Scheduled Reminders for Registered Attendees

You can now schedule and send (up to two) follow-up email reminders to the registered attendees for an event. At the top of the Event Email tab in the Add or Edit Event form, you'll see a new "Recipients" row where you indicate whether you want to send event email to the registered attendees for the event, or to the distribution list for the event. For more information, go to: 


TIP: On the Edit Event / Registration page, the invitees table
can now be sorted by clicking on column headings!


New Response Timeout Feature

The "response timeout" feature is now available for event registration in Trumba. With the "Automatically invoice from wait list when space is available" option, you automatically invite (and reserve spaces for) people on the wait list when one or more spaces opens up. Now, by adding a response timeout, you continue to invite the next person who joined the wait list (automatically) if the previous invitee doesn't respond within a time limit that you set. With response timeout, it's first come, first serve among all the people invited, which makes this a great option to use to help fill the available spaces for your events. For more information, go to   Manage the wait list .
Event Registration with Response timeout highlighted.

NOTE: Time formatting now available to spud Date Settings. 
Just added: 'plain' military style (HHMM) and single dot separator (8.00am).


Spuds and Secure Web Pages - aka HTTP vs HTTPS

When browsers display content on secure (https) pages, they verify that all of the content on the  pages is also secure. Trumba now creates the spuds.js section of the spud script code without  specifying the protocol (http vs. https). This script, such as in the example below, loads using  whatever protocol the hosting page uses:

<script type="text/javascript" src=" //"></script>

If you've used spud code on your website that was generated by Trumba prior to this change, the  spuds.js section may include "http:" as shown here:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Because the URL in that code begins with http rather than https, the browser interprets the spud  content as potentially insecure and may respond in a way that isn't obvious or might cause concern  for page visitors.  To make sure that visitors to an https page don't have trouble displaying your  spuds, remove "http:" from your spud script code (in the spuds.js section), such as in the first  example above.  

Trumba University Demonstration  Website
for WordPress

The Trumba University demonstration website has been redesigned from the ground up. The site is  driven by the interactive Trumba editing environment, and built through integrating Trumba spud  code within the WordPress content management system (CMS). The site is mobile responsive for  all device types. You can view the live site at: .

Featured Client
Oklahoma State University

Oklahoma State University offers an extensive campus-wide calendar of events from various  departments and organizations on campus for undergraduate, graduate, faculty & staff, and the  general public. Using Single Sign On ,  Trumba publishers and editors can access their Trumba  accounts through one standard sign-in process and the event submission form can also be  restricted to only individuals who are authorized. No separate Trumba user names and passwords  are required. This implementation is also using Custom Objects to manage over 700 campus  buildings, each linking to an internal campus map. They also offer Calendar Help to the site visitor  to guide the visitor through how to use the calendar, how to submit events, how to request access  and more.

    Check out the full experience HERE