Keeping King's Chapel's members, friends, and subscribed visitors connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
From the Minister
Do you remember what it was like as a child to wonder about God? Maybe you never learned much in your home, or perhaps you attended services often. Either way, there were probably visions you had of whether there was a God, what that Force was like, whether such a God paid any attention to you at all. Over time, your feelings may have changed. At King's Chapel we hope to provide a safe space for all of us to ask questions, and have conversations as a community, so we all can grow in our spiritual lives.

This Sunday two of our high school students will share what they've been considering this year as part of our "Coming of Age" class. Come to hear their reflections and to honor them. You'll also be with other youth who will read the scriptures, lead us in music, and take the offering, all in the context of our usual First Sunday Holy Communion service. It's a service for all who are young, and young of heart, who keep asking and wondering. I think that includes us all.

- Joy
Upcoming Events ...
No Morning Light on June 5

There will be no Morning Light (Sunday 9AM) this Sunday, June 5th. Instead, please join us for Holy Communion at 11AM at the corner of Tremont and School Streets as we honor the work of our Church School throughout the past year.  Nursery care will still be available.
Children's Sunday | June 5 | 11 AM

On June 5th, we will not have a Morning Light Service or Church School. Instead, we invite everyone to join us at the Big Chapel at 11 AM where children, youth, parents, and teachers will take part in the Morning Prayer Service with Holy Communion. 
All Parish Picnic  | June 5 | 12 PM

Join us this Sunday for an all-parish picnic and barbecue at the Parish House Garden,  behind 64 Beacon Street. We'll provide the food - come and welcome the summer!
Pride Parade | June 11 | 12 PM

Join King's Chapel as we march in the Boston Pride Parade on Saturday, June 11th at 12 PM. The parade kicks off at Copley Square, travels through the South End, then passes both the King's Chapel Parish House and Stone Chapel before finishing at Government Center. Throughout the duration of the parade, our Paul Revere bell will sound throughout downtown Boston. This is Boston's largest parade. This promises to be a great time! The line-up location will be available next week. All are welcome to participate. For more information, contact 

King's Chapel's 330th Birthday | 
June 12 | Morning Prayer 11 AM

"And on that Sunday in early June, the Rev. Radcliffe, dressed in surplice, read from the Book of Common Prayer to a company which crowded the little room past it capacity. Some had come out of curiosity of course, never having seen a clergyman in surplice or heard Common Prayer read publicly in Boston (it had long been banned). More had come for the privilege of participating once again the familiar English service on these far shores."

-Excerpted from And Plead for the Rights of All by Ola Elizabeth Winslow

On June 12th, we will be celebrating King's Chapel 330th Birthday. The King's Chapel choir
leads us in Morning Prayer for the last time before they break for the summer. We will welcome new members and celebrate over cake. Following Morning Prayer, members and guests will be treated to free tours of the bell tower and the crypt, provided by our Visitor Program.
Theology on Tap | June 15 | 7 PM

Believer. Non-believer. Confident. Curious. Join us for a lively discussion of big questions at a  local pub. On June 15 at 7 PM, we will discuss Homosexuality and the Christian Tradition.  What exactly does the bible say about homosexuality? What has the tradition had to say over  the centuries? Can you really be gay or lesbian and Christian? Anyone 21 and over is welcome  to join. We will meet at The Kinsale Pub and Restaurant, located across from City Hall Plaza.
Tuesday Barbecues at the Parsonage This Summer! One each Month. 6 PM

Following our tradition, please plan to join us for informal barbecues in the  beautiful garden behind the Parsonage and Parish House, on these summer  evenings, one each month: 

Tuesday, June 21 st
Tuesday July 12th
Tuesday August 16th

The main course and drinks will be provided, but we'd love you to bring a side dish or dessert. If it rains, we'll eat indoors.

To RSVP, contact Gretchen Horton,
Parish Administrator,, 617-227- 2155 x 108.

It's fun for all ages.
King's Chapel Habitat for Humanity-Boston Build | June 25

We have nearly a full team for the June 25 (the first Sunday of Summer) King's Chapel Habitat for Humanity-Boston build.  We can accept 1 or 2 more.  The build runs from 9 AM to 3:30 PM with a one hour lunch break.  In the past the KC teams have enjoyed lunch in one of the local ethnic restaurants. 

The build will be at one of the HFH-Boston sites now under construction in Roslindale, Mattapan, or Dorchester.  The exact location will be selected by HFH-Boston based upon the specific build site requirements.  Work will be available for all skill levels (including none). For more information on HFH-Boston and the site where they build, go to  and

King's Chapel has supported HFH-Boston both financially and with multiple volunteer efforts.  If you haven't done this before, please consider joining now. The minimum age to participate is 16.  To enroll or for more information contact Emanuel Genovese at 617-738-6367 or , or Peter Sexton at 781-383-9028 or .
Spotlight On:
Second Sunday Offering | June 12

On  June 12th , any offerings not specifically designated for the Annual Appeal will go directly to support the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Y outh (B.A.G.L.Y.).   BAGLY is a youth-led, adult-supported social support organization committed to social justice, and creating, sustaining and advocating for progra ms, policies, and services for the GLBT youth community. BAGLY has a drop-in center for youth located at 14 Beacon Street. The center hosts health clinics, free computer use, counseling services, snacks, and other resources. On Wednesday, May 25th the Rev. Shawn Fiedler, Jim Carroll, and Amanda Pickett attended BAGLY's annual fundraiser.
From the Freedom Trail Visitor Program
Please join us Sunday June 12 for a Bells and Bones Tour! In celebration of King's Chapel's 330th birthday, the Freedom Trail Visitors Program will offer free tours to the congregation immediately following the 11:00am service. I hope you join us for this fantastic opportunity to learn more about King's Chapel's past 330 years by exploring the crypt below and bell tower above. Tours last about 45 minutes. For more information, please visit the Freedom Trail section of our website or contact me directly at  
In This Issue
Wednesday, June 1 , 6 PM

The Rev. Joy Fallon, Preaching
  • Amy Meyer, Hospitality
  • Amy Meyer, Usher
  • Liz Adams, Verger
  • Sudeep Agarwala, Soloist
Sunday, June 5, 11 AM

The Rev. Joy Fallon, Preacher
  • Anne Sexton and Paul Luca, Head Ushers
  • Roger and Caroline Wellington, Ushers
  • Carolyn Conley-Das, Verger
  • Will Speight, Ryan Harrison, & Cindy Korb Wellington, Lectors
The Readings:
  • Psalm 100
  • Old Testament: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
  • New Testament: Luke 4:16-21
The flowers on the Communion table are given in grateful memory of   
the life and work and love of Palfrey Perkins, in the week of his birthday, by Cornelia Zinsser.
At the communion rail following the service, 
Gregg Sorensen will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, 
all are invited to the Parish House for an all-church picnic sponsored by our Church School.
From the Bench
By Heinrich Christensen
For Children's  Sunday, we are trying to create a hybrid between our traditional liturgical communion service and the musical "vibe" of our new Morning Light service. So pianist Skip Lewan will improvise gathering music before the service begins, and there will be a mix of traditional and contemporary hymns, not to mention the Sanctus most familiar to our Wednesday evening congregation. For the intergenerational touch, the Boitanos will bring the brass, and the Holland-Wroges the gospel. Come as you are and celebrate the manifold ways to worship!

At the end of the service, the saints will go marching all the way down Beacon Street to the All-Parish Picnic.
Tuesday Recital
Tuesday, June 7, 12:15 PM

Handel & Haydn Society
Chorus Members
Scott Allen Jarrett, director
Motets by Schein
Interested in Membership?
Jazz Improvisation

S kip Lewan, the jazz pianist who leads our 9 AM worship, will play the prelude and 
postlude at our service. If you have not heard him improvise and compose before,  come and enjoy it on Sunday. Skip is a graduate of the Berkelee School of Music, with a degree in composition.
More News from 
The Parish
We are sad to say that two of our long time vergers are leaving us: 

Rosemary Ouelette, who started with us as an Educator with the Visitor Program, and then moved over to verge the Morning Light program has moved on. We will miss her cheery smile!

Also, leaving us is Carolyn Conley-Das.  Many of you have known Carolyn as a verger for the  Tuesday Recital and Sunday Morning Prayer services.  Carolyn has been with us for six years and we will be sad to see her leave.  You may wish her farewell this  Sunday June 5 at the Morning Prayer service, her last day with us. 

We celebrate Amanda Pickett's graduation!  Amanda, a member of our parish often seen at our Wednesday Evening Communion service, graduated from Simmons College with a Masters in  Gender and Cultural Studies.  Congratulations, Amanda!
Upcoming Meetings
Parish Council Meeting-
Tuesday, June 7, at 6 PM

Community Action Committee Meeting-
Thursday, June 9, at 6:30 PM

Vestry Meeting-
Tuesday, June 14 at 6 PM
Changing of the Guard 
Contributing to Between Sundays

Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at with a written piece and/or pictures before Tuesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.