April 2017, Issue 70
The Monthly Jewel
Everything in its essence is Light.  ~  Sri Anandamayi Ma
Threads in a Tapestry

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
The presence of the Feminine is what differentiates Indian culture from American.  Dr. Kumar encapsulates her trip to India with descriptions that weave the sounds, smells, sights, and feelings of her experiences into a beautiful, cultural infusion. How can we weave these feminine threads into our American culture and be authentically present for each other? How can we find a rhythm that unites us in our diversity?  Read more

a beautiful, fermented dish

and the power of

Acupuncture Care - Low Back Pain

Aimee Brown, LAc; MSOM

An April, 2017 clinical guideline from the Annals of Internal Medicine recommends acupuncture and other non-pharmacological protocols as treatments of choice for low back pain. No longer are the typical OTC meds like acetaminophen and naproxen the first-line medications for back pain.  Aimee shares important and eye-opening data.  Read the reports...    
The Personal Myth In Turbulent Times

Boris Matthews, PhD

What are the stories and myths in your life? What story gives you meaning each day of the week?  Boris shares a YouTube talk James Hollis, PhD gave this past October in which he talks about the healing provided by story and myth in troubling times. Read More
Be Stroft! 
Connect with the Solar Plexus

Shelley Carpenter, PT,RYT,RM

The ability to be strong without gripping or straining is important for our physical and mental health.  Understanding and embracing the energy of the solar plexus can help us live passionately and intentionally. Learn More
Spring Cleaning

Stephanie Delmore, MA,LPC

When you're doing your spring cleaning, include an "inner" cleaning and enjoy the emotional rewards.  You owe it to yourself to find a guide to support and help you explore and clean out those behaviors or aspects of life that don't serve you. It's not as hard or scary as you may think...More
Coloring Mandalas - An Ancient Form of Meditation and Relaxation

Genevie L. Kocourek, M.D.

What is a mandala?  Did you know mandalas are being used in medicine as healing tools?  Read what Dr. Kocourek has to say about the use of mandala coloring books and the experience she's offering in our own lobby... Read More
Dynamic Medicine
A Book Review

David Johnson

Why do people choose homeopathy?  What are the broader principles of homeopathy? How do we get sick and why?  These are some of the chapter titles of the book, Dynamic Medicine, that David Johnson introduces us to as he describes sections of this book he routinely recommends to his homeopathic patients. He says it's a must read for anyone interested in a deeper understanding of homeopathic/energetic medicine vs allopathic/materialistic medicine.The Review

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