Input for Employer-Driven Summer Youth Program Requested

The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership , with support from the Chicago Metro Metal Consortium (CMMC) , invites businesses to help assess the feasibility of a new paid summer internship program for young adults (ages 16-24) which will introduce them to careers
 in  Manufacturing, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics, and Information Technology. 
Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership participants

Please click here to complete the survey. Your response will help us gain a better understanding of employer needs, potential work and training opportunities available to youth, and does not commit you to participate in the program in any way. Contact Cory Muldoon at or (312) 603-7092 for more information.
Join Us for "Metals and Machinery Manufacturing: Talent, Development, and Retention" 

Local manufacturers will share their insights and experiences related to talent development and retention, and what they need to grow and flourish in the Chicago region. Don't miss this event sponsored by  Choose DuPage and Chicago Metro Metal
Consortium (CMMC) to network and learn about best practices and available resources for manufacturers.  The company panel will feature:
CHIPS employee photo courtesy of CHIPS Manufacturing, Inc.
Friday, March 24, 2017
College of DuPage
Technical Education Center (TEC)
425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Save the Date: May 16, 2017 
CRRC Sifang Procurement Outreach Event

With the CTA accepting CRRC Sifang's $1.3 billion bid to build rail cars for the city, 'Made in China' rail is set to land in the City of Chicago. CRRC Sifang, the largest railway rolling stock manufacturer in the world, will build a new $40 million manufacturing facility in the city, with the aim of seeing the fi rst of 846 7000-series rail cars going into service in 2020. 

Come to this procurement outreach event, hosted by the Calumet Area Industrial Commission (CAIC), in collaboration with CMMC, to meet CRRC Sifang and explore the possibility of building a lasting business relationship with the latest addition of world renowned companies to the Calumet region. Additional details to follow.

Proposed CTA rail cars
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

UAW Hall
13550 S Torence Ave., Chicago, IL 60633

mHUB Officially Open and Welcoming New Members

Great news,  mHUB, Chicago's innovation center for physical product development and manufacturing, is officially up and running! They are hosting several exciting events this month, including a session on resources for start-ups on March 21st.
Visit their website for a full schedule of events.
mHUB grand opening on March 2, 2017

Now that construction is complete, mHUB is actively welcoming new members. Reserve desks are filling up quickly and private offices are completely rented. Apply to become a member today!  To inquire about new promotional co-working space rates, contact mHUB .
Go Green and Increase Your Efficiency!

Reduce your carbon footprint
Are you aware the biggest culprits in primary and fabricated  metals emissions are zinc, nitrate, and manganese compounds, as well as aluminum oxide? Or that by reducing emissions you can make your firm more efficient and sustainable?

The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) provides assistance to firms looking to do just that! Contact ISTC for assistance today.
Transatlantic Cluster Initiatives Updates

The Transatlantic Cluster Initiative  partnered with CMMC for its first of six cluster exchanges around key US industries. These exchanges further transatlantic trade, investment, and innovation collaboration. It brings together German and US industry clusters to promote knowledge exchange through targeted roadshow series in the US and delegation trips to Germany. Want to receive updates on this initiative? Stay informed,  sign up for their newsletter today! 
Right: CMMC tours Germany's Schweikert, an innovation leader in sheet metal forming.
The  Chicago Metro Metal Consortium (CMMC)  works to strengthen the region's 4000 metal and machinery manufacturing firms CMMC  offers manufacturers the tools, services and resources to improve and grow their businesses through collaboration and networking, market intelligence, and promotion of the region as the nation's leading center for manufacturing. 
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