First Christian Church Pomona


Rev. Dr. Julie Roberts-Fronk, Pastor                                                                                                                    Rev. Mike Fronk, Pastor


The Christian Caller

June 2, 2017


Julie's Jar

~Defining Success~
My 8 th grade science teacher required a weekly task. Copy a science article. That's right, copy it. I'm not sure if he thought we'd actually read it as we copied it, or even hoped we might learn something as we copied. Dutifully, every week, I found a science article in a newspaper or magazine and copied.  This was WAY before one could "Google" a topic. The only one I remember was one about a lunar landing. I remember it primarily because I stayed up until 1 o'clock in the morning to finish it.
There was a competition in the class to get the highest grade for this assignment. Most everyone got an A. But Mr. Spiros started giving out A pluses. There was one student who consistently received 5-8 extra pluses. The record was 10 pluses: A ++++++++++! The rest of us were convinced her mother typed them, did the artwork and more.
I was determined to get more than a mere A or A+. I cut out the pictures and wrote out the article. I made it look especially good. At about 11 pm, my dad wandered into the dining room wondering what I was doing. He simply turned in disbelief and went back to bed. No offer of help, no "way to go; atta girl". I was on my own. When the assignment was returned to us, I got A+++. I determined to never do that again.
We define success in many ways, but it usually involves doing better than someone else. It's competition. We are taught that from the time we are quite young. Our education system continues to encourage that; winning is more important than learning. It's the non-curriculum we teach.
What makes a congregation successful? Is it the congregation with "a great youth program"? Is it the congregation that goes out to the parks and feed people who have no shelter? Is it the congregation that builds affordable housing? Is it the congregation with the most trendy worship? Very often, success is seen in numbers: how many in worship, how many dollars to benevolence, how many programs for people to attend.
What makes a congregation successful? A community of faith that follows Jesus has a barometer of a very different sort. It is not about being successful; it is about being blessed. The community of the blessed looks nothing like what our society deems successful: those who mourn, the poor, the peacemakers, the meek, the pure of heart, the gentle, the merciful, those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
And what about you? What makes you a success? Frankly, you already are. You are God's beloved already. There is nothing we have to DO to win God's favor. You are already in God's favor; you never left it. Success as a category for understanding our life is inadequate. For Christians, the categories are instead beloved and blessed.
Life is NOT a competition between winners and losers. Jesus invites us in to a deeper experience of Reality. Jesus invites us to hear and know that we are beloved and blessed.
A Message from Global Ministries
Dear Friends:

Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted. Matthew 13:8

springappeal.jpgRecently a first-time donor to Global Ministries shared that he made his significant gift in support of missionary appointments because he was all about  planting seeds After a childhood of poverty and abuse, and a young adulthood of addiction and violence, he discovered his Christian faith in his mid-twenties, he joined a community of faith, and his life was transformed. Thirteen years later as a professional, he feels a call to  plant seeds of hope, of abundance in God's world through supporting mission personnel who, together with partner churches,  are  planting seeds of God's global mission around the world. We in Global Ministries are honored to join him on this faith journey of  planting seeds.

The historical churches planted by missionaries of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) continue to 
plant seeds of hope around the world.

During his 30 years of establishing and nurturing the National Spiritual Council of Haitian Churches (CONASPEH), Reverend Dr. Patrick Villier (who died unexpectedly last December 2016)  planted seeds  of hope as the council grew from modest beginnings to 6,000 member churches.  In the last paper on mission which Reverend Villier shared with Global Ministries, he states,  Mission for us is deeply a vocation and not an opportunity. Vocation is God's call to those with the ability to understand the dimension of that call.

Our congregation supports Global Ministries. $10,000 is designated this year to plant seeds of hope.
 Reiki Share June 19 th 2-4 pm
Reiki promotes stress reduction and relaxation: people experience deep calm, reduction of pain and for some, spiritual wellness. It has been shown that stress is a significant contributor to illness. Reiki can help decrease feelings of stress for some people.
A "Share Event" is a great way to get introduced to Reiki and also for people with Reiki experience to practice. We begin with a brief introduction which includes a guided meditation.  The rest of the time is spent in the practice of Reiki, giving and receiving for those who are interested. Wear comfortable clothes. Reiki is given through gentle touch or simply holding the hands over the body.
The time is led by pastor Julie Roberts-Fronk who practices and teaches Reiki. You may contact her for more information.
You're Invited
Reception in Celebration of Cristina and Daniel
June 25 th after worship

We want to celebrate the wedding of Cristina  Kurtek and Daniel Gomez (earlier in June) so we are hosting a reception after worship on June 25 th

Bring a card and your blessings to share. 
You're invited...

Journey through Grief: Bereavement Support Group
Grief can be a lonely road. VITAS Healthcare® of the San Gabriel Cities is pleased to offer this group for adults seeking support after the loss of a loved one. We offer a safe environment where everyone can share feelings, discuss fears, learn about the grief process and gain strength for the journey. To provide the most benefit to the group, new members will not be permitted to join after the second meeting. These sessions are free and open to the community.

When: June 7th- July 12th
Wednesdays, 3:00pm-4:30pm

Where: First Christian Church
1751 N. Park Ave Pomona, CA 91768

RSVP: Space is limited. Please call, Erica Welty, Bereavement Services Manager @ 626.974.2045

**=Non-Church Activity

June 2017
If someone should be added to this list, please let the church
   o ffice know at  909-622-1144 or  [email protected] .
  •   3rd ~ Dave Thies
  •   4th ~ Glendon Tudor
  •   9th ~ Alexis Wiley
  • 12th ~ Bob McCallister
  • 19th ~ Don Bremer
  • 25th ~ Julian Fisher
  • 28th ~ Rhodes Thompson & Solomon Mollet
  • 30th ~ Greg Sanders
JUNE 6th ~ Lois & Rhodes Thompson celebrate 64 years of marriage!

We'd love to wish you a happy anniversary here in The Caller!
If you would like to have your anniversary listed,
contact the church office.






We join together in prayer for our community and our world.


Please let us know if you would like to add someone to the list or if someone should be removed.  We review the list quarterly and will give you a call if it is unclear if someone should stay on the list.  Please let us know if someone has inadvertently been removed.


HOMEBOUND & convalescing

Hilda Faulkner
Janice Newborn
Lois & Rhodes Thompson
Bob & Jackie McCallister


Elizabeth Akin
Sue Hunter
Jose Mendiola
Lucy Hyde
Carolyn McKee
Laura Zivnak
Gary Paulson
Bret Wiley
Cindy Koskan
Ron & Martha Gorsuch
Tim Reed
Stan Adams
Diana Tillinger
Nicole Brooks Rios
Sandy Toppen
Harry Pearson
Nelson Mann
Lorraine Rogers
Kovacs Family
Robin Priede
Phil Smith
Amber Kovacs
Moore Family
  Robert Vazques
Donna Ruddiman
Connie Saenz
Bascome Morris
Annette Anderson
Eloise Williams
The Charlie Weaver Family
Evelyn Lepire & Family
Ross Family
Jake, Marie, & Elaine Tillinger
Mike White Family
Kathy Lin Family
Shirley Ewing & Family
Joe Zivnak Family
Yani Davis
Paris Reed
Wanda Sodoma
Lily Lane
John Miller
Martin & Kathleen Strudwick & Family


About First Christian Church Pomona

We are an active, informed, progressive Christian community worshiping and serving in Pomona, CA. Our congregation is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 



All are welcome to worship, take Communion and serve the world with us.


Join Us for 

Bible Study:
9 am Sunday

Join Us for 


10 am Sunday

Contact Us


First Christian Church Pomona

1751 N. Park Ave.

Pomona, CA  91768   

(909) 622-1144

[email protected]


First Christian Church Child Development Center

(909) 629-3636

[email protected]