Welcome to What's on the "MOVES". Every week we share information received about upcoming events, agency news and announcements with the DC MOVES mailing list. If your agency has information to share through this bulletin, please contact the DC MOVES Coordinator  Carol Good.

DC MOVES Leadership Table

DC MOVES is supported by a Leadership Table (DCMLT) that includes representatives from several Dufferin County service providers. The DCMLT meets regularly to provide input and feedback to the DC MOVES Coordinator, identify and resolve emerging issues  and manage and monitor the implementation of the priority pillar workplans.
The current members include:
A reminder - mark your calendars for the next DC MOVES Forum on June 21, 2017. Dufferin Child and Family Services has graciously offered its Multi-Purpose room and we accepted!
Community Wellbeing
Poverty Reduction
Guest speaker presentation

Gail Jacobs, sister of Beryl Saayman, is the CEO of the West Coast Community Foundation (WCCF). The WCCF brings together people who want to help the local community with projects that make a real difference. Gail will share stories about the work of this outreach program in South Africa .
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2017, 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Refreshments: Tea, coffee and traditional South African desserts will be served following the presentation

Admission:  free - and donations to the WCCF are gratefully accepted
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  • post an unlimited number of volunteer opportunities for your organization annually for one low price?
  • have your messages exponentially delivered through social media?
  • be part of improving our community's wellbeing?

As Volunteer Dufferin undertakes a refresh of its website, expands its community outreach and deliver more value to subscribers and volunteers, we want YOUR ORGANIZATION to become a subscriber.


Contact Kaarina today at or 519-942-0723 to find out more.