Join Us For A 1 Da y Education Event focused on
IBC 2015 SSDM Examples and the Santa Monica Building Ordinance
Friday, June 2, 2017, 8:30am-5:00pm
Registration Opens at 7:30am. Breakfast and Lunch are provided 
The Grand Event Center   
4101 East Willow Street, Long Beach, CA 90815
Attend One Day: $215 (Member) or $430 (Non-Member) 
Sponsorships: $425: Tabletop Exhibit Display
**Students with valid ID receive 50% discount off Member price**

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2015 IBC SEAOC Structural/Seismic Design Manual - Irregularities & Discontinuous Elements -by Kelly Cobeen, S.E.
2015 SSDM Volume 1 presents 58 short examples covering most of the key code provisions from ASCE 7 Chapters 11, 12, 13 and 15. These examples have been updated and revised to reflect applicable changes to codes and standards, to provide additional clarification and commentary for the more complex or nuanced provisions, and to incorporate input from the SEAOC Seismology Committee and other practicing engineers regarding latest interpretations and recommended practices.  

2015 IBC SEAOC Structural/Seismic Design Manual - Wood Frame Design Examples - by Doug Thompson, S.E., S.E.C.B.
The presentation will be based upon the design example "Four-story Wood Light-frame Structure" in Volume 2 of the SSDM series. Presentation will talk about rigid vs flexible diaphragms and potential problems with torsion in these types of buildings. Presentation will include the design and detailing for a multi-story wood framed shear walls using the continuous tie down system including boundary element and tension rod design. The presentation will also include how to calculate wood frame shear wall deflections. There will be a brief discussion on the design and detailing of wood framed trusses and the use of collector trusses. The presentation will conclude with a side by side comparison of force-transfer-around-openings (FTAO) using both the SEAOC/Thompson Method and the Diekmann Method.

2015 IBC SEAOC Structural/Seismic Design Manual - Cold-Formed Steel Design Examples - by Jeff Ellis, P.E., S.E., S.E.C.B.
Many of the questions regarding cold-formed steel framed seismic force-resisting systems regard the which floor framing system should be used, overturning restraint options and their design and detailing, wall stud bracing design and detailing, the use of the overstrength factor, and anchorage of the overturning restraint system to concrete. Therefore, this presentation focuses on these aspects of design as covered in the SSDM design example.

Introduction to Santa Monica Ordinance & Basic Requirements - by Daniel Zepeda, S.E. & Jeff Roi, S.E.
The City of Santa Monica has been an active proponent of seismic safety since the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Since then they have had active ordinances for vulnerable buildings, however they have been mainly been triggered by major renovations. In a wide spread effort to improve the safety of Santa Monica, the City has recently passed mandatory seismic ordinances for URM, concrete tilt-up, wood soft-story, non-ductile concrete, and steel moment frame buildings. Our presentation will provide a brief overview of the history of these ordinances in Santa Monica and discuss the policy, prioritization, timeframes, technical guidelines, and building target performance.

Seismic Retrofit of Unreinforced Masonry Structures Using Fiber Reinforced Polymers - by Pedram Zohrevand, PhD, P.E. & Saeed Fathali, Ph.D., P.E., LEED AP
This presentation will review:
* Mechanical Properties of FRP Composites
* Most Common FRP Products and Retrofit Techniques
* FRP Design Process (Design Guidelines and Standards)
* FRP Installation, Construction Specifications, and Inspection
* Feasibility of FRP Retrofit techniques for Unreinfoced Masonry Buildings and Associated Costs

Pre-Northridge Steel Moment Frames - History & Rehabilitation Techniques - by Jonathan Buckalew, S.E. & Russell McLellan, M.S.
This presentation will discuss the performance of Steel Moment Frames constructed to building codes prior to the 1994 UBC Emergency Provisions. Key deficiencies of these structures will be discussed as well as common seismic rehabilitation techniques.


Kelly Cobeen, S.E.
Associate Principal
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.

Kelly Cobeen is an Associate Principal with Wiss Janney Elstner Associates in their San Francisco office, and is a registered Civil and Structural Engineer. Her work experience includes a wide range of project types, sizes and construction materials, with a special interest in seismic resistance of light-frame construction. She has been involved in numerous code development, research and educational activities, including updates to the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings, the ASCE 7 seismic provisions, numerous Applied Technology Council publications, and Uniform Building Code, International Building Code and International Residential Code development. Kelly is coauthor of the Design of Wood Structures textbook, and is past-president of SEAOC.

Doug Thompson, S.E., S.E.C.B
STB Structural Engineers, Inc.

Doug received his Bachelor's degree from Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo and is president of STB Structural Engineers, Inc. in Lake Forest and is a past president of the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California.  He is a registered PE, SE in 6 states.  He has authored several articles and publications, including the light-frame design examples in the Seismic Design Manuals, the Guide to the Design of Diaphragms, Chords and Collectors, the Guide to the Design of Common Irregularities in Buildings and Four-story/Five-story Wood-frame Structure over Podium Slab.    He has been involved with code changes to the UBC and IBC for over 25 years.

Jeff Ellis, P.E., S.E., S.E.C.B
Director of Codes and Compliance
Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc.

Jeff Ellis is the Director of Codes and Compliance for Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. He has more than 25 years of construction industry experience and manages the company codes and compliance efforts. Additionally, he is involved in research and development and provides technical support for connectors, fastening systems, and lateral force resisting systems. He was a practicing design engineer for commercial, residential and forensic projects for more than 9 years prior to joining Simpson Strong-Tie in 2000. He currently serves as President for the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC), as a SEAOC Director, a California Building Officials (CALBO) Structural Safety Committee member, and as a Manager on the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) Board of Managers. He served as chairman of the AISI Committee on Framing Standards (COFS) Lateral Design Subcommittee for several years and as President of the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI).

Daniel Zepeda, S.E.
Degenkolb Engineers

Daniel Zepeda received his Master's degree in Structural Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and is a licensed Structural Engineer in California and a Principal with Degenkolb Engineers.  With over 12 years of experience in seismic evaluation and seismic strengthening of existing buildings, Daniel's project breadth spans large medical centers, civic buildings and privately owned structures. He is the chair of the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC)'s Existing Buildings Committee and is currently helping Cities in the Los Angeles area including the Cities of Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and West Hollywood with their seismic programs. Daniel was a member of Degenkolb's post-earthquake reconnaissance team that surveyed both the 2010 Chile Earthquake, the 2010 Baja California Earthquake and the 2016 Taiwan Earthquake.  He is also participating in the update of the latest version of ASCE 41.

Jeff Roi, S.E.
Degenkolb Engineers

Jeff Roi S.E., joined Degenkolb Engineers after receiving a Master's degree in Civil Engineering from UCLA in 2007. As an Associate at Degenkolb, he has experience in new design, seismic evaluation and strengthening of existing structures, and nonlinear analysis. He has most recently worked with the cities of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and West Hollywood to aid in the development of their seismic retrofit programs. As a member of SEAOSC he has participated in the development of the "Strengthening Cities" and "Bar Summit" events, and continues to be an active member of the Existing Buildings Committee.

Russell A. McLellan, M.S.
Staff I - Structures
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

Mr. McLellan earned an M.S. in Structural Engineering from University of Southern California (USC) and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). Mr. McLellan joined Simpson, Gumpertz, & Heger (SGH) in January 2016, where he specializes in analysis and rehabilitation of existing structures for a variety of building types including Non-Ductile Concrete, Soft Story Wood-Frame, and Pre-Northridge Steel Moment Frame building types. Recently, he co-authored two design guides with members of the Structural Engineering Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) that were published in November of 2016 by the International Code Council (ICC). The design guides provide guidelines on how to rehabilitate buildings susceptible to sudden collapse in earthquakes according to the City of Los Angeles's Mandatory Seismic Retrofit Ordinances.

Pedram Zohrevand, PhD, P.E.
Director of Engineering

Pedram Zhorevand received his Ph.D. in Civil/Structural Engineering in 2012 from Florida International University. His Ph.D. dissertation focused on the application of Fiber Reinforced (FRP) Composites in earthquake prone areas, which was part of a multi-university research program funded by NSF-NEESR. Dr. Zohrevand is a Professional Engineer with more than 13 years of experience in the design of different building structures and retrofit and strengthening of existing deficient/damaged structures using FRP composites. He is currently working as the Director of Engineering at CES4 providing structural design services mostly in seismic assessment and retrofit of existing buildings in South California. Dr. Zohrevand has more than 15 journal papers published by ASCE, ACI, PCI, Journal of earthquake Engineering, etc. He is also serving as a member of American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 440 (Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement) and Subcommittee 440J (FRP Stay-in-Place Forms).

Jonathan Buckalew, S.E.
Project Engineer
Nabih Youssef Structural Engineers

Jonathan Buckalew is a project engineer at Nabih Youssef & Associates. He received his BS and M.Eng from UC Berkeley. During his 5 years at Nabih Youssef & Associates he has worked on a variety of projects ranging from tenant improvements to the new Stanford Hospital to Tier 2 evaluations of existing school gyms in Los Angeles. In 2013 he was awarded the SEAONC Special Projects Initiative to study the three guidelines used to retrofit existing wood-frame buildings with soft, weak, open-fronts and worked with the SEAONC committee to establish performance objectives for San Francisco's Soft Story Ordinance. He is a co-author of the SEAOSC Soft Story Design Example for the city of Los Angeles and an active member of the SEAOSC Existing Building Committee.

Saeed Fathali, Ph.D., P.E., LEED AP
Director of Seismic Solutions
Structural  Technologies, LLC.
Dr. Saeed Fathali is the Director of Seismic Solutions at STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES. Saeed received his PhD in Structural and Earthquake Engineering from University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. As a co-authors of the SEAOSC Design Guideline for non-ductile concrete buildings, published in 2016, Saeed was the lead author for the section dedicated to seismic applications of FRP material. Prior to his current employment, Saeed worked as a consulting engineer for Rutherford + Chekene in San Francisco for seven years where he worked on several seismic evaluation and retrofit projects as well as applied research projects including probability-based seismic performance assessment of buildings, evaluation of code requirements for directional combination of building seismic responses, development of seismic guideline for roof-mounted solar panels, and evaluation and improvement of the current code formula for seismic design of acceleration-sensitive nonstructural components.  
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