Message from Mandy Goheen,
Director of Prison Ministry and the Worthy Now Network

Did you know that as of today the Church of the Larger Fellowship has 783 members that are incarcerated and that number is growing every day! Just fifteen years ago, we had only forty-nine members. This growth is incredibly inspiring when you consider it happened because our members share information about the CLF and Unitarian Universalism with friends and cellmates. The CLF has never done outreach into the prison industrial complex, but the saving message about Unitarian Universalism is spreading on the inside. Hope is a gift worth sharing. 

Not only are our members ministering each other, but many times we find they minister us in the free world as well. At the CLF, ministry is flowing both ways across prison walls. Because of the current political climate, we decided to ask our members inside, who are experts in hope, "During times of major political & emotional changes, what advice can you offer us in the free world that helps keep you strong and resilient?" Forty-four people responded.  I can't share them all in this email, but here are just a few: 

Stand firm in your beliefs, and keep an open mind on the world around you. Change is inevitable, and change is good, change helps us see the world around us, and changes can make us all better people... - Eugene 

Our life is full of political let downs and emotional confusion. Never allow the disappointment of failing politicians over throw your individual will to effect change. You have the power to be the next political power that will nullify injustice. Use feelings of anger, disappointment, and frustration as your fuel to transform the world. Each time we lose control of ourselves we give our enemy an unearned victory. Breathe, still the mind, and take calculated steps to make your life an example of positive leadership. And from your stillness the world will follow. - Russell

The one thing I have learned in prison is that no matter how bad my day is someone else's is worse. I have also learned from UU that no matter what I hear or see around me - someone loves me. That has helped me in ways that I cannot put into words. - Michael

First of all establish a strong spiritual base for yourself in times of trouble. Second of all be mindful that change is mandatory and constant for all in creation. Change is a natural event for progress, therefore being conscious of these facts helps alleviate burdens if change - just like the weather, just accept it as part of life. - Charles

Want to hear more testimonials of our members who live in prisons? Consider joining our letter writing team. By becoming a pen pal and writing just one letter a month for six months, you can make a big difference in someone's life and it just might make a difference in yours as well. 

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