Here are a few stories about your dairy checkoff programs in North Carolina. If you have any questions or need promotional materials please contact me.
Elizabeth Moretz 828-406-9482
Milk Consumption Increases in Onslow County Schools
During the month of March, schools in Onslow County participated in the Milk at Every Meal Challenge, which encourages students to choose milk at breakfast and lunch. The ADA of North Carolina provided schools across the district with promotional decorations and signs for the cafeteria and messages about dairy's nutrients that were featured during the morning announcements. The county winner of the challenge was Jacksonville Commons Middle School which had a 50 percent increase in milk units (an increase of 1,736 pounds of milk) compared to March 2016.
Dairy Celebrated at Northern Guilford Middle School
On March 28 Northern Guilford Middle School in Greensboro celebrated dairy with their annual Fuel Up to Play 60 5K and Health and Fitness Carnival. 500 students and parents participated in the event which included free chocolate milk, a dairy booth sponsored by the ADA of North Carolina and a Fuel Up to Play 60 activity center. The Fuel Up to Play 60 club at Northern Guilford is very active, with students meeting  twice per week where they learn about the importance of dairy in a healthy lifestyle.

Photo: A runner at the Fuel Up to Play 60 5K at Northern Guilford Middle School refuels with chocolate milk.
Dairy Promoted to Pediatricians in North Carolina
On March 29, the ADA of North Carolina sponsored an exhibit at the N.C. Pediatric Society spring forum in Wilmington. Staffer Laura Buxenbaum spoke with 50 pediatricians and distributed information about dairy in children's diets. She answered questions about lactose intolerance, milk alternatives and bone health. Parents trust their pediatricians when it comes to their children's diets, and the ADA of N.C. works to make sure the physicians are armed with accurate information about milk and dairy.
"Undeniably Dairy" Campaign Launches in May
On May 15, national and local checkoffs officially rolled out "Undeniably Dairy," the multi-year campaign to build consumer trust in all things dairy. Because many consumers are confused by all the conflicting information about dairy, the dairy community is drawing a line in the sand to proactively and proudly tell dairy's story. This effort aims to bring the industry together as one voice, rekindling consumers' love and trust for dairy. You can participate in this industry-wide campaign by using the Undeniably Dairy logo and hashtag #undeniablydairy on your social channels.
Click here to read an article about the new campaign.