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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                                   May, 2017
In This Issue
IFNA Membership Drive
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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IFNA Launches a New Limited Membership Drive
(June 1 - October 30, 2017)   

The IFNA Membership Committee is delighted to announce the launch of a new membership recruitment effort, The Limited Membership Drive. This campaign is designed to increase new IFNA members and grow our international family nursing community.

IFNA Member Rewards:  IFNA members who recruit five new members will have the opportunity to receive a 2-year membership for the price of 1-year (an $80 USD value). Three top recruiters will receive this 2 for 1 membership promotion. Top recruiters will be identified during the new members' application process where they will be asked to identify the IFNA member who recruited them.

Please help spread the word about the benefits of an IFNA membership. [Read more]    
Marie-Louise (Mio) Mollerberg (Sweden) is promoting family  health in families living with cancer.  Her doctoral research at Linnaeus University in family focused care is examining family sense of coherence in palliative care. [Read more] 

For mor
e IFNA Practice News  [Read more].  
Keiko Agawa (Japan) is a lecturer in Home Care Nursing, School of Nursing, University of Shimane, Japan. Her research focuses on home-visiting nursing in the support of Japanese mothers of children with high medical dependency. [Read more] 

For more IFNA Education News
[Read more] .  
Dr. Jyu-Lin Chen (USA) studies childhood obesity prevention and and healthy lifestyle promotion in children in Asian Pacific regions and Asian immigrants in the U.S. She is currently a Fulbright Senior Researcher conducting a cross-trait study on identifying risk factors for childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and develop strategies for family-based prevention programs in Taiwan and Mainland China. [Read more] 

For more IFNA Research News

IFNC13 Conference co-chairs, June Horowitz (USA) and
Jane Lassetter (USA) are excited to announce that once again there will be a raffle at IFNC13 in Pamplona. The raffle is an enjoyable way to enhance the international flavor of the conference and raise money for IFNA. You can participate in two ways: 1) donating one or more items, and 2) purchasing raffle tickets and trying to win selected items during the conference. For donated items, we suggest thinking about something from your country that is not hard to transport.

All Country Liaisons are invited to a self-pay dinner that will be held at IFNC13 on the evening of June 15, 2017 at the Museum at the University of Navarra, in Pamplona. The intention is to network with all of the Country Liaisons, who have contributed so much effort to marketing IFNC13 in their respective countries, along with the UK & Ireland Family Nursing Chapter colleagues.  Please contact IFNA Member, Veronica Swallow (United Kingdom) for more information.  

For more IFNA Conference News [
Follow the IFNA blog
Blog Editor: Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) 

Honor a Family Nurse Program  
The Honor a Family Nurse Program is a fundraising initiative of IFNA's Resource Advancement Committee.  To be listed in the final IFNC13 program in Spain, June 14-17, 2017 as well as on the IFNA website, submissions must be received by
May 1, 2017
. After May 1, all honoree submissions received through the final day of IFNC13 will be recognized on the IFNA website only. [Read more] 

IFNA YouTube Channel
Now added to the IFNA YouTube channel, a Penn Nursing video of IFNA member, Dr. Janet Deatrick (USA), on the occasion of her receipt of the 2016 Claire M. Fagin Distinguished Researcher Award.  The tributes to her family nursing scholarship and her address are well worth watching.

Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #familyhealth, #familyhealing,
#IFNAorg, #IFNC13, IFNC12
This monthly IFNA Newsletter is created by the IFNA Communications Committee