May 29, 2017  

UPC Office Closed Today.

Ordination of UPC Officers
June 4, 2017

Worship 11:00 a.m.

"The Great Storm"
Matt Gaventa preaching

Sermon text: Acts 2:1-21
Sunday School for all 9:30 a.m.

Courtyard Celebration of Pentecost June 4

Please plan to worship with us June 4, 2017, at 11:00 a.m., as we celebrate Pentecost. UPC officers in the class of 2020 will be ordained / installed during the worship service.

Following worship, all are welcome to an exciting and meaningful celebration in the courtyard, with pizza and homemade cookies. The celebration will be heightened by the first appearance at UPC of the Austin Presbyterian Seminary Jazz Band, “The Faculty Meeting” – one of the world’s coolest bands (in the words of John Leedy). Come, see, and hear some of our congregation performing in the band.

Liz Wright and her team will be ready to serve you immediately following worship – “first come, first served.” The talented seminary band will entertain you throughout the celebration, lifted to their greatest potential by your applause and cheers of appreciation.

Voluntary contributions in their honor to further express your appreciation and encouragement will be received.

Members are especially encouraged to attend and wear red. Pentecost is a perfect time to invite guests into our worship life. THE SPIRIT WILL ABOUND!

Pentecost Offering 2017
Each year on Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church.

Acts 2 tells the story of the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples as tongues of fire, and casts them from their place of contemplation and fear, out into the streets, preaching in languages they couldn’t understand for the benefit of all the people gathered there. They told the story of Jesus and taught the people what it meant.  This was the beginning of faith formation, meant to inspire and encourage all who gathered into a lifetime of faith. Then as today, the Holy Spirit empowers anyone who will receive to change their lives, to radically share, to gather across lines of difference, to join in communities of compassion and care.

On Sunday, June 4, when we gather, we will receive the Pentecost Offering. Gifts to the Pentecost Offering celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and support our congregation’s efforts of faith formation in the first third of life, from childhood through young adulthood. O ur congregation will retain 40 percent to be used locally. The remaining 60 will be sent to the Presbyterian Mission Agency to support national initiatives of our denomination focused on helping children, youth, and young adults develop their life of faith through supportive communities, caring mentors, and faith-related nurture and service. The Pentecost Offering makes a difference for the life of the whole church and for congregations like ours.

Thank you for your support of the Pentecost Offering.

Three ways to give:

Be sure to indicate that you are a member of University Presbyterian Church Austin.

New Officer Installation June 4
Newly elected UPC officers participated in New Officer Training Saturday, May 13. Then, in its May stated meeting, UPC Session examined new officers, elected by the congregation April 30. 

The Session broke into small groups to review together responsibilities of officers from the Book of Order, PC(USA). 

Additional training for those unable to participate is scheduled for this Saturday, June 3. 
As part of our Pentecost worship service, first-time Ruling Elders and Deacons will be ordained and they and returning officers will be installed into their new offices. 

Ruling Elders elected to the Class of 2020 are Suzanna Caballero, David Chao, Lorraine Haricombe, Stephanie Holmsten, Dave Jensen, and Clint Wenk. Max Werkenthin has been elected to fill a vacancy for a one year term.

Deacons elected to the Class of 2020 are Richard Faidley, Eddy Hays, Ellen LeBlanc, Maggi Miller, and Randal Whittington.

Please pray for the new Ruling Elders and Deacons as they officially begin their service in June.

Love hearing our Choir? Why not join them?

SUMMER CHOIR SINGERS are any singers who wish to sing in the choir on any chosen Summer Sunday morning.  They are welcome to come to the Chancel promptly at 10:00 a.m. and rehearse that morning’s anthem.  Summer singers wear no robes, sing the Anthem, then join family and/or friends in the congregation for the remainder of the service.  All singers are welcome!

First UP:
Cherubim Song by Dimitry Bortniansky, June 11, 2017. 

Ara conducts Chancel Choir rehearsal (photo above from 2015). Come sing!

For the full list of Summer Choir anthems, click here.

Manos De Cristo
Manos de Cristo is gearing up for its annual Back-to-School Program. Last year, BTS provided more than 2,000 pre-K through 5th graders with two sets of clothing, backpacks, supplies, and books.

To help serve more children this year, please donate through UPC! Just make the check out to UPC, and indicate "Manos de Cristo Back to School Drive" on the check or envelope, and place it in the offering by Sunday, July 9. Please also consider volunteering – you will be glad you did!

Donations needed by Sunday, July 9. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED  to sort and distribute supplies July 24-28. Please contact Lily Lombardi at 512-477-7454 or [email protected] to volunteer.  

Want to learn more about how Manos de Cristo serves our community? Contact Sarah French to learn more or take a tour: [email protected] or 210-882-6400.

Faith & Life Class

Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
Coffee 9:15 a.m.

Room 201, Upper Level

The Faith & Life class meets Sunday, June 4, in Fellowship Hall to share breakfast and recollections of their faith journey in this past year. Fellowship begins at 9:15.
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
Room 1, Lower Level

June 4 – DISCUSSION ON RECENT VISITS TO CUBA – Join Shelley Kilday and Margaret Aymer as they discuss their experiences while recently visiting Cuba on separate trips.
For more information,
contact Stephanie Morris at [email protected] .
UPLift Needs Next Week
Every Tuesday morning, UPC volunteers provide some food and coffee, hygiene items, and occasional financial assistance for our clients. While all donations are welcome at any time, here are some items to consider bringing to worship this week.

Thank you for your incredible support of this UPC mission!!
For this week's grocery cart:
A variety of needs:

  • large jar peanut butter
    – not organic, sadly
  • large jars of jelly or preserves
  • dried beans (pinto, kidney, navy)
  • small cans of tomato paste
  • snack/breakfast bars

Celebrations & Concerns
Please pray for 

Texas legislators and their staff as they conclude the 85th legislative session this week.

Edith Ferguson,  who had a stroke Sunday, May 21. Edith has been moved to hospice care at  Family Tree in Pflugerville.  She is at peace and comfortable. 

If you'd like to be part of UPC's Prayer Chain, please email the church office.
You will receive emails asking you specifically to pray for people who have requested prayer support.

To request prayers, email

Click here to download Celebrations and Concerns for May 28, 2017

or pick up a copy outside the church office or in the narthex.

University Presbyterian Church
2203 San Antonio Street
Austin, Texas  78705

Rooted in worship. . .

   Growing through education & s
ervice. . .

       Connecting to campus & community. . .