You're invited to a superhero of a party...

The Action Figure Family FUN-draiser!

Saturday, May 13th, 2017, 7-10pm
1050 East San Jacinto Way, Palm Springs CA

Please bring your friends and hang out with desert burners and support bringing the Action Figure Family Art Project to Jallen's 20th year of Burning Man!

WATCH a 19 year retrospective of Jallen's photography at Burning Man!

PLAY with the art, and glue an action figure onto the actual art project!

WEAR your most outrageous Burner (or superhero) costume! (...or wear whatever you like...)

EXPERIENCE a special Action Figure Infinity Box (thanks Morningstar Productions)!

FREE drinks and snacks, all tips and donations go to the Project!

INVITE your friends on Facebook:

RIGHT NOW watch the crazy video they made for the crowdsourcing campaign:

So looking forward to seeing you there!!!