Each week, information regarding upcoming events, agency news and/or announcements will be sent out to the DC MOVES mailing list.  If your agency would like to have information forwarded through the What's on the "MOVES" bulletin, please contact DC MOVES Coordinator  Carol Good

DC MOVES Forum - April 20, 2017

Please register for the upcoming DC MOVES Forum by Tuesday, April 18th!
We invite you to join us at the next DC MOVES Forum, where you will be introduced to the DC MOVES Coordinator, Carol Good, have the opportunity to receive information and engage in discussion regarding the progress of DC MOVES and Pillar priorities, and discuss our next steps
The following link will take you to the registration page:

Resource Sharing
Oops...It was brought to my attention that my previous post did not include a source citation. For those who are interested, this information came from research on Volunteering in Canada.  Main source: Volunteering in Canada, April 23, 2014 which stated:  
1. Recognized or thanked by the organization they volunteer for by hearing HOW THEIR WORK MADE A DIFFERENCE
LEAST PREFERRED: Banquets, formal gatherings and public acknowledgement in newspaper, radio or TV.  Interestingly, these are the most common methods used by organizations, yet the least preferred by volunteers.

Special thanks to Alison Hird of the Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival for bringing this to my attention. Much appreciated.
Kaarina Dillabough

I invite you - as someone invested in the concept of community - to join me and other community leaders in exploring how we can create community around us in order to change the world.

I know that's a bold statement, but I truly believe that when we develop deep community, we can overcome our loneliness and challenge our fear; we can come together to make sense of the destruction around us; we can reach out together and actually do something about it. When we develop deep community we can move toward collective impact.

On Tuesday, May 30th, I'm facilitating a workshop on  Deepening Community for Collective Impact where community builders will come together to learn and to create strategies for deepening community, and I invite you to participate. In this workshop you will:
  • Reconnect with your love for your community and discover its importance for social transformation
  • Understand the four key acts that deepen community: Sharing our story, Enjoying one another by spending time together, Caring for one another, and Working together to build a better world
  • Understand the five key elements of Collective Impact: Common agenda, Shared measurement, Mutually reinforcing activities, Continuous communication, and The Backbone role
  • Learn what Collective Impact 3.0 is and the shifts we're seeing in how we need to work differently for lasting change
  • Create a large scale common agenda and form multi-sector leadership teams for your collaborative efforts
  • Harness the latest techniques for community engagement
To learn more and to secure your spot, visit the  Deepening Community for Collective Impact webpage. If you have questions or need help registering, reach out to Marc ( who is on-hand to assist you.

I'd love for you to join us.


Paul Born

P.S. If you haven't yet read it, I encourage you to read my recent paper Our Community Can Change: When We Work Together. It includes my lessons learned in how people work together to create the kind of communities they want. You can  access the paper here.
Community Wellbeing
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health needs input from people and organizations who work with older adults. This includes healthcare workers, program providers, service planners and health system decisions makers. 
We are assessing the health and well-being of older adults in Wellington County, Dufferin County and the City of Guelph.  This information will be available to community partners and the public through interactive dashboards.  We want to be sure that the information we include is useful to people who work with the older adult population.
The survey will takes less than 10 minutes and can be completed here.   We hope to reach a wide range of service providers and organizations before the survey closes on May 1st. Please spread the word by forwarding this email to anyone who works with older adults or population health data.
Thanks for taking the time to complete and forward the survey  
Blair Hodgson, MSc
Health Promotion Specialist
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
160 Chancellors Way 
Guelph ON  N1G 0E1
Phone: 1-800-265-7293 ext. 4312
Poverty Reduction
Poverty Reduction Project in Dufferin Summary
Starting April 2017 to February 2019, Supportive Housing In Peel will be implementing and coordinating a poverty reduction focused project that provides a "Global Financial Flex Fund," that will assist and support homeless individuals located within Dufferin County.
This fund will provide access and opportunity for individuals who are faced with socioeconomic barriers that prevent them from sustaining core principals within the social determinants of health (housing, employment, education, food security, etc.)
The project will be working with a team of researchers that will employ a result focused evaluation plan, to measure how well the objectives of the intervention were met based on the established indicators.
Earl Phillips
Project Coordinator: Poverty Reduction - Dufferin
SHIP - Supportive Housing In Peel
Phone: 519-215-7051