8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 am Services

Hello!  On Sunday , we will be reading words of Jesus from the book of John.  This is part of His teaching to the disciples from their time together in the Upper Room before His arrest and death.  While Jesus covers many ideas, what is paramount here is that He is sending a Helper to be with those who believe.  He is leaving, but not leaving them alone.  He is going away, yet providing for them.  There are some powerful truths here we want to talk about and work through.  I encourage you to not only read the passage, but also to dwell on it in your times of prayer before the Lord this week.  I know God's Spirit will be with us.  Jesus promised Him.  My prayers are with you! Love to all.  

-Pastor Colleen 

Encounter - Loving the Strangers Among Us - Taught by Austin Lillenberg - May 21st, 28th, & June 4th - Learn More

Does the Bible provide a theology of immigration? How are we as Christians to respond to this topic, and relate to immigrants in our own communities? Let's explore the theological and biblical narrative of immigration, and discuss how we as the Church can love the strangers among us (Deuteronomy 10:19).

May 20th, 10:00-11:30 am
Caregivers Group Meeting

CDCC Counseling Center

May 20th
Dinners for Eight

May 14th & 21st, 9:30 am
Journey (Confirmation Class)
FMCSB, Taught by Pastor Doug 

 May 23rd, 3:30-5:30 pm
 Transition House Dinner
 425 East Cota Street

May 21st, 1:00-3:00 pm
Loads of Love
House of Laundry

May 28th, 2:00-3:00 pm 
Church Sanctuary

June 4th, 12:30-1:30 pm
Service of Baptism
Leadbetter Beach (by the harbor)
July 8th, 1:00 pm
All Church Dodger Game
Tickets: $35 - RSVP by June 11th w/ [email protected]

Davies Kabogoza was a charming 28-year old young man whose life tragically ended on April 29, 2017 while paddle boarding at the Santa Barbara Harbor.  Originally from Uganda, the path of life for Davies in coming to the U.S. was unique and inspiring to every life he touched.

It is our tradition to hold a service of baptism every year on Pentecost  Sunday . In addition to the outward commitment made in this service, it is also a time for the larger church community to welcome people into the body of Christ. This year, those being baptized will be presented during the  11 am  service on  June 4th . Immediately following the service, we will drive down to the east end of Leadbetter Beach (by the catamarans) where the baptisms will take place. All are invited to come and celebrate these baptisms.

If you would like to be baptized, please speak with a pastor and they can give you more information.

Announcements will be happening before service this Sunday!
Come early to see what's up!

Staff Pick of the Week

Contact us

Local Board of Administration:  [email protected]
Cliff Drive Care Center Board: [email protected]
Property and Finance Board: [email protected]
FMCSB delegates: [email protected]
FMCSB and Cliff Drive staff: [email protected]
Prayer Chain: [email protected]