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(Check our CQ SSD Website for details)
For a quick Overview of the NEW SSD Program Curriculum, click HERE!

To watch our CenterQuest
Info Video
click HERE!

Introduction to CenterQuest - Winter, 2014

To watch our
Inaugural Cohort
SSD Slides Video
click screen below

To read what some of our inaugural cohort participants are saying,
click HERE!

Meet Our Current SSD Cohort 2016-2017
Watch some of our current cohort participants share their SSD experience!

SSD Promo
SSD Cohort 2016-17


Those of you who are seriously thinking of joining the 2018-2019 SSD Cohort Cycle would do well to work on your application and complete everything (including recommendations) between now and end of June so we can focus our attention to scheduling a series of interviews this July for this second batch of applicants.  

Applying early gives you opportunity to choose the most suitable date for you to take the pre-requisite intro course (Soul Companioning) if you haven't done so yet and allows you more space to spread your payments.  For more detailed information, please refer to our revised FAQ section on the Costs/Fees on our CQ SSD web page or click   HERE. 

All the best, 




Nina Lau-Branson -  Vocation & Formation Group Leader & Mentor (Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA)
The CQ SSD program has been more than worth my time and money. I've met God in every course and I've been transformed beyond my imagination. The program has been put together thoughtfully and prayerfully, with attentiveness to knowledge, skills and the state of the soul. There was a variety of instruction modalities and instructors bringing their expertise. 
Rev. Mike Harbert -  Presbyterian Pastor
The uniqueness of both in-person and online interaction with a broadly based ecumenical cohort allows for an experiential learning process that has far exceeded my expectations. Engagement with a close-knit and diverse small group as a central part of the program makes this a deeply enriching experience. I highly recommend CenterQuest's SSD program!
Watch A Short Video of Our Opening Residency!

SC - Soul Companioning: Introduction to Spiritual Direction
We still have three scheduled offerings for 2017 to choose from. Open to anyone interested to sample our online intro course. Plan to join one of these eCourse dates (which is a pre-requisite for those participating in the one-year SSD program for the 2018-19 cycle). For more information, click HERE!
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CenterQuest (CQ), a non-profit organization 501(c)3, exists as an inclusive hub for genuine seekers engaged in the ecumenical exploration, study and practice of Christian spirituality and formation.