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National RTAP 2017 Technical Assistance Conference: Transportation at the Center

Registration is now open for National RTAP's 2017 conference! Join us in Omaha, Nebraska from October 29th to November 1st for workshops, presentations, keynote speakers, and round-tables with a focus on training and practical solutions for rural and tribal transportation. 

Visit the Conference Website for more information, and see you this fall in Omaha!
Substance Abuse Awareness Training, Testing, and Compliance Technical Brief is Now Available
Anyone designated by the US DOT as a safety-sensitive employee is subject to DOT drug and alcohol testing. But what does "safety-sensitive" mean? 

This brief will provide guidance for employers who must train and test safety-sensitive employees for drug and alcohol use and misuse, and prepare employees for what to expect.

Check it out in our Resource Library and refresh your understanding of this important compliance topic!
National RTAP Peer Call: Fostering a Safety Culture Call Recording and Slides Now Available
What is a Safety Culture, and how is it different from a Safety Plan? Hear two veteran trainers discuss how to go beyond safety as a policy and incorporate it into the culture of your transit. The recording and slides are now available on our Peer Calls page. 
National RTAP RFI for Wheelchair Securement Training Materials and Videos

National RTAP is issuing a Request for Information to solicit proposals from interested and qualified manufacturers of wheelchair and mobility aid lifts and securement equipment to provide us with training materials and/or instructional videos for their products, to be made available for free through the National RTAP eLearning portal to rural and tribal transit providers and state RTAP programs. 

Read the full RFI or respond by emailing
FTA and U.S. DOT Updates
The May edition of the TSO Spotlight newsletter is now available. Follow up from our Safety Culture Peer Call by reading about conducting a safety culture survey and learn more about the TSO. 

FTA has a webinar on TAM Performance Measure Guidebooks: Infrastructure and Facility  on June 6, 2-3pm ET.  Learn more about TAM and access the guidebooks and other resources at the FTA's  TAM Website .
Resources and News


Submit your innovative mobility management practices for NCMM's Mobility Management Information Practices (MMIP) Contest! The deadline is June 30.  Your name will be entered for a $100 Amazon gift card. See NCMM's May Newsletter for more information.

Training and Webinars

Join NCMM and the Coordinated Council on Access and Mobility work group for a webinar on June 7 at 2:00pm ET to hear from three communities about regulatory, funding, and administrative barriers they face related to coordination and vehicle sharing. FTA will give a brief update on CCAM and there will be a Q&A at the end. 

The Northwestern TTAP has limit space for Tribes to attend a Transit Asset Management Training on June 20 in Seattle. Visit their site for all of the details. 

Join Q'Straint and METRO magazine for Emerging Trends in Wheelchair Transportation: New Standards and Technologies on Thursday June 6 at 2pm ET. The webinar will feature a presentation and discussion of the changing landscape of wheelchair securement. Register now!

Do you understand all the financing options available for transit? Join TRB on June 7 from 2-3:30 pm ET for a free webinar on Innovative Financing for Public Transportation.

Register for SWTA's Freedom Through Transit Summer University, July 25-28 in Dallas, TX.  Sign up for the following trainings: Community Mobility or Transit Asset Management/Safety Culture, July 25-26; Transit Law or Transit Marketing, July 27-28. Visit their website for full details.

Upcoming NTI courses. See the  NTI Website  for details and the full calendar: 
  • Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors -- June 7, Tampa, FL; June 20, Seattle, WA 
  • Implementing Rural Transit Technology -- June 21-22, Columbia, SC
  • Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems -- June 7-8, St. Cloud, MN

TCRP  Synthesis 129: Managing Extreme Weather at Bus Stops documents current practices of transit systems to determine methods and procedures used for maintaining transit stops and associated infrastructure during and following such weather events.

NCHRP  Report 846 - Improving the Findability and Relevance of Transportation Information is now available. DOTs or other agencies that compile large amounts of transportation should take a look!
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
  • CTAA Expo, June 11-16, Detroit, Michigan
  • 2017 LTAP/TTAP Conference, July 17-20, Portsmouth-Norfolk, Virginia
  • South Central Motor Coach Association, Arlington, TX, July 29-31
June 1, 2017
Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility: Community Perspectives
June 7, 2-3:30pm

Innovative Financing for Public Transportation
June 7,  2-3:30pm

EXPO 2017
June 11-15
Detroit, MI

Research Problem Statements Due 
June 16

Freedom Through Transit Summer
July 25-6 and July 27-28
Dallas, TX

State Programs Meeting
Washington, D.C.
August 16-18 
Save the Date

2017 TAM Roundtable
August 28-29
Cambridge, MA

20th Annual National Tribal Transportation Conference
September 25-29

National RTAP 
2017 Technical Assistance Conference
Omaha, NE
Oct 29-Nov 1,  2017
Early Bird: Sept 8

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . To submit an event, email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
In October 2016, National RTAP updated the Procurement Section of the Transit Manager's Toolkit.  

The Procurement Day 1 page is an introduction to the FTA requirements and the general steps to take before making a purchase or awarding a contract. 

The Day 2 page provides information a new transit manager would need in the first few months, as well as links to additional trainings and resources.

Check it out if you're a new manager or need a quick refresher on Procurement!
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001