Original Artwork by Gail Prpick, Davidson, Sk
Please join us at the
Davidson Town Hall

March 8th 2018
10am - 4pm

for our

Cultural Gathering

We will be learning and celebrating how we can enrich culture in rural communities, and how we can create an inclusive community so
everyone has a place they call home.

The gathering is a chance to meet, socialize and learn from people in the District who are culturally engaged in their communities. Please feel free to share this invitation with others who may benefit in the networking and sharing.
RSVP by March 1st for this FREE Gathering
206 Washington Ave, Davidson

March 8, 2018 from 10am - 4pm

Lunch is provided.
Email aileen.pcdscr@sasktel.net with special dietary or accessibility needs
I'll be there!
Sorry, I can't make it
If you require further information before replying, please contact Aileen at aileen.pcdscr@sasktel.net or phone 306.726.2087 ext 3