Greetings Field Guide Community!

We're excited to introduce you to our newest activating storytelling project, Regenerating Tottenville.

Located at the southernmost tip of New York City, Tottenville--one of Staten Island's many distinct villages--once enjoyed a thriving marine and ship-building economy. Known by locals as The Town the Oyster Built, today, Tottenville is merely a shadow of its bustling heyday--its citizens feeling isolated and neglected as the economic heartbeat of the town has devolved into a strip-mall economy with little left of the rich human activating networks that constituted this once vibrant community.

Regenerating Tottenville unearths the shore town's history and, for the first time, uncovers--at community scale--the science behind revitalizing and implementing a fully regenerative society.

Our story is just beginning in Tottenville. We're fortunate to benefit from working with Tottenville's modern-day Jane Jacobs, Linda Cutler Hauck, and other change agents, to forge a road map to revitalization. Please join us along the way!  

Redd on Salmon Street: Transforming our Food System
Food halls housed in repurposed warehouses are now part of the fabric of the urban landscape.  Most of them are based on a business model that capitalizes on affluent city and suburbs dwellers' romance with the locavore, farm-to-table movement and with niche culinary experiences.

The Redd on Salmon Street - located in the Central Eastside industrial district of Portland, Oregon - is a food project of an entirely different order, with a much more inclusive and wildly ambitious mission: to make regeneratively produced, locally sourced food a mainstay of the regional diet. 

Today, if you shop in a big box grocery store, or dine in a corporate cafeteria or in most restaurants, your meals are invariably sourced from the industrial agriculture pipeline. "We want to invert that whole system," explains Amanda Oborne, Vice President of Ecotrust's Food & Farms program and architect of the Redd's mission.  "We want it to be viable for every individual and institution-from a transaction cost, distribution, and business perspective-to be able to buy from a network of hundreds of small-  and medium-sized local producers, not just from the global industrial ag commodity system."

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