Change Your Morning Routine - Welcome a New Sunrise!
"How you start your day is how you live your day; and how you live your day is how you live your life."  ~~~ Louise Hay
This quote by the amazing  Louise Hay immediately brings me to presence. So often I just jump out of bed and get right into a busy day and I forget the power of presence, attention and intention.  
How do you start your day? Do you wake up feeling relaxed or rushed? Is your attention immediately drawn to family members or what it is you have to do that day? What is the first thought that runs through your head when you wake up in the morning? Is it one of anticipation for what lies ahead or one of exhaustion before you even put that first foot on the floor?
When you do get up, do you immediately put on the radio or the TV? Or do you sit for a few minutes with your cup of coffee and take the day in? Maybe you have your coffee on the run for the train - no time for the pleasantries and necessities of breakfast. Does your day start hurried or peaceful?
One of the keys to a fulfilling life is to live that life within the frame of a single day rather than in compartments of work, home, family, money, spiritual connection, friends and self-care. In the frame of a day all parts of you may be served especially if you learn to start your day in the way you want to live that day as it unfolds.
This week I invite you to join me in starting the day with purpose and intention. That might mean that you start your day with thoughts of love, gratitude and ease. Or it might mean that you wake up without the alarm clock and just stay in bed for a moment and affirm to yourself, "This is a beautiful day." It might mean that you need to let go of a habit of behavior you have each morning that keeps you from fulfilling the goals you have for your life and adopt a new behavior that aligns with what it is you want to create.
Lady Gaga has said that she tries to begin each day with compassionate messages towards herself - another way to say that is that she begins her day with self-love. That is exactly what Louise Hay also recommends - that you start each day with loving thoughts towards yourself and extend that love to everyone you will encounter. 
May you live your days this week with greater presence, love and purpose.

With love,


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