The National Indian Health Board's Tribal Healthcare Reform Outreach & Education department has a variety of resources for Enrollment Assisters and Patient Benefit Coordinators working throughout Indian Country! Focused on best practices for outreach and education to American Indian and Alaska Native communities to encourage enrollments into health care coverages, all of these resources are free to download and use for the year of 2017!
See a list below and brief description of some of these resources:
Enrollment Assister Toolkit: Designed to give new and experienced Enrollment Assisters groundwork information for working with American Indian and Alaska Native health care consumers. It also has some helpful tools such as an example patient information card and Federal Poverty Level(FPL) chart for easy enrollments.
Affordable Care Act: What Native Youth Need to Know Toolkit: Comprising of a poster, brochure, and short video this toolkit provides resources for Enrollment Assisters to outreach and educate young people all throughout Indian country on concepts such as the importance of the federal trust responsibilities, health insurance coverage, and health Tribal communities.
Media and Messaging Toolkit: Provides a variety of resources for Enrollment Assisters to craft effective messaging campaigns to educate their community members. This toolkit is a great resource for expanding your social media presence which includes a PowerPoint, ten step guide, and sample posts.
These toolkits and more are all free to access and use at the link below!