January 2018


What's New at  

Guardian Nurses?


New Year, New Chances   


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What's New at Guardian Nurses 
Our Team Becomes  
   Axe-perts! !   
During the holiday season, our team of nurses and support staff enjoyed an afternoon out to enjoy the hottest thing going in Philly----axe throwing!
Determined to keep the event a surprise from the team, Betty Long schemed and purposely misdirected her colleagues as for weeks they pressed her for where their holiday party would be.  All she said was "You'll need to wear comfortable clothing, close-toed shoes and sign a waiver."  There were a few doctors' notes that were dangled in front of her.  Boy were they surprised when we arrived at Urban Axes in Kensington.     
Daniela ready to throw!!

Our team of axe-perts!  
Yvette, Linda and Rebecca are all smiles! 
Happy New Year!  The beginning of a new year is often a time for reflection. It is also a time when people think about their futures. Often we set goals for the year ahead.
I happen to be one of those people.  I greeted 2018 with optimism not just for Guardian Nurses but for personal reasons as well. Having changed primary care physicians late in 2017, I felt motivated to get my health back on track.  Setting goals for better health doesn't have to be complicated.  In fact, better to start with 'easy' goals and establish success so that you tackle the bigger ones with more confidence.    
This first issue in 2018 of The Flame suggests six relatively simple suggestions that you can do yourself to begin a healthy year!    

 Betty Long, RN, MHA
      Guardian Nurses Healthcare Advocates

New Year, New Chances

Pick up a magazine this month or browse on your favorite health website and chances are there will be list after exhaustive list of how to get your health back on track in 2018. We share these because we thought these six suggestions were 'doable.'  (Especially the belly breathing habit!) Best wishes! 

1. Set a daily intention  
It can be as simple as deciding not to overreact if your kids or another family member gets on your nerves - or take a walk over your lunch hour instead of not leaving your desk. If you feel like you're living on auto-pilot, starting your day by setting a daily intention can help you feel more in control of your life and your actions.  
2. Cross off the toughest task on your To-Do list first
 Figure out the toughest, most important or most intimidating task you want to get done by the end of the day and tackle it first, suggests career coaches.  That way it's done, so it's not hanging over your head or stressing you the rest of the day.  
3. Start a belly breathing habit
Shallow breathing keeps our bodies in that high-stress, fight-or-flight mode. But deep belly breathing sends a message to our brains to relax. Slowing down your breath can slow down the chatter in your head, and reduce stress and anxiety.  
How to do it: You can literally do this anytime and anywhere. Just, stop. Focus your attention on your breath. Let all your air out and take a deep inhale, then exhale, then repeat.  Try to do it a few times each day and you'll feel how it helps. 
4. Apologize authentically
Whether you got into a spat with a friend, family member or colleague, get better at apologizing by doing what you can to reconcile the conflict, rather than hold a grudge. It takes little risk and little time, but it can be rewarding in a big way.  
Being able to say you're sorry and mean it, makes it easier to get back to a positive mood after going through something difficult, therapists say. Positive states, like contentment, warmth and trust, are important to health, social connection and focus.
5. Tell a family member or friend one thing that went well today.
Too often we get hung up on the little things that go wrong from day to day, rather than focusing on everything that's going right and what we have accomplished.Talking about something that we've achieved helps us remember our true potential and the impact we're having on the world around us.
6. Take 10 minutes every day to do something for YOU
It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of work emails, after-school carpool schedules and life's countless obligations. Spending 10 minutes of quality YOU-time could mean reading a magazine, meditating or playing with your pet. Focus on activities that not only make you feel good, but also relieve stress and improve your well-being (diving into a bag of potato chips or mindlessly scrolling through your Facebook feed are NOT the goal).
And whichever resolution you choose, remember to be committed, celebrate the small successes as you do big ones and go easy on yourself. Be ready for setbacks, forgive yourself when you fail (which you WILL do), and remember, there's always next year!    
With thanks to Better, NBC News.

Guardian Nurses Healthcare Advocates

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