Eric's newest Book
and DVD hold the keys of personal victory for all -
and freedom for those captive!
Here are just a few of the issues addressed in these two important ministry tools:
Who is in the spiritual war?
Are Christians immune?
What are some of the main misconceptions about spiritual conflict?
What are the misconceptions about Satan, Demons, Hell, etc.?
How can a parent or grandparent know if their child is dabbling in the occult?
(Click for more) |
In times of distress, how can we know if we are up against demonic activities?
What is the Christian's most powerful tool when engaging the Enemy?
What should the end goal be for those willing to take up the challenge and wage spiritual warfare?
"Practical"..."Relevant"..."Scriptural"..."Positive"... are terms pastors nationwide have used in describing this important teaching DVD (including many Scriptures and slide illustrations) and adapted from Eric's more than 25 years of experience in Spiritual Warfare.
Both items include extensive information on battle tested spiritual weapons that every Believer should understand and use with a focus on personal victorious living and freedom for those held captive!
(Click for more) |
Receive both the Book and DVD for just
(plus postage).
Dear Friend,
Producing books and DVDs are a costly and time consuming labor of love. However, through the years we have seen first hand the great benefit that products such as my latest book,
Disarming the Powers of Darkness
, and my recent DVD, "Defeating Darkness Seven Ways" have been to our fellow Christians. In particular, these two ministry tools being offered here have served as gateways to freedom, deliverance, and victory for those either confused or inflicted by the Enemy.
I'm personally gratified and humbled at how the Lord has and is continuing to use the materials we've produced. Our goal has simply been to stay the course and fulfill the calling He placed on our lives almost 34 years ago.
We appreciate your support and thank you for your order. It is our joy to serve you.
God bless you!