Spring 2017, Week 7
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm & Friday 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | | 
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"Nowadays, I think that has shifted because I am focusing more of my energy on making films for my communities rather than trying to tell others about who we are. I think there's so much power in valuing ourselves not only as the presenters of stories, but as the audiences, too."
- Quyên Nguyen-Le

Upcoming Events!

The Rainbow: Does One Size Fit All?
Thursday, May 18th, 2017

A critical analysis of the ways in which queer and trans folk's appearances are policed by societal norms, the effects this can have on the individual, and the ways in which queer and trans folx are resisting these norms.

De-Stress: Collaging with Community
Friday, May 19th, 2017

Is school stressing you out? How about what's been going on with the rest of society and the world around you? Need a place to artistically de-stress? Come to this interactive and crafty program and make a collage! This collage will encompass your emotions and creativity in response to anything that is causing you to feel stressed/overwhelmed.

**Supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own magazines, newspapers, etc. and/or art supplies.**

Queerness Vietnameseness
Frida y, May 19th, 2017
11:45-1pm, Cross Cultural Center

Join us for the film screenings of Queerness Vietnameseness and  NÆ°á»›c and a conversation with Quyên Nguyen-Le Nguyen-Le, an award-winning queer Vietnamese American filmmaker. In the past, Quyên directed a film for James Franco's The Labyrinth Anthology, and was a recipient of the 2016 Armed-with-a-Camera Fellowship for Emerging Asian American Filmmakers for the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival.

Queerness Vietnameseness is a documentary following the lives of three queer second generation Vietnamese Americans, navigating language, politics, and familial relationships.

NÆ°á»›c (Water/Homeland) is a short film about a queer Vietnamese American teen who attempts to understand their mom's experience as a Vietnam War refugee.

Makeup is for Everyone!
Wednesday, May 24th, 2017
4:30-6pmCross Cultural Center Artspace

Ever wanted to try makeup but never felt like you could for whatever reason? Here is an introductory and all inclusive event just for you! Makeup experts and makeup novices also welcome to come join our event as we also engage in discussion and analysis of what makeup should be for, on subjects of gender presentation, body image, and self care. 

As part of the event, we will be raffling off makeup from Colourpop, Coloured Raine, an d a Juvia's Place Nubian Palette! The latter two companies are black owned businesses. Support your black owned businesses!

Due to the raffle, the event will be capped at 45 people on first come, first serve basis.

Rainbow Graduation
2-4pm, June 10th, 2017 
UC San Diego Faculty Club 

Please join the UC San Diego LGBT community as we come together to honor the students who are graduating, our volunteers, our scholarship recipients and all who have impacted our community over the last year.

The event serves as the formal induction of the graduates into the family of the UC San Diego LGBT Alumni. Although many people do get dressed up for the event, it tends to be a queer little get together, with all the trappings of our community, so be yourself.
If you are graduating, please complete the form here
Contact Shaun Travers at for more information or if you have questions!!

Peer Educator Workshop Requests

In need of workshops that provide incite on LGBTQIA+ issues and information about the community? The LGBT center is taking requests for workshop presentations to be given around campus upon request. 

For more information and to request a workshop, please visit the website. We are under the "Services" tab as the Social Justice Peer Educator Program. 

QuEST's Spring LGBTQ Mixer!
Where: SIO Surfside
When: Thursday May 18, 6-9PM

Please join us for our spring networking event for LGBTQ graduate students, postdocs and professionals at all career levels.   This event is 21+ and IDs will be checked. This event typically has around 50-80 attendees. Free Food, Beverages, Craft Beer!

LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program

Is your organization or group interested in partnering with the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center? Are you looking to start your own LGBTQIA+ org? Need a meeting space? Looking for leadership opportunities? Check out our Affiliate Program! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program has a variety of perks and opportunities for your organization. Check out our website for the application and more details. For questions contact
For more Program info click here
Click here to access an Application

Queer Student Orgs and Affiliates 

Queer Student Orgs and Affiliates LGBT Resource Center

Queer Sixers United (QSUN)
Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00pm

Fluid Attraction
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm

Men's Group
Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00pm

Black Queer Collective
Even Week Thursdays, 12:30-1:30pm

Queer Trans People of Color (QTPOC)
Odd Thursdays, 6:00-8:00pm

Fridays, 6:00-7:00pm

Gay Men's Relationship Forum
Mondays, 2:30-4pm,  Women's Center

Join us for conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus. This group addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more.

For more info, contact Greg Koch at
Do you have library recommendations?

Is there anything you'd like to see added to our library at the LGBT Resource Center? Well you're in luck, our library intern is currently looking for recommendations!

If there is a book, magazine, comic, CD, etc. that you think would be a great addition, feel free to let us know by filling out this survey!

LGBTQIA+ Leaders for 2016-2017

We're creating a community roster of LGBTQIA+ student leaders on campus to keep the community better updated of resources and opportunities. You have the option for your information to remain internal - for the LGBT Resource Center Professional Staff to be able to contact you regarding opportunities OR for it to be public- to be listed on our website for peers and community to know who our student leaders are.

Submit your info  here.  F or questions, contact Maribel Gomez at
Campus Community Centers


Kootie Khronicles Part 3
Thursday, May 18, 2017
5:00-7:00 pm, Black Resource Center

Come join us to make your own waist beads while we discuss their history and significance. Guests Myisha Soule will discuss sexual energy, and Ardese Guillroy from Black Girl Magic will teach us how to make waist beads and their relation to the sacral chakra.

This is a closed space for Black women .


The Life Skills Series: Financial Literacy for College Students
Thursday, May 18th, 2017
Cross-Cultural Center, Comunidad Room 

This workshop provides the tools and information young adults need to begin their financial life on the right track.

Contact info: Violeta Gonzales at

Queer Xicano Chisme: Online Empowerment & Chisme Toward Healing
Tuesday, May 30th, 2017
5-6:30pm, Raza Resource Centro

Hola Todos! Come to the Centro Tuesday of week 9 to meet Queer Xicano Chisme, a UC Alum (Davis '16) who has taken their activism and self care from the community to online platforms. Through social media, QXC aims to empower and be a voice (read: not THE voice) for queer, cicanitos through the spread of some HOT chisme* 

*Chisme is gossip, oral hxstory, sharing, news, and ancestral knowledge as practices by many chicanx/latinx folks

STEM Retention for Womxn and Queer Folx
Thursday, May 17th, 2017
12-1:30pm, Women's Center

Come discuss the retention and impact of womxn and LGBT folx in STEM fields. We will explore and challenge the different barriers of these fields and brainstorm what we can do as a community and as individuals to improve the culture and environment of STEM spaces.

This Week at the RC

Rainbow Newsletter submissions: 

If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
Community Classifieds

Storytelling as Resistance
Due Friday, May 26, 2017

My name is Dominique Strickland, and for my project for my internship at the Women's Center, I want to bring us all together to enjoy a night of art, community and storytelling!

So, I am asking you all to write with me! Here are some prompts to get y'all thinking...

A story about your family's immigration history

A story about an important relative or ancestor's life or childhood

A story about the kind of work someone in your family/network did or continue to do

A story about an important event in your family/network's history

Check out my flyer for more details on how to submit!

How to Write a Top-Notch Resume Workshop
Friday, May 19th, 2017
1-2pm, LGBT Resource Center

An Academic Internship Program representative will present on "How to Write a Top Notch Resume" workshop with an AIP Info Session. Come and learn some tips and tricks to polish up your resume, and learn about different internship opportunities available to you!

Yoga Zone: Hatha
Monday, May 22nd, 2017
10-10:45am, The Zone

The practice of Hatha yoga uses the alignment of the body and breathing techniques to build strength, increase flexibility and balance to gain a greater sense of well-being. Suitable for all levels of experience. Led by FitLife instructor Ricky, this free program is on first come, first serve basis. All materials including yoga mats are provided.

Tritons Flourish @ UC San Diego: Belong. Be You. Be Well. 
Wednesday, May 24th, 2017
10am-2pm, Library Walk

Join the CAPS Wellness Peer Educators for an event that aims to reduce the stigma that may come with seeking counseling and  educate students on what it means to "flourish" at UCSD. Please join us by coming to learn about the concept of "flourishing" with the goal of empowering the emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, physical and intellectual well-being of students while also creating community on campus. Through the different aspects of our event we want to help students create a mindset which promotes personal growth, community engagement, and fosters academic/professional success.

Join us for f ree special Passion Planners for the first 20 people at the top of each hour, F ree Massages by UCSD FitLife Massage Therapists (10AM-12PM), and T herapy Fluffies (12:00PM - 1:30PM)!