the assistant coach! Email coach Kristen Haufschild with questions. 
Registration is open for two summer STEM camps! The first session is for incoming third and fourth graders, and will be held from June 19-22. The second session is for rising fifth and sixth graders, and will be held from June 26-29. Both sessions are from 9 -11:30 a.m. at BFA, and the cost is $150 per session. Students will work in teams to perform experiments, discover the principles behind the experiment, innovate a new design with their team, and perform the experiment again. The fun increases as the week goes on as teams compete against each other to earn points. The winning team at the end of the week will receive a mad scientist award. Topics include: Phony Physics, Playing with Your Food, Build your own Egg Pod, and Responding to Disaster.
It's that time again...BFA Boys Summer Basketball Clinic will be held from 9 a.m. until noon, July 24 - 28. 
Coach Knudsen and Coach Macias will be hosting a 5-day boys basketball clinic for grades 5-8. They will be working on dribbling, passing, shooting, and ball handling. They will hold a scrimmage game the last day. The cost is $125 per player which includes a T-shirt and prizes throughout the week. Registration is open now so sign up today!  
benefit bash
The 2017 Benefit Bash, "A Night at the Speakeasy," is BFA's major fundraiser for the 2017-18 school year. Procurement for the event is ramping up NOW and we need YOUR HELP! There are all sorts of procurement roles available and many of the tasks can be accomplished during the summer.
The event will take place on Nov. 11, 2017, with preparations happening now until event night. See the attached  flier to find out how you can help.
All incoming BFA Kindergartners are invited to sign up for a summer program designed to introduce students to kindergarten literacy and math. This Kindie Boot Camp is designed to provide an opportunity for new kindies to become familiar with BFA and the kindergarten classroom. Campers will learn a new letter every day, make new friends, and work on crafts. There will be two boot camp sessions, and space is limited to 16 kids per session. The first camp will be held June 5-16, and the second is June 19-30; both are from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, at BFA. The cost of the camp is $125 per session. Sign up for one or both sessions today!  
Hot Lunch
For those planning classroom holiday parties  tomorrow, please remember to bring all necessary utensils and serving dishes. The BFA kitchen is run by Douglas County Nutrition Services and is not allowed to lend or hand out utensils or kitchen tools, as it is a nut-free facility and this risks contamination. Thank you for your understanding.
Also, please note that any monies remaining in your student's school lunch account will carry over to next school year.
PTO Logo

Thanks to your generosity, the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is able to provide BFA with tools, materials, and financial support for important BFA programs each year, including Lexia, Accelerated Reader incentives, Directory on Tap, new software, student planners, teacher/staff/volunteer appreciation and community events--just to name a few. This school year, the PTO has also purchased: 
  • Bookshelves for the Library 
  • Literacy kits  
  • A pilot program for Discovery Education student science online tech book 
  • Camera kits used in middle school STEAM classes
  • Costumes and sets for the Aladdin performance 
  • Chain replacements for playground swings 
  • Contribution toward the purchase of new artificial turf above Zone B
  • Kore Wobble chairs for SPED classroom
  • Makeover and microwaves for teacher/staff lounge
  • IHT wrist heart rate monitors and software for PE 
  • Irons and ironing boards for the middle school Life Skills class
  • Cool and Creative Chemistry Assemblies for grades 6-8
  • Fees for HawkQuest to attend BFA's 2017 STEM Expo
  • T-shirts for Ben's Brigade
  • Scripts and licensing for 'Seaussical Jr. Musical' for 2018
  • Rugs for BASE/Summer Camp room
  • Mirror wall for music classroom
  • More than 1000 Field Day T-shirts for all students and staff
  • Field Day bounce houses and Kona Ice
Also, the PTO is actively working on approval for additional playground and STEAM enhancements.

Thank you for your unwavering support!
educational outfitters
Educational Outfitters (EO), BFA's uniform vendor, distributed a flier the first week of May with information about upcoming sales, prices and styles. Unfortunately, some of the style codes listed on the flier no longer apply, as the Board revised the uniform policy in February of this year. Educational Outfitters has been made aware of the corrections, but we want to be sure you have accurate information when you shop for school uniforms.  
  • Pants and shorts can be purchased in any style as long as they are navy or khaki. 
  • Skirts and skorts can be purchased in almost any style as long as they are navy, khaki or our school plaid (#36). There is an exception; the girls skirt cannot be purchased in style 134 or ALE702, as that is an entirely different fabric which impacts the color of the garment. As always, EO can help you identify any exceptions to our list of approved choices.
  • Jumpers are for students in grades K-5, and can be purchased in any style as long as they are in our school plaid (#36).    
When you are purchasing uniforms, please keep in mind that there will be a one school year phase-out of the blue and khaki jumper, the plaid belt, the oxford button down, and the quarter zip pullover. Those items will not be permissible under the Uniform Policy after the end of the 2017-18 school year. 

For additional information about upcoming sales, EO's hours and location, please see this corrected flier.
Elitch Gardens Douglas County Community Days 
Take advantage of Elitch Gardens discount tickets and pay only $27.99 per admission (ages 3 and under are free) from June 2 - 4. If you purchase tickets by May 31, you will receive a free return ticket to the park valid mid-August through mid-October. Please remember to use our school code (BFA) at checkout and $4 from each ticket purchased will be donated to our school. Go to the Elitch Gardens website for more details and to buy tickets. 
Get 'em while they last!  Frozen: The Broadway-Bound Musical
There are a limited number of tickets to this musical coming in August to the Denver Center for the Performing Arts.  You can choose between an evening performance on Thursday, Sept. 21 or a matinee on Saturday, Sept. 23. Please read this flier for more details. To reserve and purchase tickets, email Stacey Briggs right away.  
Below are a few important reminders and key dates as we approach the end of this school year and prepare for next year.  
Please keep your carpool tags, as we will use them again next year. During registration, bring your tags with you for the new 2017-18 validation sticker.
The current uniform policy can always be found on our website under the 'Parents' tab. The last significant uniform policy changes were made this past February, and include a one school year phase-out of the blue and khaki jumper, the plaid belt, the oxford button down, and the quarter zip pullover. Those items will not be permissible under the Uniform Policy after the end of the 2017-18 school year.
Keep in mind that Educational Outfitters, our uniform vendor, is having a 20 percent off sale May 15 - 31, a 15 percent off sale June 1 - 15, and a 10 percent off sale June 16 - July 15. The used uniform sale is from 9 - 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 20, in the Middle School Commons.
Summer Office Hours
Beginning June 7, the front office will only be open Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until noon, except the week of July 3. 
Registration for 2017-18 School Year
On July 21, you'll receive a link for Express Check-In, which is the first step in the Registration Process. To complete Express Check-In, you must have an active Parent Portal and be able to access it. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on this  Frequently Asked Questions link. If you still have issues,  email our registrar.  Please note: Families new to Douglas County School District (DCSD), will need to set up their parent portal according to the instructions sent by DCSD on July 1. 
Express Check-In will open on Friday, July 21, 2017.  To avoid delays in your student's registration, you must complete Express Check-In and pay your student fees by Tuesday, Aug. 8.    
The second step in the registration process takes place Wednesday, Aug. 9 - Friday, Aug 11. Parents should plan on coming to BFA to complete the registration process on their assigned date (see below).  It is important to complete all necessary paperwork from Express Check-In and bring it, along with your carpool tag, to registration. Keep in mind, student photos will be taken during registration, so students should wear a uniform shirt to registration. Photos for volunteer badges will also be taken during this time. Registration dates are as follows: 
Wednesday, Aug. 9
Families with last name beginning A-L
Registration hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (with lunch break from noon until 1 p.m.)
Thursday, Aug. 10
Families with last name beginning M-Z
Registration hours: 11:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (with lunch break from 2 - 3 p.m.)
Friday, Aug. 11
New BFA Families ONLY
Registration hours: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Teacher Assignments
Parents will be notified of their student's homeroom teacher via email by mid-July. 
Middle School Electives
The complete Middle School Elective catalogue and instructions on how to make elective choices will be sent to Middle School parents on July 15.  Class schedules can be accessed through Infinite Campus in early August. 
Other Important Dates
Please mark these dates in your calendar:
Monday, Aug. 14 -  Teacher Meet and Greets - Additional information about teacher meet and greets will be sent out by your student's teacher later this summer.  
Wednesday, Aug. 16 -  First day of school!
According to state law, students entering sixth grade next school year must have received the Tdap vaccination to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. Students entering sixth grade, and students new to BFA for grades 6-8 must show proof of immunization. Records can be dropped off in the school health office, emailed to the health office, or faxed to 303-974-1738. For more information, please see this flier
BFA Summer Camp
It is hard to believe, but it's already time to start thinking about Summer Camp! Ben Franklin Academy is happy to announce that we will offer an exciting Summer Camp program again this year. 

Do you need full-time daycare for the summer? Or perhaps you want to schedule something fun for your kids once a week while you run errands. Maybe your kids would like to connect with other Ben Franklin Academy kids and enjoy fun, summer social time? Whatever your situation, our Summer Camp is sure to keep your kids safe and entertained. And, the best part is--the program is staffed by people you know and trust!
Program Details
Dates: May 31 - Aug. 11; Closed July 3-7
Hours: 7 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Days: Monday through Friday
Summer Camp is open to any currently enrolled BFA student age 5-years-old and above. Your child must be five on or before May 31 to participate.
Program Costs
Registration: There is a $35/per child one-time registration fee. All registered campers will receive a camp T-shirt and daypack.
Daily Tuition: The cost of the camp is $35/day/child for non-field trip days and $50/day/child for field trip days.

Begin the  registration process now!

Detailed daily activity schedules available below:
Thursday, May 25 

Join us at  BFA'S Scholastic Book Fair now through May 26 and keep your kids reading all summer. All books, posters and miscellaneous items will be buy one, get one free. 

The schedule for the book fair is as follows:
  • Thursday, May 25:  8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Please keep in mind the office is closed from 3 - 4 p.m.)
  • Friday, May 26:  8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Our BFA eighth graders will graduate at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25, at BFA.  
Friday, May 26

Friday, May 26, is the last day of school. We hope you all enjoy your summer break and we wish our graduating eighth graders the best in high school! 

The last dress of choice day of the school year is Friday, May 26.  Students can wear dress of choice if they have not had two uniform violations since the last dress of choice day. 

Box Tops Logo
Friday, May 26, is the last day to turn in Box Tops for this school year. 

This is the last day to pick up summer reading materials at buy one, get one prices! The Book Fair will run from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. today.  

End of year celebrations will be held Friday, May 26. Your teacher or room parent will send out details about your student's class party. The Middle School class party will be held from 1 - 3 p.m. in the Middle School Commons.
Friday, June 2

The Board is meeting from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Friday, June 2, in the BFA Library for their annual retreat.  
Additional Upcoming Events: BFA Calendar
Middle School: Blog | Athletics 
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office: (720) 383-4519 
Attendance: (720) 432-9239 
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.