Keep Tahoe Blue

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Will Placer County developments clog Tahoe roads and cloud the Lake?

In July, Placer County Planning Commissioners rejected the Martis Valley West project, a controversial development proposed for a ridge just outside the Lake Tahoe Basin. The League applauds the decision, as the project would add thousand of car trips to Tahoe, which already has traffic problems. Traffic-related impacts are the number one cause of clarity loss, both from winter traction materials and tailpipe emissions.

The League hopes Planning Commissioners stick to the same principles when they consider the proposed Village at Squaw Valley in August, and encourages the Placer County Board of Supervisors follows suit when the decisions come before them in the months ahead

Placer County residents: don't miss an opportunity to have a voice in the County's future
Placer County
Photo by Flickr user Bev Sykes, creative commons

Placer County officials have released a draft Area Plan for the part of the county within the Lake Tahoe Basin. The County seeks input from the public, and the League encourages you to speak up to ensure that the plan includes strong protections for Lake Tahoe.

Hundreds clean Lake Tahoe beaches after holiday weekend
Amazing beach cleanup volunteers

Following Fourth of July festivities, 330 community members and visitors gathered on July 5 at Tahoe beaches to remove litter left behind on the Lake's shoreline.

"Community beach cleanups like these are a great way to educate people about ways they can help Keep Tahoe Blue," said Marilee Movius, the League's communication engagement manager. 

"We are continuing to collect data on the trash we pick up to inform our advocacy to support solutions," said Jesse Patterson, the League's deputy director. "For example, in the last two years, we have identified hot spots where cigarette butt litter is a major problem. We will be partnering with local business leaders to install cigarette butt disposal canisters at key locations around the Basin."

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation gives $35,000 to support League citizen science programs

Eyes on the Lake training

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has granted the League to Save Lake Tahoe $35,000 to support its citizen science programs to address the threats to Lake Tahoe from aquatic invasive species and stormwater pollution. 

Which Lake Tahoe do you prefer? 

Do you know the status of the  fight to control aquatic invasive species already in Lake Tahoe? Read the 2016 Update to the AIS Challenge at Lake Tahoe [PDF]. 
Aquatic invasive plants are threatening Lake Tahoe, and we need your help to prevent their assault on Tahoe's waters. We need your "Eyes on the Lake." Attend one of our free trainings and learn how you can protect while you play.

August 10 | 5:30 - 8 pm
South Lake Tahoe
RSVP for specific location

August 20 | 10 am - 12:30 pm
Tahoe City
RSVP for specific location

August 23 | 4 - 7 pm
Upper Truckee River, South Lake Tahoe
In advance of one of Lake Tahoe's largest restoration projects, we will partner with the California Tahoe Conservancy for a one-day aquatic invasive plant survey of the Upper Truckee River, and we need your help. All trained Eyes on the Lake volunteers are eligible to participate. 
RSVP now

Not an Eyes on the Lake volunteer yet? Join us for a training in August (see above)
Tahoe Forest Stewardship Day
September 10 | 8:30 am - 2 pm
Angora Burn Area, South Lake Tahoe
Volunteers of all ages and skill levels are invited to this fun, hands-on restoration day. By pitching in, you can make a direct impact in restoring the forested watersheds  that surround Lake Tahoe.
RSVP now

July 15, Moonshine Ink
More coverage of the massive developments proposed in Placer County located just outside the Lake Tahoe Basin. 

July 28, San Jose Mercury News
Lake Tahoe's water temperature last year hit the warmest level ever recorded. 
$5,000 in member contributions is matched by $5,000 Tahoe Blue Vodka donation to Keep Tahoe Blue
Matt Levitt_ founder_CEO of Tahoe Blue Vodka_ presents _5_000 check to Darcie Goodman Collins_ PhD_ the League_s executive director.
Matt Levitt, founder/CEO of Tahoe Blue Vodka, presents $5,000 check to Darcie Goodman Collins, PhD, the League's executive director.

South Lake Tahoe-based Tahoe Blue Vodka has donated $5,000 to the League to Save Lake Tahoe, with encouragement to community members to match their contribution to support the League's beach cleanups. League supporters surpassed the match, raising over $10,000.

Shoreline Tee - RISE Designs

Remember good times at Lake Tahoe with our new Shoreline Tee. The design is printed on a night black 100 percent organic cotton fine jersey tee with a rib collar. Locally designed and hand-printed by our friends at RISE Designs. All proceeds directly fund efforts to Keep Tahoe Blue.