In This Issue
Upcoming Events

Be sure to mark

your calendars for these upcoming events!


Monday, April 24

Roly-Poly Storytime

Tuesday, April 25

Pre-School Storytime

Tuesday, April 25
City Council Regular Meeting

Tuesday, April 26

VPCSF Meeting


Welcome to Villa Park's E-newsletter "The Feeder." The City of Villa Park  is dedicated to sharing information and resources with the community. This newsletter will highlight information on community interests, events, and activities, as well as update and report on major projects happening in the city. Editions will be released periodically. Enjoy!  
Electronics Recycling Drive
In an effort to encourage " green" habits, an electronics recycling drive will be held at Villa Park High School. The drive will benefit VP Rotary Projects and VPHS Lady Spartan Basketball. 

The event takes place on April 22nd from 9 am-1 pm. Items such as televisions, laptops, printers, tablets, and phones will be accepted. However, batteries will not be accepted. Certified data destruction services are also available. 
Notice from the Orange County Mosquito & Vector Control District - Mosquito Awareness Week
The California Legislature has declared April 16 to April 22 as Mosquito Awareness Week. The Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District (OCMVCD) joins public health agencies throughout the state to raise awareness and educate Californians about the threat mosquitoes and vectors can pose to local communities.

"Over the last few years, Orange County has experienced an increase in cases of mosquito-borne illnesses such as the West Nile virus. Furthermore, the presence of the invasive Aedes mosquitoes threatens the county with diseases such as Zika virus, dengue fever, and Chikungunya" said Mary-Joy Coburn, OCMVCD Public Affairs Coordinator. "To ensure the protection of our community, it is extremely important to make sure that residents are taking the proper steps to eliminate standing water on their properties and to control the mosquito population."

To kick off Mosquito Week and the mosquito season, OCMVCD has started meeting with officials from cities with historically higher than average mosquito activities to discuss leveraging city assets and volunteer groups to help get the message of mosquito control to residents. The focus of the meetings is to protect the residents and reduce mosquito and vector threats. 

District staff will also be participating in city events and presentations to educate the public about the mosquito sources found on their yards and what they can do to protect themselves. 

"Eliminating standing water is the most important thing to remember in order to control mosquitoes," added Coburn. "Conduct a property inspection every week and dump and drain all items that can potentially hold water."

Orange County residents can do a variety of things to help protect themselves and the community, and to help reduce the risk from mosquitoes this season:

* Eliminate any standing water around the home.

* Make sure all of the window and door screens on the property are in good repair.

*Wear a repellent containing DEET®, Picaridin, IR3535, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.

* Contact the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District to report dead birds or neglected swimming pools.

Residents are encouraged to sign-up for District email notification, follow OCMVCD on social media, and visit the website for the most current West Nile virus information: (714) 971-2421 or (949) 654-2421, or visit

OC LAFCO Alternate Public Member Applications

LAFCO is an organization that serves the citizens of Orange County by encouraging constructive changes in governmental structure and boundaries through studies, programs, and actions in order to resolve intergovernmental issues. It also exists as a resource for local governments and citizens by creating means for sharing valuable information and input. 

Currently, OC LAFCO is seeking an individual to serve as the Alternate Public Member on the Commission's Board to fill a four-year term that begins July 1, 2017. In order to be eligible, the applicant may not be currently serving as an employee of the County, any City, or any Special District in Orange County. 

Any individual interested must submit a cover letter and completed application to the LAFCO Exec utive Officer by 3 p.m. on Monday, May 15, 2017.  Finalists will be invited to interview with the Commission at the regular LAFCO meeting on July 12, 2017 and the successful candidate will assume office on August 9, 2017. All interested parties are encouraged to contact the LAFCO office at (714) 640-5100 for additional information.

Resident seeking to apply may also contact City Hall at (714) 998-1500 for copies of said applications. 
Friendly Reminder of Property Maintena nce
With summer approaching, the City would like to issue a friendly reminder to all residents on the importance of maintaining the appearance of your properties; especially front lawns and green areas. Though the summer heat may create extra work for maintaining the appearance of front yards, the effort is well worth it. Maintaining such an attractive aesthetic raises the property values of homes and creates a beautiful environment for residents to enjoy!
If you have any questions about lawn maintenance, there are plenty of helpful resources available online for maintenance tips. Click here to find out more!