Dear Friends,
As you know, the safety of our parishioners is always my first concern. It has come to my attention, that there is a need for additional lighting in the Cathedral and school parking lots. I received several bids and the cost of the lights will be $32,300. Last Sunday was the Parish Needs Collection - I know I did not present the costs earlier for this collection since I only recently received the final bids. It's not too late to contribute to this collection and I would appreciate your generosity at any time. Please put the words "parking lot lights" in the memo section of your check. Thank you in advance for your support of this needed project.
The Rectory Office will be closed on Monday, May 29, 2017 in observance of Memorial Day. Mass will be celebrated as scheduled at 7:00 am and at 12:05 pm.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Robert J. Rippy
Today is the last day to sign up!
Parents, your children in rising grades K-6 can join us
June 26-30, 2017, from
9am-12:30pm, to experience our weeklong Vacation Bible School,
In the Beginning: The Holy Bible from The Week of Graces. This program takes the children on a walk through salvation history, learning about Scripture, the Holy Mass, and God in a fun and adventurous way! Adult volunteers needed (must be fully VIRTUS compliant). Students in grades 7 through high school can volunteer. Contact the Religious Education Office at
703-525-1300 or We have had very few registrations so far. On the fence? Waiting for a rainy day? Register by
May 22 or we will have to cancel Vacation Bible School due to low enrollment.
STM Pro-Life
The STM pro-life group is a loosely organized collection of about 50 parishioners who have committed to standing up for their belief in the sanctity of life. These parishioners put their faith into action in different ways. They are called prayer warriors. Some attend the monthly pro-life Mass while others lead the pro-life Rosary that follows the Mass. Others participate in the twice yearly international campaign, called 40 Days for Life, by praying regularly at the Falls Church abortion center during the 40 Day campaigns. Others will come to the abortion center to pray the Rosary with a group or to join a pro-life rally and some even make weekly visits to the abortion center all year long. Many pray privately at home or in Church for the end of abortion. Recently, NOVA for Life has encouraged a weekly hour in Adoration, praying a silent Rosary for the end of abortion, the closing of the local clinic and for the conversion of those affected by abortion. And, of course, annually we join the March for Life in DC.
We have sponsored 3 Baby Bottles Drives to raise money for free ultrasounds for abortion minded mothers. Earlier this year Gertrude Creed launched a Flag Awareness Project at the Cathedral, the Welcome Center and School green spaces. Pink and blue flags were installed by volunteers, each flag representing the 1800 babies aborted at the Falls Church abortion clinic in 2014.
There is no joining our group; there are no regular meetings. Information about opportunities for public protest or public prayer or special projects is announced by email, in the Church bulletin and, more recently, in the Cathedral Connection.
We welcome all parishioners and hope to add new prayer warriors to our group. For questions or comments, please email Loren Wilee at or call 757-323-9172.
Thank You!
Our CCD school year has ended! Thank you to our catechists, aides, and staff for a wonderful year!
Parents, registration will open on June 1, for the 2017 - 2018 school year. All students must re-register each year. Contact the Religious Education Office for more information at or 703-525-1300.
Altar Server Schedule*
This Week
*As scheduled. Any changes are not reflected in the list below.
May 27
5:30 pm
Rex Johnston
John McCreery
Jack Rider
May 28
8:00 am
Isaiah Bayliss
Frank Lucchetti
Leonardo Ochoa
9:30 am
Andrew Oliveros
Danny Rogers
Joe Young
11:00 am
Creighton Quaadman
Salvador Perez
Bart Whelan
5:00 pm
Luciano Mateo
James Pohl
Aidan Vanek
St. Thomas More Cathedral School
The STM PTO is excited to announce that this year's auction raised $112,000!!! AMAZING job to our committee chairs, Tara Ashworth & Cindy Urick - and their entire team - on a job well done. Once expenses have been paid, we will provide a breakdown of the programs that benefited from this fantastic effort. Thank you all who helped make this such a successful event!
This week some very familiar faces greeted you on WJLA abc7's
Good Morning, Washington! Meteorologist Josh Knight visited the 4th grade students to discuss the weather, demonstrate weather instruments, and invited them to inspect the WJLA StormTrak7 weather vehicle. Bishop Burbidge joined the students!
Pro-Life News and Notes
NOVA for Life is encouraging us to dedicate 1 hour per week in Adoration, praying the Rosary in silence, before the Blessed Sacrament, in intercessory prayer for the end of abortion, for the protection of the unborn and for the conversion of all involved, especially in our Diocese. Ideally, we would all be praying 6:30-7:30 pm on Tuesday, either at a local Adoration Chapel, or at home at 6:30 pm in communion with others. But, of course, the Rosary can be prayed anytime and anywhere.
Local Adoration Chapels:
- St. Michael's in Annandale - perpetual Adoration Chapel except certain times on Sunday
- St. Agnes in Arlington - daily Adoration Chapel 7:15 am-9 pm
- Our Lady Queen of the Apostles in Alexandria-Adoration Chapel open 7am Monday until Saturday at 7:45 am
- St. Veronica's in Chantilly-Adoration Chapel open after 8:30 am Mass on Monday until Saturday at 8 am
- St. Thomas More - Adoration in the Cathedral every Thursday 12:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- St. James Parish in Falls Church - Adoration in the main Church every Sunday 5-6 pm and every 3rd Thursday of the month 7-8 pm
Do you want to be more informed and more involved in local pro-life planning and activities? Consider coming to monthly NOVA for Life meetings at St. James Parish in Falls Church. Monthly meetings are on Thursdays at
7:30 and usually last about 1-1 1/2 hours. For the next meeting date, email Loren Wilee at or call me at
5 Million Rosaries for America
Prayer Can Change Everything!
Dynamic Catholic is asking people all over the country to join in praying 5 million rosaries for America! The rosary is an incredibly powerful prayer. It has the power to bring peace. The power to heal. The power to transform your life, the lives of your loved ones, your community, and our nation.
Check out the website for more information and to register.
Marriage Enrichment Events
Bishop Ireton High School Summer Camps
Bishop Ireton High School announces its
2017 summer camp offerings at its Alexandria campus. The variety of camps includes, sports, theater and science. The ages served are rising 1st through 12th graders. Sign up online at If you have questions contact Peter Hamer, (703)751-7606 or
Volunteers Needed - Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
Interested in volunteering? Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind is in need of more volunteers in the Readers and Friendly Visitors program. In this program, adult volunteers are matched with adults who are blind or visually impaired. Volunteers assist with activities such as reading mail or the newspaper, going to the local library and shopping for groceries. Volunteer readers and visitors typically visit with their clients for 3-4 hours per month. Interested individuals will need to attend one orientation and they will be approved upon application review and background research.
Cathedral Connection Submissions
Items for the Cathedral Connection
must be submitted to by noon each Friday
in order to be included in the following week's edition.
All submissions must be in print-ready form.
Items received after this deadline will be held until the following issue.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Upcoming Events
May 22
7:00 pm
Legion of Mary
7:30 pm
RCIA Class
May 23
7:00 pm
ESL Class S
7:30 pm
Bell Choir C
May 24
10:00 am
Arts and Crafts
May 25
12:30 - 8:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
8:00 pm
Burke Hall
May 26
10:00 am
School Mass
May 27
9:00 am
10:30 am
Jr. Legion of Mary Rectory Conference Room
4:00 pm
May 28
No Coffee and Doughnuts
Credit Union Open
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Burke Hall
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Spanish Legion of Mary
Rectory Conference Room
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Spanish Prayer Group
Burke Hall
2:30 English Baptisms
May 29
Rectory Office is Closed for Memorial Day
Click on the USCCB image above for the daily readings