Each week, information regarding upcoming events, agency news and/or announcements will be sent out to the DC MOVES mailing list.  If your agency would like to have information forwarded through the What's on the "MOVES" bulletin, please contact the DC MOVES Coordinator  Carol Good.

DC MOVES Forum - April 20, 2017

We held the DC MOVES Forum in Shelburne last Thursday and had 35 attendees from 19 organizations. For those who attended - it was a pleasure to have your presence and perspectives. For those who could not attend, here are some highlights:
  • DC MOVES Priority Pillars - Poverty Reduction, Community Well-being and Resource Sharing - were updated with short-term actions including conducting surveys, scheduling shared training sessions and establishing a poverty reduction task force.
  • Kaarina Dillabough provided an update on the transformational work underway at Volunteer Dufferin. She invited everyone to get involved in this expanded resource.
  • Tim Smith, CMHA Peel Dufferin, shared the results for the first year of operation for the Dufferin Situation Table (DST). The DST is a tangible example of the impact and benefits of collaboration and integration.
  • Earl Phillips, SHIP Poverty Reduction Project provided an overview of the project's targets, intentions, timing and funding. The project will provide up to 100 applicants who experience homelessness, or episodic homelessness, with financial and other supports. The project is scheduled to run for two years and includes a third-party evaluation team.

We want to express our appreciation to the staff at the Mel Lloyd Centre for setting up our great meeting space and to Dufferin Oaks for the coffee and muffins. 


Please mark your calendars for the next DC MOVES Forum on June 21, 2017. Location TBD.


Resource Sharing
Volunteer Dufferin proudly salutes these volunteers
and encourages you to volunteer for the Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival this year on June 1 - 4, 2017.
Sign up online here



contributed 62 years of Volunteer service!
Festival volunteers were invited to join the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards at the Mississauga Convention Centre. Larry Kurtz, Festival founder said, "We are proud of our many volunteers who work tirelessly to create the Festival every year, and pleased to see them recognized in this way. Adults may receive awards after 5, 10 or 15 years, and youths, after 2 years.  We are able to nominate 6 adults and 3 youths each year. Congratulations to them all."
Receiving their awards this year are:  Candice Barrington (5 Years), John Bessie (10 Years), Ted Gerber (10 Years), Ryan Grist (10 years), Don Ladner (10 years), Daniel Olien (10 years). Youth awards go to John McKay-Brice (5 years) and Colin Medcalf (2 years).
During the ceremony, awards were presented by Bob Delaney MPP for Mississauga-Streetsville and Ted Arnott MPP for Wellington-Halton.  The 272 volunteers in attendance contributed a staggering 3,955 years of volunteer service. Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival measured up bringing in 62 of those years!
Community Wellbeing
Headwaters Trails Summit

HCIA Trails/CHATT (Citizens of Headwaters for Active Transportation Team) will again be partnering with the Ontario Trails Council (OTC) to host a Trails Summit. The Summit will be an opportunity for stakeholders and interested groups and residents to come together and discuss all things Trail.
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Registration: 8:30am with light breakfast and coffee provided

Lunch: Provided with a walk on the local trails, weather permitting

Location: Monora Park Pavilion, 500 Monora Park Drive, Mono, ON L9W 0E1

  • $75.00 ~ Organization representatives (Trails, Municipal, Recreation, etc). This ticket also allows you to attend all sessions and profile your organization with literature handouts and/or a table display. A table will be provided and your organization promoted where possible.
  • $50.00 ~ Ontario Trails Council members. Attendance for all sessions.
  • $25.00 ~ General Admission: Public and non-OTC Members: Attendance for all sessions.
Poverty Reduction
  Find Your Summer Job
For students aged 15-18 who are looking for summer work, we can help! Youth Job Connection Summer will pay you  to get job ready and find your summer employment.
Please us directly to meet an employment specialist at the Edelbrock Centre, 30 Centre Street, Orangeville.
For more information