Parkway United Church of Christ  E-news
June 1, 2017
Worship with Us this Week!

Join us this Sunday for Annual Meeting, One Family Worship and a PUNS Celebration!

Join us this Sunday in the sanctuary at 10am for our Annual Congregational Meeting (see Annual Report below) to elect Commission and Council members - we will also hear some brief updates on a variety of things including PUNS, Multimedia in worship, our Consultant, Miriam Academy. One Family Worship at 10:45am will focus on Pentecost (please wear RED to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit!) and offer thanksgiving for 47 years of our preschool. Stay for a festive luncheon!


Prayer Updates
One Family Worship this Sunday!
Annual Meeting and PUNS Celebration/Farewell this wkend
Chelsea Smith Gonzalez received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin, TX. Proud parents are Drs. Dwight & Jana Smith. Grandparents are Dwight & Charlotte Smith. Chelsea and her husband Stephen, live in Austin.
John Williams - spots on lung - undergoing tests.
Milford Tallyn - in and out of the hospital this week.
Doug Watson - hospitalized - cancer has returned.
[We are putting together a Care Team for him. Please email Kevin.]
Mary Maxeiner - home after Tuesday's surgery... homebound for a while... Mary's request: please send your favorite summer main dish recipe to [email protected] and [email protected]
Mary Jo Cannon -rehab at Mason Pointe (want to be on visit team?)
Dwight Smith - strengthening at St Lukes Rehab (next to Surrey Place)
Pattie Herpel - home recuperating after recent hospitalization.
Carol Russell - healing at home after eventful hospital stay.
Florence Simonson - dealing with a pinched nerve.
Nancy Brown - receiving hospice care at the Westchester House.
Cherie Stolze - struggling with shingles.
Karla Shelton and family - as they grieve/give thanks for her father and as her mother is receiving hospice care.
Kathy Haack - needs add'l cancer surgery in TX (Bill's mother).
Rosanna Hogarty - grieving/giving thanks for her aunt/Godmother.

Into the Mystic is the Rev. John C. Dorhauer's weekly podcast on 

Recycling Van
The Parkway Sustainability Seekers have arranged for the Electronics Recycling Van to be here Saturday and Sunday. Recycle anything with a cord!

Special Worship & Fellowship Event:
Sat, Jun 10 | 3-Part Event | Attend all of or any portion of the event!

5:00pm Worship Service Historic Sanctuary: scripture, music, prayer & a brief message. Bring a candle or votive if you have one. If not, we have some extras.

5:30-7:00pm Potluck (finger foods and dessert): bring an appetizer or dessert to share! Thanks to Membership Care for their help.

7:00-9:00pm Karaoke
The theme of this worship service with be The Light Individuals/family will light their candles together and leave on the altar for the remainder of the worship service. At the conclusion of the service, you will take a different candle home with you as a memory of the event. Our goal is to provide a unique, spiritual, uplifting and memorable worship experience among the walls of our Historic Sanctuary followed by the warmth of friendship and fellowship. 
Questions? Contact Rosanna Hogarty, Worship Committee member, [email protected] or 314-265-7992.
Lunch Bunch: St Thomas Fried Chicken Dinner
Sun, Jun 11 | PUCC gathering 12:30pm | 17842 Wild Horse Creek Rd
Join us and St Thomas UCC for a fried chicken dinner. RSVP or if you need to car pool contact Gloria Wandless at 314-606-9768 | [email protected] so we can let them know an approximate number. Looking forward to you participating in the event!
Tuesday Evening Dialogue June 13
2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:00-8:30pm | Heritage Room | Potluck & Discussion
Paperback copies are available in the church office: $8.00
On June 13, we conclude Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption.
One June 27, we begin Spiritual Defiance: Building a Beloved Community of Resistance   by Robin Meyers : " A leading voice of progressive Christianity makes a powerful case for faith as a radical way of being in the world."
We will discuss this book until the end of July, then break for August.
TED welcomes everyone interested in delicious POTLUCKS and interesting, informal BOOK DISCUSSIONS! Please consider joining us. For more information
contact Karen Boyd: [email protected]

Parkway UCC night at the Muny presents Jesus Christ Superstar
Friday Night, June 16 | 8:00pm | Muny in Forest Park
Ticket includes a free backstage tour and carpooling from church if needed.
Price will vary from $11.25 to $15 per ticket depending on how many sign up.

Peace Concert in St Louis: June 4 at Powell Hall including Town & Country Symphony.

June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month
and we're going PURPLE June 11. Join us at either service, wearing purple, as we raise awareness for Alzheimer's. Early diagnosis is critical for care and planning. Encourage a loved one or friend to seek diagnosis.
Parkway United Church of Christ is proud to host a Care Consultation Day from noon till 4:00pm. If you or a loved one is living with Alzheimer's come and talk with Dahley Mensah, LMSW, QMHP. A Care Consultation is a service designed to provide you and your family support while coping with the impact of dementia, from pre-diagnosis to end-of-life. You will receive one-on-one assistance that will enable you to better understand the disease, manage care and make more informed decisions regarding services and treatments.
Please register by calling Jane Cox at 314.201.0399 (or by email at [email protected]).

Protect the Planet! See the Documentary film: From the Ashes
Thursday, June 22 | 7:00pm | Heritage Room
Sponsored by: Sustainability Seekers and MO Interfaith Power & Light
Popcorn and drinks provided!
From the Ashes  captures Americans in communities across the country as they wrestle with the legacy of the coal industry and what its future should be under the Trump Administration.
From Appalachia to the West's Powder River Basin, the film goes beyond the rhetoric of the "war on coal" to present compelling and often heartbreaking stories about what's at stake for our economy, health, and climate. From the Ashes invites audiences to learn more about an industry on the edge and what it means for their lives.
This is a great opportunity to discuss positive actions towards a clean energy future. Now is the time when people are standing up and demanding we protect Creation and the health of the planet. 
Contact Polly Rutherford: [email protected] | 636-532-8118
St Louis 2017 PrideFest Volunteers Needed
June 23-25 |  Soldiers Memorial Park, St Louis
We would like to have people in the tent to spread extravagant hospitality to visitors. Tent Volunteers (Saturday and Sunday) contact Ron Hill at: [email protected].
It looks great when we have 100 people or more in commas t-shirts walking in the parade with signs for each ONA or ONA-Friendly Church. Once again, First Congregational Church of St. Louis has agreed to coordinate Gateway's participation in the parade. For more parade details and to volunteer to walk in the parade, contact Hannah Rice at: [email protected].
There will be an ecumenical and inter-faith service on Sunday morning as part of the PrideFest event. More details will be worked out and announced soon.
Thank you, in advance, for volunteering to be a part of the United Church of Christ's participation in the St. Louis 2017 PrideFest.
~ Lorin Cope, Convener; Gateway Open and Affirming Churches

VIDEO of the Week

As you watch this brief video, please dfeel free to replace 'Father' with 'God beyond Gender' and 'Fear of the Lord' with 'Awe of God'.

Pentecost   . . . The Holy Spirit fills the disciples and they speak in tongues they likely do not understand themselves. It is an uncontrolled public witness - uncontrolled by human agendas - as well as a transformative movement of God. It honestly feels like choosing between someone's corporate controlled image of a smooth, efficient machine and the somewhat chaotic, yet entirely creative, dynamic movement-making frenzy produced by the Holy Spirit's uncontrolled presence in the lives of a group of believers willing to risk it all for the Kingdom. I'll take the latter any day of the week. -Bill Mefford

If you suddenly find yourself caught in an indoor tornado and your scalp on fire, it might be ...Pentecost. Know what to do -- notify an usher.