Volume 47
Issue 20
May 18, 2017
Vestavia Hills Farmers Market
The VHUMC Farmers Market has resumed for the summer. The market will be open from 7:00 to 11:00 am every Wednesday through August 30 in the large parking lot. Mark your calendars and come see the seasonal vegetables, fruits, breads, baked goods, cheeses, and meats from local producers!
Join Us in Celebrating Our Graduating Seniors
Our Senior Sunday service honoring high school seniors is this Sunday, May 21, in the 11:00 am traditional service. Many parents have said that this long-standing service was more meaningful than the actual graduation. It is equally important to our congregation that we celebrate these fine young men and women who have learned about and grown in Christ alongside each other during their formative years at VHUMC.
Champion Movie Tickets
VHUMC will be hosting a private showing of the award-winning movie "Champion" at the Vestavia Hills Carmike Theater, on Friday, May 19, at 7:00 pm. The cost is $4/person and you can pay at the door. There is a limited number of seats so you will need to make a reservation by contacting Jim Frazier ([email protected] / 769-0126).
Sunday Evening Worship Series
This Sunday concludes our two weeks of "Preparation and Promise" from John 14, led by Butch Williams. Come as you are and join us for warm fellowship, and singing the old, great hymns: "O For a Thousand Tongues, In the Garden, Blessed Assurance, I Love to Tell the Story, and He Lives." Also, mark your calendar for Ted Leach preaching for us on May 28!
Financial Update and Summer Plans
The General Fund Report (below) has our new totals through April. Remember that as we transition our fiscal year to July-June, we are currently in an 18-month financial period. Your giving has been very strong the past four months and we are closing the gap between our target (budget) and actual giving. Thank you!

We want to be sure our donations do not drop over the summer as vacations start and schedules change. One way to really help is to give monthly through our online donation option. Once you set up a bank draft or credit card charge, the church will keep getting monthly donations until you stop them. Click the link or contact Natalie Giesen ([email protected]769-0121) if you need assistance.

Every dollar counts, so please give generously as you can to VHUMC this summer.

Bundles of Hope Diaper Drive
Did you know that...
  • There are more than 14,500 children under the age of five in Birmingham?
  • A baby can go through 8-10 diapers a day?
  • 29% of our community lives below the poverty line - $24,250 for a family of four?
  • Diapers are not covered by any government program such as SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) or WIC?
During the month of May, VHUMC is sponsoring a diaper drive for Bundles of Hope diaper bank. Bundles of Hope distributes an average of 25,000 diapers every month to families who are struggling to make ends meet. They give each needy family 50 diapers (or 1 weeks' worth), for each child.

Please help us by donating either diapers or making a monetary donation during the month of May. Bins are located around the church. While all sizes of diapers are needed, we have the largest demand for the large sizes (4, 5 and 6). Any monetary donations will be used to purchase diapers through the National Diaper Bank Association where we can make a dollar go a bit farther! For questions, contact Rachael Hayes ([email protected]).
Calling All Superheroes
Vacation Bible Camp is coming up June 12-16, and this year our theme is Hero Central. We will be learning how we can become truly heroic in God. You can register your 4k (by last September 1, 2016) through 5th grader by clicking the link below or visiting www.vhumc.org.

We are still in need of volunteers, so please contact Jamie Meeks ([email protected]) if you are able to join us! If your 6th-12th grader would like to volunteer as a student helper please contact Anna Watts ([email protected]) before May 26. We hope you can join us for the fun!

May Memory Verse
This is the final Sunday for our 1st-5th graders to recite the May memory verse. It is: "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15). Kids can recite their verse before or after Sunday School in either the sensory room or the elementary office for a sweet treat and a chance to win a bike at our Awards Assembly on June 4! Once they learn their verse for the month they can work on the Books of the Bible or the Apostle's Creed for more chances to win!
Holiday Weekend Sunday School
With summer around the corner, we have modified our Sunday School Options for the Holiday Weekends. On May 28 and July 2, there will be no Elementary or Student Sunday School, though the nursery will be available. There will a combined Sunday School series entitled "Methodism 101" in the Chapel each of these days, taught by one of our clergy for anyone who would like to attend. On September 3, Sunday Schools will meet as usual, but the "Methodism 101" combined option will also be available.
Elementary Awards Assembly
We invite all 1st-5th graders to join us for our Sunday School Awards Assembly on Sunday, June 4 in the Fellowship Hall from 9:45-10:45. We will have games, attendance awards and we will draw for the winners of our memory verse bikes! You must be present to win the bike, so we hope to see everyone on June 4!
It is Going to be a Big Red Day
A Big Day is one in which our whole church family is "all in" together! We all know how important it is to worship together each Sunday morning. We are establishing some "over the top" Big Days that will focus on a particular way that we worship together. Our first Big Day will be Sunday, June 4 as we celebrate Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit together.

Pentecost marks a time when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples. You can read about it in Acts 2:1-13. The liturgical color for Pentecost is red representing the flame of the Holy Spirit and the tongues of fire that rested above the disciples' heads. It is celebrated and called the birthday of the church because this great occasion marks the time when the disciples began taking God's Word to the people, thereby starting the church as we know it today.

We are calling Sunday, June 4, our "Big Red Day!" Everyone is asked to wear red and we will decorate our worship spaces in red as well. Join us for our big celebration! Look for more details on other Big Days coming up.
A New Lighthouse Painting
Come by and see the new beautiful painting in the upstairs of the Lighthouse. It was painted by the late Fay Hutto Black, former member of VHUMC, who used to walk on the track and enjoyed seeing the young dancers in that area. Her daughter gave us the painting after her mother's demise, saying she wanted us to hang it in the Lighthouse where the young girls could see it.
Discovery Weekend Registration is Open
Do you ever wonder, "Who am I?" Do you ever ask, "What defines me?" or "Who Defines Me?" These are important questions in our lives, questions that already have answers. Join us August 4-6, at Discovery Weekend 2017 where we will answer these questions and more about who you are and what defines you.

Discovery is a fun and energetic weekend where students come together to grow in their faith and personal relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, small groups, food, talks from a few of our senior students, mission projects, games, more food, and much more! Through the weekend, our middle school students are led by our high school students alongside some incredible adults! This is Thrive Student Ministries' biggest and best event of the year and we hope all students in 6th through 12th grades can participate! The deadline for middle school registration is July 1, and the deadline for high school registration is June 1.

In order for this event to be a success, we need the help of many hands! There are endless amounts of ways to volunteer. To learn more about how you can help, please contact Juli Hansen ([email protected] / 769.0137), Student Ministries Administrator. To learn more about Discovery or Thrive Student Ministries, please contact Emily Boles ([email protected] / 769.0130), Jeremy Robuck ([email protected] / 769.0131), or Jeremiah Stone ([email protected] / 769.0135).

Upward Flag Football and Cheerleading
Upward Flag Football and Cheerleading registration is open! The season begins with practices the week of September 4 and games begin Saturday, September 16. Games and practices will take place at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Vestavia. Children in grades K5-4th grade are invited to join in the fun! Register early and save:
  • May 1- May 31: $95
  • June 1-August 22: $105
  • Late Registration: $115
Flag football jersey and shorts or cheerleading outfits are included. You can register at The Lighthouse or by clicking the link below. Contact the Lighthouse (822-9631) with questions or for additional information.

Summer Grand Camps
If you have a grandchild between the ages of 4 to 9-years-old, then you need to consider taking them to Camp Sumatanga this summer. Jim Frazier will be leading two Grand Camps July 9 - 11 and July 12 - 14. You will have the chance to spend quality time with your grandchild while you swim, ride horses, hike, canoe, fish, make crafts, and sing songs around the campfire. Click on the link to register or call 256-538-9860.

Let's Be Good Neighbors
It is exciting to see our parking lots fill up on Sunday mornings and people parking on the streets to attend our worship and Sunday School meetings. If you find it necessary to park on the street, please be careful not to park on our neighbors' grass. We appreciate their patience with all the cars and do not want to damage their yards in the process.
Gospel Jubilee Singers
This Sunday our Gospel Jubilee Singers will gather in the Chapel at 4:00 pm, before Sunday Evening Worship, to sing some of the great songs of our faith. We hope to see you there!
Ongoing Outreach
Download Planet Fundraiser App
Planet Fundraiser will give VHUMC $1 for every app that is downloaded before May 23. If you have not downloaded the app, please do so today. The income from this promotion will help our Community Wide Event - Rise Against Hunger.

It is so easy and fun! This app helped us raise over $670 for our April Rise Against Hunger event, and we can continue to raise money for our 2018 event. All you have to do is download the app, select our campaign and when you visit a participating merchant, take a picture of the receipt and upload it. Once it is received, participating merchants will donate a percentage of the purchase to the campaign you select. Such an easy way to give back, by doing the things you normally do.

We were able to purchase and pack an additional 2,310 meals because of the funds we raised through Planet Fundraiser. If you have any questions or need help downloading it, please contact Rachael Hayes ([email protected]).

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry needs help picking up bread at Panera one Friday night over the next six weeks. Call Barbara Porter (444-9793) for more details. Our farmers market is open again, so we need tote bags to hold a few veggies and fruits to distribute to our families. Thanks to the generous church members who are purchasing from the market for us!

Oak Mountain Mission
The Oak Mountain Mission needs furniture. Please call Brenda (685-5757) for a pick-up. Remember, furniture you can sit on, eat on, or put your clothes into. No clothing is needed at this time. Thank you for your continued support.
Worship & Music Focus

8:30 am         Traditional Service
  Psalm 103:9-12
"I Believe in... the Forgiveness of Sins"
Kipp McClurg

9:45 am         Service of Word and Table
Psalm 103:9-12
"Belief in Forgiveness?"
Butch Williams

11:00 am         Traditional Service
Senior Sunday

11:00 am         Contemporary Service
Psalm 103: 9-14
"I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins"
Kipp McClurg

5:00 pm         Sunday Evening Worship
John 14:15-21
"Promises for Those We Love"
Butch Williams
AnchorOur Time and Resources

Donations this past week

January 2016 - April 2017
Other Income
Auxilary Ministries Net*
Total Income

-$ 14,798


(+) Better or (-) worse for the church than our target
* Includes COA, Summer Days, VDS, and Vestavia Dance
Care and Support
Congratulations, hospitalizations, and sympathies

Prayer Requests
Careline: 205-822-9336 
Weekend or After-Hour Health Emergencies: 205-914-3121

Please be in prayer for the following persons: 
Betsy Cooper
Sam Cunningham
Jami DeMarco
Virginia DeRieux
Chris Dibble
David Dixon
Adam Draney
Tim Eddins
Jerry Farris
Kendra Haddock
Fay Harbin
Ann Harris
Linda Harvey
Gigi Karl
Craig Knight
Billie Meloy
Mary Morgan
Will Nailen
Paul Noto
Bill Phillips Sr.
Norman Ponder
Faye Richards
Helen Ryland
Jim Sanders
Laura Smith
Annette Smith
George Terrell
Bobby Trammell
Jim Vickery
Bob Wilson

Requested prayers for service members in combat areas:
  • 1st Lt. Spencer Carroll, US Army, (Kuwait)
In an effort to keep the prayer request list current, names will be listed for two weeks unless we are otherwise notified. VHUMC will not publish the names and/or concerns of persons known to be minors (18 years of age or younger) without the permission of said minor's legal guardian. Thank you.