In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
Volume 7, Issue #21
May 25, 2017
Today we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ - 40 days after Easter Day - marking the conclusion of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances and his ascension into heaven.
In another 10 days it will be Pentecost, which will bring to conclusion the Great 50 Days of Easter. To learn more about Pentecost, you are invited to check out this video from Acts8Movement.org:
CHILDREN - "Godly Play 1" and "Godly Play 2" - Every Sunday,
9:15 a.m. - contact Frances Kirchhoff (francesck@bellsouth.net).
CAYA teens and youth are on summer break; meetings will resume with the new school year. For more information, contact Kristi Buffenmyer (
With summer activities come changes to Sunday availabilities.
Every week,
please check the "Ministries Schedule" that is posted on the office window to review your upcoming assignments over the next few weeks. If you know you will not be available on a particular date(s), or if you need to be on a different team rotation, please mark that schedule as far in advance as possible -OR- tell or email Deacon Rebecca (
The same schedule is always included in the eWeekly newsletter as a PDF file -
see below.
LAST CALL FOR 2017 GRADUATES! The deadline is May 31 to us know who "our" church graduates are this year, whether from high school, college, or other significant program. We are compiling a list, and need your help to let us know if you, your friends or family members are graduating in 2017. Call Mona at 502-223-0057, or email
Please join Deacon Rebecca and Don Saager for family fun and fellowship. All are welcome! Pot-luck dinner will start around noon; trains will run from 10-4. Check out the trains online at
- and pick up a flyer if you need directions.
Treasurer's Corner
- 5/7/17 - $ 3,708
- 5/14/17 - $ 5,156
- 5/21/17 - $ 5,149
Ministries Schedule
- Please check this schedule EVERY WEEK to review your upcoming Sunday duties for the next few weeks. The same schedule is posted on the office window - please write in changes there, as needed, or notify Deacon Rebecca Saager.
- This schedule includes acolytes, chalice bearers, lectors, altar guild and men's club teams, coffee hour hosts, and vestry lockup duties, plus dedications for altar flowers.
- To share your time and talent in a new ministry, change your team assignment(s), change your availability for a future Sunday, or change duties assigned for THIS Sunday, please contact Deacon Rebecca Saager (curate@ascensionfrankfort.org).
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Daily Lectionary: Year One
Week of 7 Easter, Year One (5/28/17) - BCP 964
8:00 a.m. - Rite I
- Subdeacon: Susan Kurtz
- Chalice Bearer: Pauline Van Horn
Lector &
Prayers of the People: Mac Elliott
Acolyte: S
tuart Brown
10:30 a.m. - Rite II
- Subdeacon: Susan Kurtz
- Chalice Bearer: Mac Elliott
- Lector: Lara Heady
- Acolytes:
- Ushers: Kristi & Laura Buffenmyer
- Altar Guild: T4 - Rick & Sue Kurtz, Debbie & Jim Kimbrough, Jim King
- Men's Club: T2 - Jim Kimbrough, Jim King, Starla Yount
(Reimbursable Vestry Pickup - Kristi Buffenmyer)
- Jan Stevens is our Hospitality Coordinator - contact her by email at jstevens5@aol.com. If you would like to host Coffee Hour, please sign up on the printed sheet on the office window.
VESTRY LOCKUP DUTY: Kristi Buffenmyer
Intercessions for the Church:
St. Alban's Church, Morehead - The Rev. Keila Thomas, Priest in Charge.
Recently in need of prayers:
Alice; Ann; Avadot & Amy; Bob; Collin; Darlene; David; Debbie; Dillard; Donna; Duncan & Jo; Elena; Faye & Steve; Gail; Jamie & family; Jan; Jenny; Jim & Debbie; Judy; Keila; Lara; Linda; Luke; Natalie; Nancy Jo; Natasha, Mickey & Camron; Polly; Ruth; Scott; Shelia; Sherri; Walt & Betsy; Will & Trish.
Continuing concern:
Alfred; Bettie; Bill C.; Bill N.; Billy B.; Bob; Caleb; Doris & Charlie; Harrison; Hope; Jean; Jinks; John; Julia; Leigh G.; Maggie; Marilyn; Mike E.; Ruth; Sarah; Scott & Kathy; Twister, Barkley & Fran; and Willie. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Nick, and Seth.
5/30 -Rebecca Saager; 6/2 - Jeff Laird; 6/3 - Donald Saager.
5/30 - Craig & Cindy Aossey.
- Prelude: L'Ascension: IV. Prière du Christ montant vers son Pére (Prayer of Christ mounting toward his Father)- Oliver Messiaen
- Opening Hymn: Hymn 214 - Hail the day that sees him rise - Llanfair
- Gloria: S 280 - Glory to God in the highest
- Offertory: Hymn 217 - A hymn of glory let us sing
- Sanctus: S 129 - Holy, holy, holy Lord
- Fraction Anthem
- Communion Hymn: LEVAS 183 - Be not dismayed whate'er betide
- Closing Hymn: Hymn 495 - Hail, thou once despised Jesus! - In Babilone
- Postlude: Suite médiévale: Prélude - Jean Langlais
Clergy and Staff
- The Rev. William Jessee Neat, Rector
- The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Nancy S. Farley, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Linda McCloud, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
- Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
- Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator
- Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
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