May 2017
March for Science - Really?
By John Fullerton

How is it possible that in America, on the 47th anniversary of Earth Day, it was concluded that our situation was so dire that what was needed was not just a march for aggressive climate policies, but rather a "March for Science" itself?  

Small-minded, corrupt, and power hungry state governors banning the mere use of the phrase "climate change" in official communications seemed laughable at the time.  But now the ignorant and dangerous Trump regime has signaled double-digit cuts to scientific research, including climate science, after appointing a climate-denier to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

One cannot help but notice history repeating itself.  A mere 401 years ago, an Inquisition under the direction of Pope Paul V issued a Special Injunction against Galileo instructing him to "abandon completely the opinion that the sun stands still at the center of the world and the earth moves, and henceforth not to hold, teach, or defend it in any way whatever, either orally or in writing."

In 1616, Pope Paul and his minions' concerns were quite clear:  the heliocentric worldview "explicitly contradicted" the literal interpretation of the Holy Scripture. The "alternative facts" of an earth-centered universe were the very foundation of the Pope's power over the Western world. Consequently, the unquestioned power of the Church would be undermined if the heliocentric view were to be accepted as fact.  

Fast forward to the present day.  Like all things Trump, the present situation is both worse and more complex than it might appear.


Building a Regenerative Economy in New York

Capital Institute traveled to Buffalo, New York for Earth Week, joining several inspired and forward-thinking groups to hold Building a Regenerative Economy in Buffalo-Niagara, its first Regenerative Economy Workshop. Our goal was to facilitate moving beyond the scope of mere sustainability and catalyze the transition to a fully Regenerative Economy.

Organized in partnership with Niagara Share and the University at Buffalo's Office of Sustainability, the workshop engaged more than two dozen individuals representing leading Buffalo businesses, institutions, and organizations.

Speaking Engagements

May 15-17 | Boulder, CO:
Coming Soon!

Set to be released on   May 8, our Field Guide to a Regenerative Economy's newest project,
Regenerating Tottenville , explores the rich history of New York City's neglected southernmost tip and reveals the science behind the town's potential revitalization.

Join us on Sunday, May 7 for #JanesWalkNYC as we walk through Tottenville with the town's latter-day Jane Jacobs, Linda Cutler Hauck.

What We're Reading

"Without us noticing, we are entering the postcapitalist era. At the heart of further change to come is information technology, new ways of working and the sharing economy," writes Paul Mason for The Guardian. "The old ways will take a long while to disappear, but it's time to be utopian." 

Quote of the Month
"Let the people know the facts, and the country will be safe."

- Abraham Lincoln
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