Newsletter: Week of Jan 15, 2018

From the Director of Community Development

Sarah Chandonnet

This January the Humanist Hub presents programs featuring some of the most thoughtful members of our inclusive community of atheists, agnostics, and allies, on a range of issues we care about. This week's special guest is a brave and visionary leader in the global movement to create safe community spaces for the millions of people of Muslim background who consider themselves secular, humanist, or nonreligious.

Ginan Rauf is an activist, educator, photographer, oral historian and mother. Rauf received a doctoral degree in comparative literature from Harvard University and a joint MA degree in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. She is the co-founder -- along with her son Sherif Ahmed -- of a company called Narrative Lives that produces oral histories using various mediums including photo essays, videos and audio recordings. Rauf is a secular humanist and feminist committed to promoting critical thinking and a nuanced knowledge of human cultures.

On Sunday, Rauf will talk about some of the narratives prevalent in modern Islam that -- she says -- ought to be discussed openly, and with skepticism. She invites the audience to be part of a conversation about challenging history broadly, and for women of Muslim faith more specifically. 1:30-3:00pm, 30 JFK Street. Read the full blurb and her talk outline here.

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The Humanist Hub is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that receives zero funding from Harvard University. Everything we do is thanks to your support. Please give generously!
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 on Sundays
Want to continue the tradition of making the Hub a welcoming place for all? Email Sarah with the subject line "Greeter" to learn more about becoming a greeter at our programs. Volunteers needed for 1/21 and 1/28!
Winter Coat Drive
We've partnered with One Warm Coat and Second Chances in Somerville to collect coats - please bring a new or gently warm coat to donate!
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